
Rod Parsley’s NAR Network Will Ordain Anyone for $100 and ‘Ongoing Monthly Tithes’

Rod Parsley’s City Harvest Network (CHV) has launched a program where they will ordain or license anyone to be a minister within its network, and all it will cost you is $100-200 and between 1 and 10 percent of your monthly income.

CHV bills itself as a “soul-winning network connecting Pentecostal leaders around the world with a living legacy to expand God’s kingdom through church growth, church revitalization and church planting.” They claim that the “mantle of anointing” and “living legacy of spiritual lineage” has been transferred from Smith Wigglesworth and the way down to Rod Parsely.

[Editor’s note: Smith Wigglesworth was the 19th-century version of Todd Bentley. Smith Wigglesworth infamously claimed (and most Pentecostals believe) that he had healed a dying 2-month-old baby by throwing it against a wall and then kicking it like a soccer ball.]

The program is designed both for full-time ministers, as well as for “individuals seeking ministerial recognition for themselves.”

For the latter, some examples given might include itinerant ministers, chaplains, evangelists, and missionaries, but also importantly, lay people who wish to be licensed to the ministry.

In exchange for your fees, you’ll get:

  • Spiritual covering with recognized ministerial credentials for yourself and your entire ministry team.
    This includes a team dedicated to praying for you and your ministry.
  • Satisfaction knowing you and your congregation’s monthly financial contribution is furthering the work of the Gospel world-wide
  • Special discounts to continue education through Valor Christian College (for yourself AND any students you recommend)
  • 50% off resources from Pastor Rod Parsley
  • Coming soon: Leadership training, tools, and tips from seasoned City Harvest Mentors, including Pastor Rod Parsley

No education is needed other than having passed 6th grade, nor is any formal (or really, informal) ministry experienced required. You do have to tell them when you were saved, along with when you were separately “baptized in the Holy Spirit” with tongues being the evidence.

Credentials are renewed monthly until canceled, and in order to remain in good standing with City Harvest Network, individuals contribute a percentage of their personal income monthly. It can be as little as 1%, but Harvest Network suggest either 5 or 10%

Further, any individual wishing to keep their credentials must sign a statement of ethical conduct, which includes things like “Live a life of marital fidelity as outlined in the scriptures” and “Walk in integrity and model financial accountability in ministry and personal affairs.”

It seems like if you were to buy into and affirm this little scheme, you could never affirm that last one.