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Big Eva Silent or Supportive as Biden Names Transvestite as Assistant Health Secretary

(Evangelical Dark Web) Mean tweets are the reason we were supposed to support a Biden Regency, according to Big Eva. Because after all, it cannot truly be said that any of the sins that plague Trump are absent in Biden (adultery, shady business practices, lying). But Joe Biden does not send mean tweets at six in the morning, so Russell Moore, John Piper, Tim Keller, JD Greear, and many others in the guild worked diligently to undermine Trump’s reelection despite knowing full well what a Joe Biden regency would entail.

Without being inaugurated, the amount of total depravity we are seeing from the incoming regency is truly remarkable. In addition to touting future pro-abortion policies, Rachel Levine is to be named assistant secretary of health. Levine is a transvestite serving as the Secretary of Health in Pennsylvania. He is most known for demanding reporters conform to his preferred pronouns and removing his mother from nursing homes right before sending a nursing home pandemic there.

Thabiti Abnyabwile of The Gospel Coalition voices…

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Editor’s Note. This article was originally published at the Evangelical Dark Web