abortion News Politics

‘Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden’ Feel ‘Used and Betrayed’ after Dems Pass Pro-Choice Legislation

Update. It’s Dead . They’ve shut down

In one of the finest examples of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” known to man, the progressive group Pro-Life Evangelicals for Biden are upset and crying foul that the Biden-Haris Presidency has kept to their campaign promises and passed legislation that is anything but pro-life.

Formed 5 months ago, these so-called “evangelicals leaders” worked to get Biden and Harris elected, all on the basis of somehow believing that the Democrats’ overall agenda was more “biblically balanced” than the Republicans’ was. The group was spearheaded by Richard Mouw, President Emeritus of Fuller Seminary and TGC contributor, along with Ron Sider, President Emeritus of Evangelicals for Social Action.

Now, in an open letter sent to the administration, the group expresses how “disappointed” and “upset” they are that Biden’s $1.9 trillion bailout excludes provisions for the Hyde Amendment, a longstanding bipartisan policy that prevents taxpayer-funded abortion.

These snivelers describe how they supported Biden with the understanding that he’d more or less preserve the current state of pro-life legislation and have “open dialogue” with them about abortion issues and keep pro-life restrictions in place. But he didn’t, and now they’re crying foul.

Saying they feel “used and betrayed” over it, they describe how “many Evangelical and Catholics took risks to support Biden publicly” and because they vouched for him, Biden and the Dems need to “honor their courage” by not supporting pro-choice legislation.

Naturally, the Democrats ignored this irrelevant group and did exactly what they were promising to do the whole time, playing this group for the fools they are for the whole world to see.