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Pure Flix Founder David AR White Announces Divorce from Wife

David A.R. White and Andrea Logan announced on Saturday that the couple was divorcing, after revealing that marriage ended years ago, but that it was only being formalized now.

White, known as the founder of the Christian movie studio Pure Flix that has released such fare as God’s not Dead, The Case for Christ and Unplanned, as well being an actor in many of the films he produces, informed the world on Instagram that the decision to rend the marriage asunder came after “a great deal of prayer and counseling over many years.”

Logan released her own statement, writing:

“We made the most difficult decision to end our marriage years ago — a decision that came after a great deal of prayer and counseling over many years. Divorce is an unbearable grief and is being reminded of the death of a family dream every single day.

We have waited quite a while to share this news with the public, as we wanted to give our family the time and space to heal and process all that unfolded during such a difficult time.

We would appreciate your encouragement and prayer and would request privacy in this matter. Our priority is to continue to seek the Lord’s guidance for our family, as we lovingly co-parent our three amazing children. We value your prayers for our family and grateful for your understanding.

While the future is unknown, I have faith in God , and we stand on this:
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a future and hope.”

The couple has three young kids together.

Ironically, one of his most recent projects is the producer of Redeeming Love, the big-screen adaptation of the bestselling Francine Rivers novel due out next year.

Redeeming love is a fictional portrayal of the story between a farmer, Michael Hosea, who marries a prostitute. Though she repeatedly cheats on him and runs out on him, back to a life of whoring and selling herself with the result of unimaginable anguish and pain, Michael continually takes her back, woos her, and loves her. He refuses to divorce her, and they ultimately remain together and build a joyful marriage despite years of pain and infidelity.

The story is a metaphor for the Book of Hosea, with Hosea marrying the prostitute Gomer to represent the Lord and unfaithful Isreal, and yet the Lod continually calling her back.