Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Op-Ed

Beth Moore Preaches About As well As A Dog Can Walk On Its Hind Legs

That is to say, not very well. You want to hear some bad preaching? We have some bad preaching for you.

In a newly unearthed clip, Beth Moore – both the doting perfect princess of Lifeway/SBC proper and the red-headed stepchild of the faithful remnant within, preached a sermon in March 2020 at Progressive Baptist Church in Chicago.

She was introduced by Senior Pastor Charlie Dates in glowing terms as “Auntie Beth,” who commended her to his congregation “I hope you will receive with me with all the honor in the world, the esteemed privilege we have to hear from one of God’s leading women in the world, Beth Moore.”

If the name Charlie Dates sounds familiar, you likely know him from an article we wrote where we relayed that, being an SBC Executive Committee Panel Member, he said the SBC “Don’t Need Black Faces with White Theology/Voices/Ideas Leading the Convention.”

But in the clip below, Moore makes this fascinatingly bizarre and eisegetical connection between Noah getting drunk at some point after becoming a farmer and…Christians getting drunk off their own fruity giftedness? And something about getting lit and being alone? Who are the sons covering Noah’s nakedness? Is that metaphorical too? What in world is going on here?

The historical-grammatical method is far, far away from this one.

She says:

Noah, as a man of the soil, began by planting a vineyard and he drank some of the wine and became drunk.

What a weird thing to find in scripture! Because we know he was a righteous man, and it seems like he literally got off the boat and got lit.

And you know what? I mean who could blame him. Who could blame him? And no wonder he became a man of the soil. Nothing would make you a man or woman of the soil like being tossed around on a boat in nothing but water for weeks on end. Of course, he became a man of the soil.

But the first thing we see is he planted a vineyard, he drinks of the wine, and he gets drunk on it, and here’s this metaphor that I want to suggest to you. This is what happens when people, and I want you to think in spiritual terms, drink alone. On their own fruits. They just get drunk on it.

We got people all over this nation that are boasting in their giftedness, drunk on their own fruit. Nobody else is drinking of it the way they are. They’re not drinking of anybody else, because all they want is the wine coming from their own fruit.

This is not the picture that Scripture gives us. There is a community that works together. There is a community that comes together that can know gladness instead of drunkenness. Let me tell you something, this Christian world and this nation is drinking something. The only way I know to explain some of what we’re seeing is somebody’s slipping something in the water somewhere, and we’re drunk on our own fruit.

The full video can be seen here, but we don’t know why you would punish your ears like that. Don’t be a sadist. But if you ever have friends and family ask you what’s wrong with Beth Moore and her preaching, you’ll always have this.

For a few more of her recent greatest hits:

Beth Moore Doesn’t Want You To Preach or Share The Gospel at The Protests

Beth Moore Openly Affirms Woman Pastrix

Beth Moore Falsely Claims ‘White Supremacy’ is Running Rampant in ‘Much of the Church’

Church Evangelical Stuff Heresies News podcast Religion

Kanye West Talks Expository Preaching and Jesus on Joe Rogan Podcast

Musician and designer Kanye West appeared on the Joe Rogan Podcast on Friday, spending nearly three hours conversing with the famed interviewer about running for the presidency, design, record contracts, being bipolar, politics, abortion, family, Jesus, race, war, and everything else under the sun, frequently speaking in self-aggrandizing statements and sharing both good and bad theology.

The hotly anticipated conversation was everything listeners hoped it would be, with West talking nearly the whole time in a stream of consciousness. At times he made perfect sense and at others he struggled to explain his ideas and articulate them in the best possible and clearest way, resulting in a confusing mess. He describes his reasoning and the way he processes and shares information this way:

I think very three-dimensionally. I don’t think in the black-and-white lines that I’ve been programmed to think in. And I think in full color. So when I talk, I have to describe a thought in five ways. We enjoy food that has multiple seasonings in it. We enjoy music that has multiple instruments. So when I talk, it’s not a rant, it’s a symphony of ideas.

It’s in this spirit that we offer a few thoughts from West.

On making music for God

When I made Sunday Service, I completely stopped rapping, because I don’t know how to rap for God. All my raps always had nasty jokes. When I went to the hospital in 2016, I wrote, ‘Started church in Calabasas.’ As we left from 2018 going into 2019, I said; I’m not going to let one Sunday go by without starting this church. To start a ministry, I’m like the little drummer boy, where I’m saying, ‘This is all I got to bring, my drum.’ I might not be well versed in the Word, but I know how to make music and I know how to put this choir together. And all things can be made good for God. It quickly became the best choir of all time, because all the best singers moved to California…I was four months in before I gave my life to God. I wasn’t saved, I just had a calling, saying, ‘Just go make this church.’

