
Julie Roys Invites Notorious Racist to Speak at Her Conference

In 2022, Julie Roys of the Roys Report was forced to pull out of her own “Restore 2022” conference after being accused of committing gross and creepy spiritual abuse against a young teen

Unlike sexual abuse, spiritual abuse seemingly has a one-year shelf-life, as Roys has announced she will be part of the conference’s 2023 speaker lineup, along with notorious race-baiter Kyle J. Howard, who she has previously platformed and praised.

It’s a bold move for Roys, who has made a name for herself by writing dozens of articles criticizing John MacArthur for invented and contrived minutia, with subsequently resulted in her being discredited and destroyed. Her cagey practices are perhaps best exemplified in her awful appreciation of MacArthur’s home value

While Roys goes hard in the paint against MacArthur and Grace Community Church regularly, she’s been cheerleading on Howard, even though she would excoriate any leaders at GCC if they had anything near Howard’s track record. Take a look:

Kyle J. Howard Calls Republicans’ White Supremacist’ Cultists- Who He Will Never Forgive or Embrace

Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or Attend Predominantly White Churches

Kyle J. Howard says Black Boys being Molested by Black Men is the Fault of White People

Kyle J. Howard Watches Filthy, Filthy, Sex-Filled, Pornographic TV Shows

Kyle J. Howard Doesn’t Feel Comfortable in White Churches Because The Services Start and End on Time

Kyle J. Howard Says The Dead Children in Texas were Victims of ‘White Supremacy’/ White Folk

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks

Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’

Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

Kyle J. Howard Says A Desire for Free Speech is ‘Racist’ and about ‘Preserving White Power’

Kyle J. Howard is ‘Triggered’ by Supreme Court’s anti-Roe vs Wade Ruling Because White People ‘Sacrificed Black People’s Joy and Flourishing’ To Attain it.

Kyle J. Howard Gives 48 Hours of Extra-Spicy and Deeply Racist Quotes

One could imagine the uproar she’d raise if John MacArthur said, “White Boys Being Molested by White Men is the Fault of Black People, as Howard similarly claimed. 

Apart from his litany of racial rants, there is questionable biography is also to contend with. We’ve offered a $3500 informational bounty to anyone who can prove the details, as surely one of the 35,000 active Crips gang members would remember Kyle J. Howard, the rich and affluent kid who joined their gang secretly, never told anybody about it at the time, and then left without anyone caring. Until them, all indication is that Howard fabricated his back story for intersectional internet points and attention.

Roys has long ago ceased being regarded as credible journalist, but perhaps she can let up the articles on MacArthur for just a minute to recognize a true threat to the Christian church, rather than give it attention, a microphone, and top billing at her show.

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John MacArthur Files Document in Court Repudiating Julie Roys – ‘It’s a Falsehood’

Lawyers for John MacArthur filed paperwork on Friday in the L.A. Superior Court, asking that the injunction that ordered them to cease holding indoor services and making masks and social distancing be dissolved, as well as repudiating testimony from Julie Roys after it was used by the County’s lawyers to claim MacArthur has been lying about COVID breakouts in his congregation, and that they weren’t being reported.

Among the paperwork filed was a declaration from MacArthur, noting that his lawyers were trying to make her testimony/report against them inadmissible and that even if it was admissible, it was full of falsehoods.

Grace Community Church and their legal representation will be in court on April 9th to have their motion heard.