
Evangeleftist Kevin Young Tells Bible Readers to Reward Themselves with Liquor or a Sunday Off Church

Kevin Young, an up-and-coming false teacher among Evangeleftists, regularly uses progressive talking points to advocate for radical anti-biblical positions. Young believes that Sodom and Gomorrah’s destruction was not related to sodomy but rather due to the lack of hospitality. Such scripture twisting has led to such bad conclusions as the idea that Jesus and Paul were proponents of “Gender Fluidity”.

Young also likes to muddy the waters by comparing apples to oranges. A prime example is when Young equates the church’s rejection of transgender ideology to a rejection of intersex individuals, who Young proclaims “fill” the Bible. 

Young recently gave a series of tips to those who are considering a New Year’s scripture reading resolution. Those tips include practicing social justice instead of reading scripture, avoiding books that include God’s law, and rewarding yourself after two weeks of success with liquor or by taking a “Sunday off church.”

While liquor in moderation is within the bounds of Christian liberty for a believer that is not given over to excessive overindulgence or drunkenness, Kevin received a well-earned rebuke for his suggestion that believers should not make Bible Reading a top priority. He even tried to backpedal and claim that the post was a joke, but reiterates that if taking a Sunday off from church is motivation, he believes that Christians should take Sunday off.

Kevin regularly attacks the idea of Christians gathering together on the Lord’s Day as nonessential.

Kevin blames “ineffective church methodologies” for apostatizing youth. Since 70% of evangelical teens apostatize, Kevin believes that you should consider skipping Christmas Sunday worship for a “home-based” alternative.

Kevin provided a church-at-home worship guide for Christmas Sunday that ends with a series of self-centered carnal questions.

Despite Kevin Young’s denial that he was serious when he suggested that Christians should take a Sunday off as a Bible reading reward, Young’s continual assertions that Christians don’t need to gather together shows that he really doesn’t believe in a commitment to gathering on the Lord’s day. Young doesn’t even believe that the proclamation of the word in the form of a sermon is an essential part of gathering.

Those mystified by Young’s self-confidence in leading those who would follow into every form of doctrinal error should consider the wayward nature of Young and the source of his so-called knowledge and wisdom.

Kevin Young is on a trajectory towards heresy in many forms, a disposition he holds with great pride.

Breaking Featured News

Popular ‘Christian’ Media Personality Jen Hatmaker Files For Divorce From Husband

Update. Jen Hatmaker has now shared the news on her Facebook page, writing:

“I first thank you for the kindness you have shown these last two months. We are in a moment with no handbook and without a single clue how to navigate this privately, much less publicly. I don’t know how to hide grief, so I haven’t, and I am grateful for your absolute decency these last few weeks. I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced. Although the details are ours alone, this was completely unexpected, and I remain stunned as we speak. I am shocked, grief-stricken, and broken-hearted.

Although this community is impossibly dear, beloved to me, in case you are an interloper who revels in the pain of another, I beg you to spare us your cruelty. We have suffered so greatly. (Hateful comments that harm our family will be deleted.) The kids and I are getting away to retreat for awhile, and I ask for your kindness…and for some room to breathe. Please respect the privacy of our children and our extended family. Our loss is not for public devouring. We are real people managing this in our real life in real time, and we are doing the absolute best we know how to do.

If you pray, pray for us. Hold us so dear to your hearts. We have felt your prayers these last few weeks. We have experienced your mercy. Thank you for being good to us. Know that we are deeply surrounded by love and have not been alone a single second in two months. Please help protect us and keep us safe as we try to heal and rebuild.


Jen Hatmaker, the gay-affirming Christian media personality who’s not actually a Christian, has filed for divorce from her husband, Brandon Hatmaker. The move to end their marriage was initiated late last month in a Texas Courthouse, in documents that have been uncovered today, but have not been announced yet by either spouse yet.

The couple has been married 26 years and have 5 children. Apart from their TV shows and books they’ve written and started in, the Hatmakers also founded Austin New Church in Austin, Texas, where Brandon is a Pastor and Jen is a board member.

Hatmaker has hinted these last few weeks that things have not been well, describing it in a bit of detail on her Instagram and other places.

No cause has been given yet, as it has not been made public, but we expect one soon.

While Jen has cut back on her public engagements these last few weeks, she is still expected to give a talk at the Evolving Faith conference, the progressive get-’em-up where heretics go to burn off some steam and explain in contorted, esoteric ramblings why they really do love Jesus by demonstrating their hatred for him.

Pray for repentance for the Hatmakers and comfort for their children.