
PCA Leader Says Pastors Should Tell More Stories about Gay People From the Pulpit To Be More Loving

Weeks after Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America, the results of finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine and instead want the freedom to preach their particularly noxious brand of subversive sexual theology, Johnson explains that one of the best ways to make gay people in our congregants know we care about them is to preach more positive illustrations about homosexuals from the pulpit, using illustrations that intentionally note people’s sexual deviancy and sexual sin, even if it’s not relevant to the story.

Speaking to Martin Helgessen on the to the Apologia – Centrum för Kisten Apologetik channel on October 27 2022:

Question: What do you think we should do at our church to make LGBTQ people know that we care about them

Is homosexuality only discussed in the context of discussing everybody else’s sins? You know, because you don’t ever want to pick on- you don’t ever want to preach on one sin that the whole congregation doesn’t experience and make one or two people who do feel horrible.

But it’s things like that that you can do, making sure that positive stories of gay people make it into the pulpit. You know, if you’ve preached with illustrations, you know, there’s one story that I’ve been telling for years.

I had a very small little Honda Civic in the late 1980s, and we had a horrific snowstorm…so I was trying to get out of my alleyway to get to school, grad school, and my car had gotten stuck in the snow, so that my wheels were spinning, but they weren’t touching the ground anymore. And I remember just thinking, ‘this is horrible. How am I going to get out of here?’ Like, ‘how long will it take for snow to melt under me? Will that even happen?’

He continues:

And then a Rolls Royce Silver Cloud pulls up, something from the 1930s, this expensive antique car and out pop three gay men. And two of them have shovels, and the other one has a top hat and a big fur coat.. and he tells his friends to dig me out. And meanwhile he’s talking to me he’s like, ‘so what do you do? Are you a student?’ Like, yeah, I’m a student. ‘What do you study?’ Historical theology.

But the point is, the Good Samaritan was the gay man who, in a snowstorm, got out his 5000 pound Rolls Royce and two of his buddies to drive around shoveling theology student’s cars out of ditches, you know? Who’s the Christ figure? It’s this gay guy.

Tell stories from the pulpit like that. I have probably a dozen or more stories like that in my book. Talk about CS Lewis and his gay best friend Arthur, you know, and their friendship as a model of what friendship could be. You know, there’s stories to be told. And also just make sure that there would never be anything said up front that would make someone feel targeted. Stay out of politics.

News SBC

15 Sermons and Counting! Ed Litton Tag-Team Preaching With Wife More Extensive than Revealed

Videos continue to pour in documenting that embattled Southern Baptist President Ed Litton preached far more sermons with his wife than was initially thought, despite claiming that women do not preach from his pulpit.

At this point, we have saved and documented at least 15 sermons (courtesy of this guy) from both him and his wife, Kathy, but also another couple named Justin and Trish took to the pulpit to preach between 2012 and 2018. 

Said another way, 5-8% of the sermons preached from Redemption Church in some of those years were by a woman.

In an interview with, he justified his soft egalitarianism by explaining that he only preached sermons with his wife on marriage and family, and that the BFM2000 doesn’t always speak to them.

I’m a complementarian. I believe the roles that God gives us, I believe that the pastor, and this is right in line with the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, the elder of the church has to be a male, the primary teaching pastor. But I also believe in the autonomy of the local church. The truth is, the Baptist Faith and Message doesn’t speak to my wife, with me, on a series on marriage, or a series talking about familyI don’t contain all the wisdom in the world. 

I believe the word of God does, but my wife is an apt teacher and she helps me communicate to our people. She also provides a voice that our people need to hear. So, I felt absolutely free, within my convictional status and the Baptist Faith and Message and the word of God, to invite my wife to come up. She is under my authority as her pastor. We did that together. I’m very proud of her. She did an outstanding job.

That’s straight trash, of course, but as we’ve discovered with Ed Litton, who frequently bends or blows past the truth to fit his agenda, it’s also a lie.

One of the sermon series he preached with his wife wasn’t about that at all, but rather a broader sermon series examining the Christian life, holiness, and overcoming worldliness. It is a similar title to the book and Bible Study by Craig Groeschel, WEIRD: Because Normal Isn’t Working published in 2012…Sermons in the 2013 Weird series were: Weird: Because Normal Isn’t Working, co-preached; Lifestyles of the Weird, co-preached; Weird Pleasures, co-preached; Playing Weird with the Truth, preached by Ed Litton; Weird Sexuality, co-preached.”

In introducing the sermon series, Litton explained that “the ultimate purpose of this series is so that you and I will not only get comfortable with being weird but that we will embrace our weirdness and that we will encourage one another to be weird.”

During his questionnaire for the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood’s Candidate forum, which he participated in order to win the presidency, he said that “The only ministry the Bible limits to God-called and qualified men is the office of pastor, which is rightly designated by the title of pastor and elder,” he also specifically said that women do not preach from his pulpit: a revelation that is patently untrue.

Ed Litton is an unrepentant liar, and anyone wanting to learn more can watch this mini-documentary to learn more.