Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Religious Exemption for Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations: A Printable PDF+ A Plea for Pastors to Sign a Petition

As a service to our brothers and sisters in Christ, we have created a printable and downloadable PDF that contains a religious exemption for mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations.

Many religious exemptions have been made available online for those who wish to maintain autonomy over their body for whatever reason that accords to their conscience. Some of them, which seek to provide religious exemptions, are very good. Some, without a doubt, twist Scripture. Some go so far as to sell religious exemptions or trade them in exchange for online church membership, which earns our strongest rebuke.

Seeing these tragedies, including both the mandatory violations of bodily autonomy and the simony of sold religious exemptions, many of which are not doctrinally sound, we asked twelve (or so) of the best pastors and theologians we know to begin forwarding me their Biblical reasons for legitimate religious exemptions that do not twist Scripture, but use it appropriately. With JD Hall being the publisher of the Gideon Knox Group, we have access to some of the best theologians in the world who happily agreed to send their thoughts, suggestions, and arguments for a Biblical case against forced vaccinations.

We then began to sort through the Scriptural argumentation for bodily autonomy, and have provided the best vaccine religious exemptions we could theologically muster.

In collating these religious arguments for bodily autonomy, we leaned heavily upon chapter-and-verse citation of the Holy Scripture, scriptural deduction, Protestant religious tradition, and logic – a gift of General Revelation given by God to all men that show his power and attributes.

In order to use this religious exemption, we ask that you sincerely hold to its Biblical attributes and do so with genuine intentions; it is not designed for the irreligious. Many arguments can be made for bodily autonomy outside God’s Special Revelation (IE the Holy Bible), including those provided by the U.S., state, or other Constitutions.

Furthermore, let us state that this religious exemption has intentionally been kept short and easy to read for the layman, presuming that employers with little religious training may place themselves into the position of judge to read it and determine its veracity (Matthew 7:6). It has, therefore, been kept on an elementary level for their benefit, rather than that of those using the religious exemption.

Likewise, we have created this petition for use by those with established religious credentials. We provide this document as a place for clergy members (including pastors and chaplains) to indicate their agreement that all those who claim a religious exemption as here described are, under God, rightly entitled to that exemption.

Every shepherd that signs will give credibility to a hundred sheep behind them.

Please sign this petition only if you are a clergy member. After signing the petition, you will be prompted to leave a comment. Please use the comment space to provide your name and information about your qualifications and ordination to Christian ministry.

This document is also available to view and download HERE

abortion News Roman Catholic Stuff

LifeSite News Launches Petition To Cancel Pope’s ‘Morally Rotten’ Conference

LifeSite News has launched a petition against the Vatican for hosting a “Health” Conference on “Exploring the Mind, Body, and Soul,” explaining, “Everything about the conference is rotten — morally, scientifically, and culturally,” and amassing over 22,000 signatures calling for its cancellation.

Despite being populated by Roman Catholics and having an entire variant of their website designed as the “Catholic Edition,” that promotes and reports Catholic news, Lifesite has been notoriously critical of Pope Francis, deigning him to be dangerous and likely one Papal Bull shy of being an anti-pope. As for the problems with the conference, they explain:

Incredibly, the conference organizers have listed huge numbers of globalist and abortion-promoting speakers such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, vaccine developers, Mormon elders, pro-abortion Chelsea Clinton, population control advocate Jane Goodall, a New Age activist, a prominent UK Muslim scholar, and pro-abortion American actress Cindy Crawford, among others.

The logo for the conference is a circle of people linking hands, colored in the tones of the LGBT rainbow flag, and positioned next to the crossed keys and Papal tiara of the Pontiff.  In the ten goals listed for the conference, the Pontifical Council for Culture makes no reference to God or the Catholic Church.

Given that LifeSite News focuses on anti-abortion work, they note that the conference is having the following speakers, among others.

  • The CEOs of Pfizer and Moderna, the former of which produces abortion pills;
  • The Director of the National Institute of Health (NIH) Francis Collins, who advocates using fetal tissue in research projects;
  • Chelsea Clinton, a strong advocate for abortion;

LifeSite concludes their petition with a call to action, noting, “this conference contains such a high concentration of poison for the Faith and the faithful that it should be canceled, not only for the contents itself, but also for the grave scandal it will (and is already) cause” and asking signers to “contact the following Church authorities to politely, but firmly, voice your dismay and displeasure at the anti-God, anti-life, and anti-faith conference which the Vatican has scheduled for the beginning of May. Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi – Head of the Vatican’s Pontifical Council for Culture. Email:; Phone: [+39] 06 6989 3811.”


Group Launches Petition to Demand Forensic Audit of NAMB and LifeWay

The newly launched petition website, SBC Transparency, calls for a forensic audit of the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and LifeWay, the for-profit publishing arm of the SBC, declaring that “members of the SBC have a right to know that their sacrificial gifts are being used for the mission, not self-enrichment.”

The case they make is simple, in light of the lawsuit between LifeWay and Thom Rainer which has brought financial shenanigans and impropriety to the spotlight.

The North American Mission Board (NAMB) Trustees and staff steward assets of $435 million on behalf of Southern Baptists, with an annual budget of $125 million. It is imperative that we operate with full transparency and accountability in order to build trust in our voluntary cooperative Kingdom work. We believe there are significant questions and concerns around possible financial irregularities, misuse of funds, use of funds outside of their approved purposes, conflict of interests with NAMB Trustees and the NAMB auditor and violations of SBC bylaws and governing Business and Financial plan. 

Therefore, we the undersigned call upon the SBC Executive Committee (EC) to commission and direct an independent forensic financial audit of the North American Mission Board and report the complete findings of the audit to the entire Southern Baptist family of cooperating churches and partners (State Conventions and Associations). As well, because of similar questions of irregularities, we are calling for the SBC EC to conduct a forensic audit on LifeWay Christian Resources.

The group details several questionable practices, such as NAMB having multiple large financial reserve accounts more than they should, the independence of the financial audits by NAMB, the SBC business and financial plan as it pertains to fundraising, and a host of other queries.

Of note to us, as we put the call out several weeks ago with information on who is owning houses bought and paid for by NAMB.

Millions in Houses for a Very Few Church Planters. NAMB has spent tens of millions on houses for use by a few church planters. Some of these homes cost over $500,000 and have amenities like swimming pools. Where are these homes? How many are there? Who lives in them? How many of these homes are tied to SBC President Greear and NAMB Trustees or the churches they lead in violation of SBC governing documents? Are there any other favors or friendships factors in the distributing use of these homes? Are any of the homes not being used for their NAMB Trustee approved purposes as evidence reveals may be the case in several homes. 

New Home Built and Large Investment to NAMB Staff Member Who is a NAMB Planter Questions arise regarding the building of a new 3,300 square foot home valued at $500,000+ for a planter who is a NAMB staffer in Pittsburgh. Questions arise regarding the purchasing of about a dozen homes in Pittsburgh and the $500,000 church building purchased from the Presbyterians that was being used by a NAMB planter, who was subsequently hired by NAMB for Send Relief.

Church Planting Budget Tripled while Plants Reduced by Half. The NAMB church planting budget has grown from $23 million to $75 million in 10 years, but the number of new church starts has dropped to less than half the number a decade ago. How is NAMB spending $50 million more in church planting and getting less than half for it? Where is that money specifically going? 

The whole website is a wealth of good questions and details the broad cloak of secrecy that surrounds SBC entities. Go to, read the whole thing, and sign the petition.