
Former PCA Pastor Scott Sauls Flees the Denomination, Becomes Egalitarian

Prominent (former) PCA Pastor Scott Sauls has left the Presbyterian Church in America, citing a newfound acceptance of lady preachers and pastrixes as the impetus for his departure.

Sauls used to be a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC, where he rubbed shoulders with, was mentored by, and was closely aligned with Tim Keller before ultimately ending up at Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN.

A prolific contributor to the PCA’s ByFaith (the denomination’s outward messaging arm), he frequently defended the controversial Revoice movement and served as a foil for conservative Presbyterians by coming across as a slightly more buttoned-up version of David French or Russell Moore in his spewing of leftist propaganda, all the while chastising his critics for being too mean. We featured Sauls two years ago after he asked Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships, inquiring:

Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.

In an ironic turn of events, Sauls was placed on an indefinite leave of absence from his church after admitting to a troubling leadership style that was anything but kind and winsome- two traits that he routinely criticized conservatives for not being. Six months later he resigned from the church, with 81% of members voted to accept his resignation.

According to the Presbycast Pravda, what ByFaith did not say is that despite being restored as a member in good standing by his presbytery just two days after resigning, he has left the denomination entirely, leaving a letter where he cited his budding egalitarianism as the cause for his departure. In a letter cited by the Tenneasean, we read:

“With mixed emotions and too many meaningful memories to count, I request release from my ministerial call,” Sauls said in a March letter to the presbytery, according to a copy The Tennessean obtained. “I have begun exploring ordained membership in other biblically orthodox denominations whose polity makes provisions for these new realities.”

Sauls cited both a new professional trajectory and his views on women in ministry as reasons for leaving the PCA, a denomination through which Sauls gained national prominence partly due to his association with the late Rev. Tim Keller.

So where is he going? The Presbycast reveals:

Sauls (as we understand it) intends to affiliate with ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, a loose denomination formed in 2012 by refugees from the liberal, homosexual-affirming PCUSA. Those who formed ECO were a sort of “last straw club.” The last last straw was the ordination of open, practicing homosexual ministers and gay marriage in the mainline church. ECO now positions (markets?) itself as “the Presbyterian denomination built for the 21st Century.” Assumedly, the PCA was built for previous centuries.


Progressive PCA Pastor Scott Sauls Placed on Indefinite Leave of Absence

Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Pastor Scott Sauls has been placed on an indefinite leave of absence from Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, according to a report from RNS.

In a video message to his congregation, Sauls ironically admitted to a troubling leadership style that was anything but kind and winsome- two traits that he routinely criticized conservatives for not being.

“I verbalized insensitive and verbal criticism of others’ work. I’ve used social media and the pulpit to quiet dissenting viewpoints. I’ve manipulated facts to support paths that I desire…I am grieved to say that I have hurt people. I want to say to all of you that I am sorry.”

We featured Sauls last year after he asked Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships, asking:

Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.

Described by the EDW as the “Tim Keller of Nashville, Sauls used to be a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC. He frequently defended the Revoice movement and served as a foil for conservative Presbyterians, routinely coming across as a slightly more buttoned-up version of David French of Russell Moore in his spewing of leftist propaganda while chastising his critics for being too mean.

Sauls told his church that he would seek counseling for perpetrating such an unhealthy church culture, with his fellow elders also copping to their own shortcomings in allowing it to happen. Sean Davis of the Federalist was pleased at the the news, offering:

This should’ve happened years ago. Sauls is a left-wing ideologue who has repeatedly abused his position to push left-wing politics, in direct contravention of the Bible. He has a well-documented history of openly defying church doctrine and teaching.


Exposing Revoice: Scott Sauls, The Tim Keller of Nashville

(Evangelical Dark Web) Last week, Woke Preacher Clips posted a video of PCA pastor Scott Sauls asking Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships. On a podcast with Jeff Norris, a pastor at Perimeter Church, Scott Sauls said the following.

Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.

In broader context surrounding the quote, Scott Sauls was pointing out a call to not be hypocrites. Perhaps this is a mitigating factor, but in general he did just ask that we compare our marriages to inherently degenerate relationships rather that asking us to compare and adhere to the standard of God. The broader context of the segment is worse. Sauls recommends anyone answering questions on sexuality read Preston Sprinkle and Sam Allberry, two proponents of side b theology.

Additionally, there is a posture that the church has been too mean to gays, rather than bending over backwards not to offend homosexuals and family members of homosexuals. Woke Preacher Clips was frustrated with the posture that seems all too common in the church.

Yet again the broader context of Scott Sauls is worse, not just his Big Eva background but his history on this specific issue. Scott Sauls is the Tim Keller of Nashville, an observation I made before finding out… to continue reading click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ray Fava and published at Evangelical Dark Web


PCA Pastor Says Your Marriage Should Be As Committed as Some Homosexual Marriages

A Presbyterian (PCA) pastor known for his promotion of the REVOICE conference is under fire for suggesting that to have the credibility to speak on the subject of the acceleration of LBGTQ ideology into the mainstream and how it affects society, one’s heterosexual marriage needs to be as committed as some homosexual ones are.

Scott Sauls, the Senior Pastor of Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, in a conversation with Jeff Norris of Perimeter Church, explains:

“If you’re a Christian and you’re you’re distressed about the the acceleration of LBGTQ into the mainstream and how it affects society, how it affects your kids etc, and maybe you consider yourself kind of a culture warrior for biblical marriage, please realize that the very first responsibility that you have to have any right to speak into these things, is to have a biblical marriage.

Which means you’re not looking at porn, which means that you are not only not committing infidelity against your spouse, but you are actively pursuing your spouse and and leaning into a dynamic in your relationship with your spouse that pictures Christ and the church as it’s portrayed to us in Ephesians 5.

If you don’t have your own marriage and sexuality within your marriage in order, then you’ve got no business being a more moral bullhorn for culture or for anyone else. So let’s just make sure that we have the moral authority to be able to even talk about these things with any level of concern 

 So many of these conversations that actually could have gone really well were a reality of of moral inconsistency on the part of the one who’s doing the preaching about how other people need to look at their lives in this regard.

“Ask yourself: is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages. You know, some gay marriages are deeply committed, as as out of step with Scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least, you know, on the same level of commitment in your biblical marriage. You know, so that at least you have grounds from which to, you know, have some sort of credibility.”

The problem is that theologically speaking, gay marriage is no more a marriage than a man who kidnaps a 10-year-old girl and “marries” her in some hidden room in his basement. Saul’s error is making the compassion in the first place. ‘Gay marriage’ is not just a type of marriage that is merely “out of step with scripture,” but rather, it is a monstrously sick, grotesque aberration.

It is thoroughly blasphemous and is a representation of unrestrained defiance to the word of God. The scriptures say, ‘For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior.’ If marriage between a man and a woman is supposed to be a picture of Christ’s headship and love for the church, then what does it say about that love and headship when there are two men or two women?

It is no less than a declaration that Christ does not love his church, did not give himself up for her to make her holy, did not cleanse her by the washing with water through the word, and did not present HER to HIM self as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

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