
SBC Exec.Com Says $6M Dollars- ‘Half Our Assets’-Has Been Paid to Guidepost and SATF in ‘Unsustainable Model’ +Video and Transcript

In a meeting yesterday, the SBC Executive Committee (EC) revealed that over six million dollars of EC money has been spent on Guidepost Solutions and the Sexual Abuse Task Force, while describing the enormous expenditure as “unsustainable.”

Dwight Easler, filling in for Convention Finances and Stewardship chair Archie Mason, told members that the EC experienced a $6,704,285 loss in net assets last year. When questioned about the sustainability of losing half their assets in a single year, Mike Bianchi, interim CFO of the Executive Committee, shared:

With regard to the audit there were a few items that are referred to as an ’emphasism of a matter’. The audit was an unqualified opinion, which is good, that’s the highest, most favorable level you could have. But they did emphasize that the matters of the ongoing sexual abuse implementation issues, the DOJ investigation and then also deteriorating liability of the EC are concerns that they wanted to emphasize.

One of the members asked:

Mike, with your expertise, I looked at the audit report and they recommended I think something very similar to what Willie said yesterday. You know, liquidating assets, asking for more money from the convention.

You know, we just approved our new budget for new allocations, but just going forward, I mean, they literally said it’s ‘not sustainable’. So what is your expertise opinion, recommendation, on what we can do, financially going forward because we are in a very, very unstable position.


Great question, thank you for that. They did use the word ‘unsustainable’. The challenge is that much is unknown. No one can put numbers on the things that they emphasized at this point. So ‘unsustainable’ is the notion that the EC lost or used six million dollars of liquidity this year, and that is not sustainable.

Management responded to their concerns and said, ‘yes we will look at various options for changing that trajectory including liquidating assets’ without specifying anything. But liquidating assets, changing certain financial arrangements, obtaining other financing, looking to the Convention as a whole to support and guarantee the funding in the future. So all of those things are on the table and being explored and it was discussed with the auditors.

One member identifies that there’s a red flag here and inquired: “Is there a way that we who are not on the finance committee can have better information, more information about how we’re doing financially? Because we we don’t get this information.” Bianchi responds:

For the future, at this point, we’re holding in place to preserve going into any kind of adjustment with any kind of CP in that regard. However, for the future, this trustee board will have to make difficult decisions to avoid going into a direction that cannot be sustained. Does that make sense? At this point the proposals that we brought to you as a committee is ‘hold your own.’

But decisions will have to be made that we do not know what those decisions will have to be, because we have no number on that yet.

The man clarified what he heard, that it is six million dollars and half the assets that has been lost, clearly astonished at the revelation. (Two days ago, the Baptist Press reported that Guidepost was spending $1.5-2M dollars on their database website). Willie McLaurin, the Interim President of the SBC Executive Committee, offered a final word of clarity.

“So one of the things that they asked management to do is they asked management to provide a management response. And so that response is here are some things that we are going to look at.

If I can put it where everybody can understand it: everything is on the table in terms of how we’re going to maintain and move us forward. And so, when I mean everything is on the table, that means everything is on the table. And so we’re monitoring that on a, not a weekly basis, but literally a daily basis. And so as we monitor all of those pieces, we’re working diligently.

Even this morning, Mike and I had a meeting about some options that we are exploring, and as we move forward, we feel really confident that we believe that God’s given us a plan to help make sure that we maintain as much vitality as we can.

And by the way, as we implement these potential plans, that’s simply implementing them with the unknown and the uncertains, our best understanding to date of where we’re at, and making what we believe to be the best decision that will benefit all the Southern Baptists.

Many Southern Baptists were aghast at the news that “everything was on the table”, wondering whether or not money would be taken from the International Missions Board or other entities to continue paying Guidepost, as the funds needed would likely continue to balloon. Rod D. Martin, a former EC member, was especially critical, writing:


Woke SBC Elites Plan to Make your Church Pay for Abuse at Other Churches

Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Team Member floats trial balloon that entire SBC is responsible for abuse anywhere in SBC.

(Capstone Report) Your tiny, autonomous Baptist church just might be on the hook for some pervert working at a megachurch if a push by Woke SBC Elites comes to fruition. As the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) grapples with its response to sex abuse at autonomous churches, some involved in the process are floating the idea that every SBC cooperating church is responsible for abuse at any SBC cooperating church.

According to Abuse Reform Implementation Task Force Team member Todd Benkert, “Finally, and here I think is where I will get the most pushback, there is at least some responsibility for us as a denomination toward abuse that happens in ANY of our churches.”

