
Podcast: Tom Buck Should Run for SBC Prez, Racism Against Voddie Baucham + Scars from Fighting the Good Fight

On this episode of Polemics Report for March 7th, 2022, JD throws down the gauntlet in support of Tom Buck running for SBC president, discusses how Willy Rice is a client of Docent just like the guys he’s running to replace, , and talks about the racism displayed by woke evangelicals who are freaking out about a potential Voddie Bacham nomination. In the patron portion, we answer a question about Elizabeth Elliot and talk about the scars Christians get when they fight the good fight.


Podcast: SBC Simps, Beth Moore Modesty Controversy, and the William Lane Craig/ James White Debate

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 11th, 2022, JD and David discuss the SBC simps who can’t stand and don’t understand polemics ministries, as well as Beth Moore’s latest embarrassing hypocrisy. In the patron portion, we answer sincere questions and touch on William Lane Craig’s debate with James White.

Evangelical Stuff Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Why God Hates Illegal Immigration

On this episode of Polemics Report for February 11, 2021, JD answers sincere questions from his listeners, mostly about ecclesiastical or church issues as members struggle with their church’s bad polity. He covers 3 news stories from the day on Critical Theory and “Whiteness” before explaining in quite some detail why God hates illegal immigration and Christians should oppose it. 

To listen to the free, truncated version, click below.

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Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Carl Lentz. CT says Solar Panels a Gospel Issue? ‘Fideism.’ David Miller defends SBC, and Qanon

Admittedly, this episode has nothing to do with flattening the curve (JD got distracted). He began the program with a run-down of the day’s polemics news including Christianity Today claiming that putting solar panels on your church are a ‘gospel issue’ and more on Carl Lentz. Then, he discusses “Fideism” and uses a young man in Arkansas as an example of Fideism gone crazy. Intellectualism (rationalism and reason) is not contrary to faith, and JD explains that a lot of the times it’s not that someone is stupid, per se, but that they have an epistemology problem. Then, he moves on to discuss Dave Miller at SBC Voices saying “anyone who tells you the SBC has a problem with liberalism is lying” and the president of Gateway Seminary calling Critical Theory a “conspiracy” like QAnon.

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Conspiracy podcast Polemics Report Politics Religion Righteous Defiance

Podcast: Voter Fraud, Carl Lentz Adultery, and Time to Dig Trenches

On today’s episode, JD speaks about voter fraud, the election results, and gives news updates from Protestia. Then, JD discusses evangelical arguments for Biden and why no one is really both a Democrat and a Christian. He uses the example of Lecrae and Pastor Matthew Lyon to discuss those who “creep in unawares” and “wear sheep’s clothing.” He also brings up Keller and Deve both being registered Democrat. JD also discusses Carl Lentz’ “fall” from ministry.

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Critical Race Theory podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: SBC Must Repent of Black Privilege

On today’s podcast, JD explains why the Southern Baptist Convention should repent for its extreme Black Privilege. He also covers the news article of the day and covers other polemics topics.

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Evangelical Stuff Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: John Piper and Pastors Who Pee Sitting Down

On today’s episode, JD goes through the news topics of the day and then gets into John Piper’s equivocation of Trump with Planned Parenthood and his claim that Trump’s pride kills as many people as abortion. Then, he discusses James Riady’s funding of Reformed Theological Seminary.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:05:46 — 90.3MB) | Embed

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Evangelical Stuff Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: The Liberal Bugaboo Episode

On this episode, JD goes through the news of the day, including a woke church using skittles and tea for Communion to memorialize Trayvon Martin and he covers the Pope going pro-gay union. Then, JD discusses the concept of a “bugaboo, bugbear, and bogeyman” and explains why the left is constantly harping on the Proud Boys, the Klan, and Q-Anon. Then, JD takes Mark Dever to task for being awful..

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Briefing Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Al Mohler’s $5,000,000 Reparations, Transgendered Corpse Penis, Trump’s Slipping Polls with Evangelicals

On today’s episode, JD goes through the news of the day including Trump slipping in polls among evangelicals and Frankenstein doctors trying to put a corpse’s penis on a woman so she can be a man. Is it science or fiction? He then discusses “verbicide” as it pertains to Webster’s Dictionary changing the definition of “preference.” Afterward, he discusses Mohler’s pathetic reparations to soothe both sides of the debate, and moves on to teach how conservatives can handle the “if you’re not woke you’re not loving” argument.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 50:02 — 68.7MB) | Embed

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: ‘Deep’ Tweets by Tim Keller, Beth Moore, And Mask-Based Sheep Beating

On today’s program for October 8, 2020, JD goes through the news of the day including Beth Moore, the latest poll from Barna on Christians not knowing what Christianity is, and other stuff. Then, he discusses Tim Keller’s incessant nonsense on Twitter that people think they don’t understand because it’s too smart for them; in reality they don’t understand it because it’s stupid and doesn’t mean anything. Finally, JD goes through a newsletter from a pastor sheep-beating his church for not wanting to wear masks.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 47:48 — 65.7MB) | Embed

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