God knocked me off my horse, literally called me and said, ‘Now I need you.’ Not that God needs me, but we need God. He called me to serve him. I was tired of serving the music industry, tired of serving filling up stadiums.

On expository preaching:

One of my pastors, pastor Adam, the way he preaches is called expository. It’s like one-to-one by the Word. I like all different kind of preachers but there are some type of preachers they get up, they have the bible in their hand, and they close the bible and they just talk for two hours.

And some do have anointing, but expository preachers go line for line, and for me it’s like I come from entertainment. I got so much sauce, I don’t need no sauce on the word. I need the word to be solid food that I can understand exactly what God was saying to me through the King James version, through this, you know, this translation or the English Standard Version.”

On Abortion:

People saw this clip of me crying. Some people didn’t know what I was crying about. I was crying about that there is a possible chance that Kim and I didn’t make the family that we have today. That’s my most family-friendly way to word that. The idea of it just tears me up inside, that I was a part of a culture that promotes this kind of thing.

One of the major statistics on the subject of life is that the greatest advocates for the A-word [abortion] are men from ages 31-37. That’s how old I was. I felt like I was too busy. My dad felt like he was too busy for me. We have a culture of that…In our culture, we’re doped up, and psyched out, and made to kill our children. We have to decouple the conversation of Planned Parenthood and women’s choice.

I’m Christian, so I’m pro-life. When I go into office, I’m not changing laws because I realize we live in an imperfect world and an imperfect society. What I will be presenting is a Plan A. We’ve already started working on a Plan A to change the connotation of orphanages, to change the connotation of foster care.

There were 210,000 deaths due to COVID in America. Everywhere you go, you see someone with a mask on. With A, the A word, A culture–I’ll say it one time, with abortion culture–there are 1,000 Black children aborted a day. Daily. We are in genocide. More Black children since February than people have died of COVID. And everyone wears a mask. So it’s a matter of where are we turning a blind eye to?

The whole interview is fascinating and be seen here or on Spotify. West talks further about Jesus and God speaking to him in a host of other contexts, all peppered throughout the interview, with some of it good and some of what he has to say very bad.

Continue to pray for West.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Fallen Pastor Art Azurdia is Restored and Back on the Preaching Circuit

Disgraced pastor and teacher Dr. Arturo G. Azurdia III (Art Azurdia) is back on the preaching circuit and making the conference rounds 20 months after his fall from grace. He was scheduled to speak at the 2020 Word conference in May, along with The Gospel Coalition member H. B. Charles Jr., but due to COVID lockdown that conference has been postponed until June 1-3, 2021.

Dr. Arturo G. Azurdia III, you’ll remember, was the brilliant expositor and homiletics master at Trinity Church in Portland. Many thousands were blessed by the preaching of Art Azurdia, especially in circles that are considered to be more theologically sound. He even preached at John MacArthur’s 2018 Shepherd’s conference, a pulpit not easily attained.

Then a few months after that conference, it was revealed that he jumped into a bed of sexual immorality and was consequently released from his position as pastor.

In a confession statement on his website, he would write:

Several years ago, prior to the inception of Trinity Church, I strayed from my wedding vows, breaking the covenantal bond I made to my dear wife thirty-six years ago. More recently, I again violated my marriage commitment. In both instances I engaged in adulterous relationships that were nothing less than acts of defiance to the will of my God and Father, as well as expressions of profound ingratitude for the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ that I prize so dearly.

I confess this sin and take full responsibility for it. There are no justifications, excuses, or rationalizations for my behavior. I, in acts of idolatry, chose sin over God. I am profoundly ashamed at the enormity of my rebellion, as well as the hypocrisy of exercising ministry while cloaking my sin in the shadows.

Azurdia returning to teaching and preaching is an interesting one, in light of further comments he made where he acknowledges the consequences of his actions would have on his public ministry and the pursuance thereof:

Because of my sin I have disqualified myself from the office of elder. Furthermore, I have no desire to pursue ministry of any kind. My focus is entirely directed at making right the very thing I have ignored for too long: the well-being of our marriage.

Along with his role of pastor at the church he planted, Trinity Church, Azurdia also served as a professor of theology at Western Seminary and taught homiletics.