You in a rural Alabama church are at least somewhat responsible for abuse at say a Dallas area megachurch. Or, more precisely, the dollars you and your members give to mission work through the Cooperative Program are at least somewhat up for grabs to the Woke SBC Elite and their lawyer buddies.

Oh, and in case you missed it, Benkert makes clear he wants to make your church pay for perverts that have no connection with your tiny congregation.

Benkert said, “Now, the extent ofto continue reading click here

. Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Capstone Report


SBC Elites Defend Churches with Women Pastors, Attack Conservatives

(Capstone Report) The Conservative Baptist Network released a damning report highlighting the leftward drift of the Southern Baptist Convention this week. It triggered the Woke SBC Elites running the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. Some of the reactions were telling. Men who defended churches with women pastors were denying there is any liberal drift in the SBC.

Andrew Hébert denied the leftward drift in the Southern Baptist Convention and was exposed as the very example of that drift.

Andrew Hébert tweeted, “I’m occasionally asked, ‘Do you think the SBC is experiencing liberal drift?’ My answer: Absolutely not. Ask an ACTUAL liberal if Southern Baptists are going liberal and you’ll have your answer.”

And then Andrew Hébert was humiliated for being the liar he is as a distinguished Southern Baptist pointed out Andrew Hébert defended churches having women pastors.

Jon Whitehead said, “Respectfully, Andrew, here is… to continue reading, click here,

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report


SBC In Turmoil? Evidence Corroborates Brown’s Attack on Denhollander Over Sketchy Texts

New evidence supports allegations that Rachael Denhollander has a conflict of interest problem regarding her involvement with sex abuse victims and the Southern Baptist Convention’s Abuse Hotline.
Also, Denhollander allegedly gained access to private information from abuse victim and then contacted Liberty University for a paid position dealing with abuse complaints.

(Capstone Report) Rachael Denhollander has a significant conflict of interest in her role advising victims contacting the SBC’s Abuse Hotline. New evidence corroborates everything Christa Brown alleged in her important Baptist News essay. This new evidence comes from a survivor advocate attempting to defend Denhollander.

Jules Woodson said that the text messages included Denhollander providing guidance on attorneys who could represent alleged victims in cases against the Southern Baptist Convention. Here is a screenshot of the thread. Note how Woodson is trying to defend Denhollander’s involvement but accidently confirms the most serious ethical problems regarding Denhollander’s conflicts of interest.

Note carefully, “Rachael good give them guidance on what types of attorneys to look for, as well as pitfalls to avoid (such as attorneys that require NDA’s,) Woodson said in the Twitter thread.

This confirms Denhollander’s message revealed by Brown, “I just can’t publicly say that I’m helping survivors sue.”

In other words, Woodson confirmed Denhollander is helping or intended to help abuse victims to sue the Southern Baptist Convention—while taking part in a system funded by the Southern Baptist Convention after already having represented an alleged victim who received a settlement (against legal advice) from the SBC.

You really need to read Christa Brown’s essay at Baptist News that highlights the issues involved.

Legal experts pointed toward Denhollander’s actions potentially violating ethical guidelines continue reading , click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report.


Denhollander Has HUGE Conflicts of Interest in Relationship with SBC Abuse Hotline

Is the SBC paying a lawyer to direct people to sue the SBC?

Direct messages reveal Rachel Denhollander’s conflict of interests and that raises serious ethical questions for lawyers.

Abuse advocates and survivors realize the SBC’s Abuse hotline ‘simply cannot be trusted.’

(Capstone Report) The Southern Baptist Convention is directing abuse reporters through its Abuse Hotline to an abuse advocate and lawyer Rachael Denhollander. Unfortunately, new revelations reveal not only Denhollander’s conflict of interest but also, she is secretly directing abuse survivors to lawyers who could file lawsuits against the SBC and directing the abuse survivors to friendly members of the press—in what is clearly a pressure campaign against the SBC. So, it would appear the Southern Baptist Convention is funding a system where abuse victims are routed to a lawyer who advises alleged abuse victims on tactics to maximize financial and reputational harm to the SBC.

