Critical Race Theory SBC Social Justice Wars

Southern Baptist Pastor Doubles Down on Threat to Leave SBC if Critical Race Theory is Denounced at Convention

A prominent Southern Baptist pastor is doubling down on his threats to leave the Southern Baptist Convention if Resolution 9 is rescinded, promising that he will jump ship and join other personalities like Charlie Dates, John Onwuchekwa, Beth Moore, and Russell Moore as people that have publicly parted ways with the embattled denomination.

At odds is the utility of CRT and intersectionality within the life of SBC congregants. At the last convention Resolution 9 snuck in unawares and was adopted before people knew much about it. Of particular concern was this troublesome section:

WHEREAS, Critical Race Theory and intersectionality alone are insufficient to diagnose and redress the root causes of the social ills that they identify, which result from sin, yet these analytical tools can aid in evaluating a variety of human experiences, and

Super gross.

Conservatives are hankering to take it out, but the progressives want to keep it in. It was the very presence of this threat of removal that saw Dwight McKissic, who by the way is a race-baiting Cultural Marxist who routinely terrorizes the SBC annual meeting with resolutions forcing messengers to vote for his policies or suffer looking politically incorrect in the press, drew a red line in the sand by saying 5 months ago:

Lest we think he stuttered, he reiterated it today in an op-ed in the ne’er-do-well SBC Voices, writing:

It takes great audacity, given the SBC’s history, to take such a bold step, to denounce the entirety of CRT—particularly with the National African American Fellowship of the SBC unanimously opposed to denouncing CRT in its entirety.

I am often asked how many Black churches may leave the SBC if Resolution 9 is rescinded. I honestly have no idea, and no desire to influence any to leave, which is one major reason why I am not going to attend the Nashville meeting. I do not want to be accused of leading churches away from the SBC.

But what I do know is—as for me and my house—if the major thesis and thrust of Resolution 9, passed by a majority in Birmingham 2019, is gutted or rescinded—we will exclusively align with the National Baptist Convention and the Baptist General Convention of Texas.

This, of course, would be a blessing. We pray these are not empty threats, but rather promises.

At this point, we have no reason to suppose that the SBC can pull itself out of this liberal pit without a mass exodus of all the unsavory types, but certainly having McKissic leaving out to help a little.

He is a pus-filled boil that should have lanced and drained from the armpit of the Southern Baptist Convention a long time ago. Instead, he was left to fester for years and years, infecting and spreading his particularly potent leaven. With him gone, the SBC has a chance, but we’re not holding our breath.