Church Heresies Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope Francis Says God is Going to Flood the Earth Again If We Don’t Stop Global Warming

(Reformation Charlotte) In one of the most well-known passages of Scripture, God flooded the Earth to destroy all of mankind because of their continuous evil with the exception of Noah and his family. When he did so, he promised never to commit such an act against mankind again and gave us the rainbow as a sign of this covenant, known as the Noahic Covenant.

To this day, God’s promise is evident in that the world has never been destroyed and mankind has not been wiped out due to flooding–or any other natural disaster–on a global scale. However, Pope Francis says that God’s going to end up retracting his covenant and flood the earth again if we don’t put the brakes on global warming.

The pope states in a book titled Of Vices and Virtues due for release tomorrow that “God’s wrath is directed against injustice, against Satan,” and that “it is directed against evil, not that which derives from human weakness, but evil of Satanic inspiration: the corruption generated by Satan.”

Francis says “The flood is the result of God’s wrath,” and relegates it to…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published by Reformation Charlotte.

Church Featured Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope Blames ‘Capitalism’ for Spread of Human Trafficking

Pope Francis delivered a video message to participants in the 7th World Day of Prayer, Reflection and Action Against Human Trafficking, decrying the barbaric practice, while also laying the blame for its propagation on capitalism.

It’s not the first time the Marxist pontiff has made claims critical of the most biblical economic system. He previously said its time to ditch capitalism so that we don’t kill the planet and each other, and has publicly voiced his support for Universal Basic Income, writing:

God asks us to dare to create something new. We cannot return to the false securities of the political and economic systems we had before the crisis. We need economies that give to all access to the fruits of creation, to the basic needs of life: to land, lodging, and labor…

I believe it is time to explore concepts like the universal basic income (UBI), also known as ‘the negative income tax:’ an unconditional flat payment to all citizens, which could be dispersed through the tax system.

While offering a prayer for the victims of human trafficking and praising the courage of those who battle against it, he also took some shots at his favorite punching bag, explaining that rather than having an economic model that has the “courage to combine legitimate profit with the promotion of employment and decent working conditions” we have capitalism, which does neither.

An economy without human trafficking is an economy with market rules that promote justice, not exclusive special interests.

Human trafficking finds fertile ground in the approach of neo-liberal capitalism, in the deregulation of markets aimed at maximizing without ethical limits, without social limits, without environmental limits.

If this logic is followed, there is only the calculation of advantages and disadvantages. Choices are not made on the basis of ethical criteria, but by pandering to dominant interests, often cleverly obscured by a humanitarian or ecological veneer.

Choices are not made by looking at people: people are numbers, to be exploited.

All in all, par for the course for the theologically bereft pontiff who has been under fire for being willing to give pro-abortion Joe Biden communion, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, Hating on anti-maskers and those urging caution at taking the COVID vaccine, and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement yet.

Conspiracy Coronavirus Heresies Roman Catholic Stuff

Pope Says Those who Won’t Take COVID-19 Vaccine are Living in ‘Suicidal Denial’

Pope Francis expressed his frustration and exasperation at anyone refusing to take the COVID-19 vaccine, describing those questioning its safety and refusing to take it in its present form, if ever, as engaging in “a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.”

Pope Francis, still the object or our ire after making perhaps his most blasphemous statement ever, made the comments in an interview with the Italian television station Canale 5:

I believe that ethically everyone must take the vaccine. It is not an option; it is an ethical action, because you are playing with your health, you are playing with your life, but you are also playing with the lives of others. I’ve signed up. One must do it…

I don’t understand why some say, ‘No, vaccines are dangerous.’ If it is presented by doctors as a thing that can go well, that has no special dangers, why not take it? There is a suicidal denial that I wouldn’t know how to explain.

The endorsement of the Vaccine and the insistence that everyone take it comes after several Bishops and Cardinals released a paper slamming the vaccines as made from fetal tissue from aborted babies. In response to the paper, the Vatican released their own statement affirming that Roman Catholics were permitted to inject themselves with the vaccine, even if it were abortion-tainted, if there were no other ethical alternatives.

According to recent polls, between 30 and 40 percent of Americans do not plan on taking the vaccine.

Featured Religion World News

Pope affirms parents of LGBT kids: ‘God loves your children as they are’

Pope Francis continued his trend of making off-the-cuff gay-affirming statements to those pushing him on the issue, this time telling a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.” 

The comments were made during a 30-minute private audience Pope Francis had with members of Tenda di Gionata in the papal library of the Apostolic Palace.

‘Tenda di Gionata is translated’ to “Jonathan’s Tent” and is a pro-LGBT advocacy group comprised of Roman Catholic parents who have homosexual children. The group’s name, ‘Jonathan’s Tent’ is based on the twisting of scripture that says that David and Jonathan were lovers.

The parents came to plea and convince the pope to relent on the church’s official positon on homosexuality. One of the parents told Francis that she and others in the group had come to think of themselves as fortunate and blessed because having gay children forced them to change the way they viewed their kids. Mara Grassi, vice president of Jonathan’s Tent, said:

“What we have now is a new gaze that has allowed us to see in them the beauty and love of God…We want to create a bridge with the Church so that the Church too can change its gaze towards our children, no longer excluding them but welcoming them fully.”

Francis replied to this heartfelt plea from the parents:

“The church does not exclude them because she loves them deeply.”

and later:

“The church loves your children as they are because they are children of God.”

Along with the meeting from these parental activists trying to convince Francis to make the church affirming of sodomy, they also gave him a book with stories of people who had come to accept and embrace their gay identity, as well as a rainbow-colored T-shirt with the words ‘In love, there is no fear’ emblazoned on the front of it.

Pope Francis recently made other comments that indicated an acceptance of homosexuality, such as when he allegedly affirmed the sexuality of a gay priest.