Abuse survivor and appellate lawyer Christa Brown made the stunning revelations in a new column posted by Baptist News Global and then revealed supporting documentation on Twitter. According to the documents posted on Twitter,

Brown said, “Since my truthfulness has been publicly questioned, here’s 1 text from Denhollander: ‘I am the advocate they will refer survivors to so I can help them evaluate press & legal options…’ There’s more. I gave documentation to @baptist_news before they published. Common practice… Context? Here’s another excerpt from a Denhollander text: “GP gave her my info…I just can’t publicly say that I’m helping survivors potentially sue…” That is apparently one reason why this info about Denhollander’s role with the hotline has not been widely disseminated.”

Here are the direct messages of interest Brown posted. Pay special attention to the last lines where Denhollander tells Brown that “I just can’t public say that I’m helping survivors potentially sue.”

The SBC is funding the hotline. The only question—is the SBC paying Denhollander?

If so, that raises all sorts of legal questions. Of course, even if not that raises serious questions. Plus, there were already questions with the Sex Abuse Task Force decided to “retain” Denhollander—after all Denhollander represented a client who threated a lawsuit against the SBC and settled that case for over a million dollars thanks to Ronnie..

To continue reading click here, and you’re going to really want to click.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published by the Capstone Report. Title changed by Protestia.


Betrayal! Former SBC University President Votes To Nationalize Gay Marriage

Former Southwest Baptist University President and current lame-duck U.S. Senator from the state of Missouri, Senator Roy Blunt, has voted in favor of the deceptively-named Respect for Marriage Act. The pro-sodomite legislation is expected to become law with unanimous support from the morally-compromised Democrat party and a faction of support from a number of Rinos in the Republican party. Blunt’s support was the greatest surprise, as the Missouri Republican was perhaps the most conservative of the Senators who chose to support the legislation. 

Blunt, known for his relative conservatism, previously voted for the Marriage Protection Amendment, an amendment that would have legally defined marriage as between one man and one woman. The Marriage Protection Amendment was last defeated in 2006. 

Blunt, who remains a Southern Baptist, defied the Missouri Baptist Convention with his vote. In an open letter, the convention urged Blunt to use his power to keep the amendment from becoming law. The Respect For Marriage Act would require states to recognize marriages from all other states, effectively opening the door for every manner of perversion in the institution of marriage and immediately nationalizing gay mirage. If one state legalized marriage that involves polygamy, polyamory, or pedophilia, all states would be required to accept those marriages from that state as legal and binding if the bill becomes law. Additionally, the amendment does not contain adequate language to protect parachurch organizations, religious schools, and Christians who have a spine from government-sanctioned civil and criminal persecution for their refusal to bend their knee to sexual perversion.

Blunt joins a growing number of turncoats in the Evangelical world, who since the Obergefell Supreme Court decision, have “evolved” or “Frenched” on their position on gay mirage. While Blunt had a pro-marriage, pro-life, conservative voting record prior to voting for the amendment, the act of unapologetically joining hands with leftists to support the Sodomite cause will undoubtedly enshrine him in the hall great Southern Baptist leftists alongside Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton. Men like these use their associations to beguile Bible-believing Christians into voting for them before revealing their true selves. Blunt, whose family consists almost entirely of corporate lobbyists, doesn’t have a clear motive for changing his tune on marriage. Unlike other evangelicals who make the compromise when a family member is found to be sexually compromised, the lame-duck vote from Blunt seems to be a pragmatic end-of-career move designed to curry favor with Democrats for his wealthy lobbyist family members.


Johnny Hunt Has Been Restored to Ministry by Pastoral Group

Six months after it was revealed that the Pastor Emeritus of FBC Woodstock and former President of the Southern Baptist Convention, Johnny Hunt, either committed sexual assault against a family friend over a decade ago (her side) or a “brief, improper encounter” that was fully “consensual” (his side) resulting in him being formally suspended from the church he founded and pastored for decades, Hunt has been deemed fit to return to ministry by as panel of pastors overseeing his restoration. 

Hunt, who himself is said to have restored over 400 pastors, underwent an “intense season of transparency, reflection, and restoration” with the full blessing of his church, led by Mark Hoover of NewSpring Church, Benny Tate of Rock Springs Church, Mike Whitson of First Baptist Church, and Steven Kyle of Hiland Park Baptist Church.

In a video about the matter, they do not address the veracity of the claims, nor the woman in question who tells a much different story than Hunt, but rather heap praise upon the disgraced pastor in very flattering and glowing terms.

Over the course of the last several months, Johnny and Janet had submitted themselves to a series of intense private counselling sessions together. Alongside that, Pastor Johnny engaged separately in an onsite intensive counselling program as well. This is all in addition to the 16 weeks of private counselling the Hunts participated in 12 years ago, when the original incident occurred.

