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Popular ‘Christian’ Media Personality Jen Hatmaker Files For Divorce From Husband

Update. Jen Hatmaker has now shared the news on her Facebook page, writing:

“I first thank you for the kindness you have shown these last two months. We are in a moment with no handbook and without a single clue how to navigate this privately, much less publicly. I don’t know how to hide grief, so I haven’t, and I am grateful for your absolute decency these last few weeks. I don’t know how to say this, and I still cannot believe I am even saying it, but Brandon and I are getting divorced. Although the details are ours alone, this was completely unexpected, and I remain stunned as we speak. I am shocked, grief-stricken, and broken-hearted.

Although this community is impossibly dear, beloved to me, in case you are an interloper who revels in the pain of another, I beg you to spare us your cruelty. We have suffered so greatly. (Hateful comments that harm our family will be deleted.) The kids and I are getting away to retreat for awhile, and I ask for your kindness…and for some room to breathe. Please respect the privacy of our children and our extended family. Our loss is not for public devouring. We are real people managing this in our real life in real time, and we are doing the absolute best we know how to do.

If you pray, pray for us. Hold us so dear to your hearts. We have felt your prayers these last few weeks. We have experienced your mercy. Thank you for being good to us. Know that we are deeply surrounded by love and have not been alone a single second in two months. Please help protect us and keep us safe as we try to heal and rebuild.


Jen Hatmaker, the gay-affirming Christian media personality who’s not actually a Christian, has filed for divorce from her husband, Brandon Hatmaker. The move to end their marriage was initiated late last month in a Texas Courthouse, in documents that have been uncovered today, but have not been announced yet by either spouse yet.

The couple has been married 26 years and have 5 children. Apart from their TV shows and books they’ve written and started in, the Hatmakers also founded Austin New Church in Austin, Texas, where Brandon is a Pastor and Jen is a board member.

Hatmaker has hinted these last few weeks that things have not been well, describing it in a bit of detail on her Instagram and other places.

No cause has been given yet, as it has not been made public, but we expect one soon.

While Jen has cut back on her public engagements these last few weeks, she is still expected to give a talk at the Evolving Faith conference, the progressive get-’em-up where heretics go to burn off some steam and explain in contorted, esoteric ramblings why they really do love Jesus by demonstrating their hatred for him.

Pray for repentance for the Hatmakers and comfort for their children.

Breaking Featured News

Missing Pastor’s Wife Found Dead Inside Car in Arkansas. Foul Play Not Suspected

(Christian News) A vehicle belonging to Marilane Carter, the pastor’s wife who went missing earlier this month as she traveled from Kansas to visit family in Alabama, has been found in Arkansas with a deceased woman in the driver’s seat.

“With a heavy heart we share this update with everyone,” the Find Marilane Facebook page announced Tuesday evening. “Today Marilane’s vehicle was found in West Memphis, AR, in Crittenden County. A female was found deceased in the vehicle. Law enforcement says that foul play is not suspected.”

According to Fox4, Carter’s family traveled to the area this past weekend to help with the search, and all returned home except her uncle.

On Tuesday, he went driving and walking through the general area where Carter’s phone was last pinged and came upon a field with three large Conex shipping containers. One of the doors was partially open, so he looked inside and found a car matching the description of Marilane’s vehicle. A deceased female sat in the driver’s seat.

He called the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Department, which came to the scene, along with state police and members of the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI).

Crittenden County Sheriff’s Office Chief Todd Grooms told reporters that the area had been searched before and that family members remember seeing the shipping containers in the tall grass but never thought to look inside.

“We were looking for a vehicle and just never would have dreamed that her vehicle would have been inside of those,” he said.

Grooms, who outlined that the family is now grieving the loss, said that he was “hoping for a more positive outcome” such as that “maybe [she] had been somewhere getting some mental health treatment.”

As previously reported, Carter, 36, the wife of Leawood Baptist Church pastor Adam Carter, left her home on Aug. 1 to be present for the birth of her sister’s baby. She had purchased a plane ticket for the journey but decided last minute to travel by car instead.

Brother-in-law Brady McLaughlin told that Carter, who quietly struggled with mental health issues, planned on obtaining  help in Birmingham while visiting. Her husband said that she…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by Heather Clark and originally posted at Christian News. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen.