Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies Politics

Trump No Longer Identifies as a Presbyterian, Now Calls Himself a…

President Trump, who has for decades has identified himself as a Presbyterian, has repudiated his former denomination and now identifies as a “Non-Denominational Christian.”

In an exclusive interview with Religion News Service, Trump responded in a written statement to a question about whether or not he considered himself an evangelical Christian:

Though I was confirmed at a Presbyterian church as a child, I now consider myself to be a non-denominational Christian.

Trump did not elaborate or give any indication of when this transition happened or what it means for him personally.

The President’s faith has been the subject of much speculation, but every indication is that he is a false convert and needs to be saved. Lest one think that President Trump previously identified with the conservative PCA, however, the PCUSA would be more in line with his thinking. He told CBN in 2012:

“I’m a Protestant; I’m a Presbyterian. And you know I’ve had a good relationship with the church over the years. I think religion is a wonderful thing. I think my religion is a wonderful religion.”

For years he attended Marble Collegiate Church, a once-Reformed, now fully inclusive, LGBT-supporting church in New York City that was home for half a century to Senior Minister Norman Vincent Peale, author of the best-selling heretical book The Power of Positive Thinking. Naturally, the Church has been a theological nightmare for decades and should not be viewed as a legitimate church.

According to RNS:

Asked whether he learned anything spiritually from his experience of contracting COVID-19, Trump responded that he and Melania ‘felt the prayers of Americans from all across the country — and even around the world’ when he was recovering at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center.

I said, ‘There were miracles coming down from heaven.’ I meant it — Melania and I are very thankful to God for looking out for our family and returning us to good health.

Church Evangelical Stuff Featured

Tim Keller’s Redeemer Presbyterian Church Buys $30M Building For Future Church Plant in All-Cash Deal

Redeemer Presbyterian Church, on the lookout for a new building in order to deal with growing pains, purchased a multifamily property at 150 East 91st Street. NY, for $29.5 million in an all-cash deal.

The church’s plan is to convert the existing structure into a church space that will include meeting rooms, a sanctuary, office, and “community and cultural spaces”. The church planners looked at 526 properties, narrowed to 120, pursued 22, and made offers on 5.

On the lookout for a property for a over 3 years, the RPC plans to convert the space into a 600 person sanctuary, with room for a 300 person fellowship hall and up to 17 classrooms.

On top of the $30 million paid for the building, there will be buildout costs of up to $10 million dollars, with plans to move in around 2023. Possible options also include having one of their ministries, City to City, occupy several floors, thus helping defer costs and streamlining efficiencies.

“Redeemer looks forward to having not only a local presence on the Upper East Side that will allow us to better serve our congregants but also a community and cultural space that contributes to the flourishing of our neighbors.” 

Rev Dave Cho, senior pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church East Side, in a message to the Commerical Observer.

James Herring, an elder at Redeeming Presbyterian and Chairman of the Building Committee, announced the news to the congregation on August 16th, explaining:

With over $45 million dollars in contributions to this project from Rise, by partnering with City to City, and with some additional contribution from you the congregation, we continue to feel we’re in a strong position to move forward in spite of the challenge of the COVID crisis.