At the time of the incident, the congregation was never told about Hunt’s indiscretions and the whole thing was swept under the rug by multiple SBC Pastors.

When Johnny has conviction he puts everything he’s got into it, all of his energy, every minute, and we’ve seen the same conviction during these last several months. He has made this process his full-time job. He’s been all-in on healing his family and ensuring that he’s fulfilled the biblically required process of repentance and restoration. 

And he has, and this may sound strange, but he’s been all-in on the humility required to open his entire life and heart to us, also to his counsellors, and other spiritual and personal advisors. …I believe we can recognise when someone is truly repentant or not. When they take these obligations seriously or they don’t. And I’m so grateful for the spirit and attitude with which Johhny has approached our probing questions and our challenges to them, and the ongoing requirements we’ve set out for them. And all that one more thing. 

Addressing the previous counselling that was said to have taken place, which was never made public, Hoover concludes:

This was a unique circumstance in that there was a process of restoration, which also took place 12 years ago, that process included counselling, and a confession to those involved. We believe that process was real, it was substantial, and it was biblical.

Kyle concludes:

We believe the greatest days of ministry for Johnny hunt, are the days ahead. And I’m thankful that we have a God that that forgives, restores, and a God that works in powerful and mighty ways. And so and so for that, we are grateful.

Hunt himself appears at the very end of the video and shares “In the remaining years of ministry, I’m praying that the lessons God has taught me through all this, he’ll use for His glory in the lives of others, particularly as I continue to be committed to mentor and encourage pastors, and to preach God’s word, every opportunity that he gives me.”


SBC President Bart Barber Gives a Lesson in How NOT to Repent

(Free the States) On September 15, Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) President Bart Barber unleashed a vicious, dishonest Twitter attack against SBC pastor Dusty Deevers. (Watch Deevers’ response to the various attacks here.) One day later, Barber Tweeted an equally dishonest thread against the Abolitionist Movement in general.

On Friday, Barber “repented” on Twitter. Unfortunately, the “repentance” was nearly as bad as the original tirade, and in so doing, Barber put on a clinic teaching us how not to repent.

“A little more than a month ago, I used the word ‘obsession’ to describe @DustyDeevers‘s approach to abortion law, specifically with regard to coerced minors. I repent of that. The word ‘obsession’ not only assumes motivation but also implies something bordering upon mental instability. It’s an inflammatory and accusatory word.

“What makes it worse is that I did it intentionally because I was angry—angry at Deevers’s unwarranted and unprovoked attacks against @LeatherwoodERLC. In my anger, I sought to match Deevers’s own hyperbolic incivility. But my actual job is not to mimic Deevers hyperbolic incivility; my actual job is to imitate Christ’s gracious truth-telling.

“And I know…everyone moved past this weeks ago. But the Holy Spirit has not. And so, I apologize for my intemperate tweeting, I retract the word ‘obsession,’ I thank those of you who called me out on it back then, and covet your prayers for me to do better.”

Repentance is a defining theme in the Abolitionist Movement. Just about everybody has been either apathetic toward or unbiblical (to varying degrees) in their efforts to fight abortion, making repentance something of a rite of passage into the movement. Repentance is so central to abolitionism that the theme of the 2022 Abolition Now Conference was “Repent With Us”, and featured public repentance testimonies from abolitionist leaders like T. Russell Hunter, Blake Gideon, and Jon Speed.

Repentance is part and parcel to the Christian life. The first of Martin Luther’s 95 theses stated, “When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, ‘Repent’ (Mt 4:17), he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” This makes learning how to repent important crucial to the individual Christian and to the movement to abolish abortion.

Working from Barber’s thread, let’s look at three ways to “repent” that undermine true repentance.


When we repent, we must own everything we did wrong. In The Gospel Coalition, Joel Lindsey writes:

“Deep repentance demands full confession. Though it seems counterintuitive, the only way to be truly covered by Christ is to fully expose your sin. In the process of repentance, we must fight to be utterly transparent before God about the depth and breadth of our sin. Only ruthless honesty will suffice—and lead to freedom and joy.”

Lindsey is writing more specifically about confessing sin to God as the sinner pleads for ultimate justification and righteousness in Christ. But the principle applies just as well to sins committed by a believer against a brother. Confession and forgiveness are crucial to the Christian life and partial confession or forgiveness won’t do. Barber’s partial repentance is merely a bone being thrown to those upset with his thread, without actually admitting the sins that simply must be admitted.

Barber made a handful of bad arguments in favor of incrementalism in the thread, but this section will focus on sins committed. Specifically, Barber sinned against Deevers or abolitionists in the following ways:


While Barber repented for using the word “obsession,” he did not repent of the general accusation that Deevers supports sending coerced 16 year-olds to prison.

Barber wrote: “[U]nless you 100% agree with every jot and tittle of Deevers’s obsession with sending 16-year-old girls to prison for succumbing to the coercion of their parents to have an abortion, he will label you ‘against the innocent preborn.’”

This is the most viciously slanderous sentence of the entire two threads, and the word “obsession” has nothing to do with it. Only a monster would support sending to prison a 16 year-old who has been coerced into abortion. No sane person anywhere supports sending to prison vulnerable people who commit under duress what would otherwise be criminal acts. It’s obviously evil and insane to do so, which makes Barber’s accusation an extremely serious one.

Never in his life has Deevers said anything that could even remotely suggest any degree of support for sending coerced minors to prison. Barber is accusing Deevers of horrifying evil based on nothing…to continue reading, click here (and trust me, it’s an excellent, worthy read)

Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and posted at Free the States


Saddleback Church’s Andy Wood Says He Just Wants to ‘Love and Support Pastors in the SBC’

In an interview with the Associated Press, Andy Wood, the new pastor of the 25,000-member, 14-campus Saddleback Church that recently recently raised eyebrows after ordaining several pastrixes and having a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black fold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” says he doesn’t want to get involved in denominational politics, despite his church being ground zero for new controversies within the SBC.

Having recently introduced his wife Stacie as the congregation’s newest female teaching pastor, Wood told AP:

“The church should be a place where both men and women can exercise those spiritual gifts. My wife has the spiritual gift of teaching and she is really good. People often tell me she’s better than me when it comes to preaching, and I’m really glad to hear that.”

According to the AP, Wood “expressed gratitude for the SBC’s partnership at Saddleback and Echo and hopes that it would continue.”

“I’m not looking to engage in denominational battles. I’d really like to be a unifier of people – to help, love and support pastors in the SBC.”

For years Andy Wood’s former church, Echo Church, was supported by the Southern Baptist Convention’s North American Mission Board (NAMB), all the while wife Stacie was an ordained “teaching pastor” and regularly leading services.

Saddleback’s longtime former pastor, Rick Warren, previously made a surprise appearance at the SBC 2022 convention back in the summer and spoke for several minutes uninterrupted, using his time to list all the accomplishments he has done as the largest Southern Baptist church in the world, bragging about all his accomplishments while telling attendees that they need to stop “bickering over secondary issues” like what gender the pastor is, and instead focus on the Great Commission.

Despite being a SBC church with money and influence, there is no way they will unite anyone so long as they continue to act in arrogant disobedience.

Instead, they should fire the pastrixes, get rid of any church leadership who went along with the idea, put on sackcloth and ash, mourn their actions for a decade, and then we’ll talk about how they can start unifying and loving SBC pastors .


SBC Pastor Says Five Nearby Southern Baptist Churches Have Women Pastors, Urges Executive Committee to Ban Them

As war wages in the Southern Baptist Convention over whether or women are qualified to be pastors, the controversy sparked anew after SBC church Saddleback Church commissioned and ordained several pastrixes, Pastor Mike Law of Arlington Baptist Church in Arlington, VA, sent an open letter to the SBC Executive Committee, urging them amend the SBC constitution by closing that door once and for all.

The letter, which has been signed so far by nearly 650 SBC pastors, says in part:

I write concerning my motion to amend the SBC Constitution to include an enumerated 6th item under Article III, Paragraph 1 concerning “Composition.” As offered and referred to you at this past June’s annual meeting, the enumerated 6th item would read: “6. Does not affirm, appoint, or employ a woman as a pastor of any kind.”

Personally, I felt the need to offer this amendment because five Southern Baptist churches, roughly within a five-mile radius of my own congregation, are employing women as pastors of various kinds, including women serving as “Sr. Pastor.” Many others have found that a number of Southern Baptist churches appoint, affirm, or employ women as pastors in their areas, too. These churches often use a modified title – co-pastor, worship pastor, women and children’s pastor, discipleship pastor, or youth pastor – but all trade on the office of “pastor.”

The signatories to this letter join me in urging you to recommend the above amendment at the 2023 annual meeting. This action will bring clarity to the current confusion in our Convention, as well as “keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace

To see and sign, click the Twitter link or click here.