
Famous Christian Apologist: Refusing to Consider Neanderthals the same as Homo Sapiens is ‘Dehumanizing’ and ‘Racist’

Apologist William Lane Craig, fresh off of Denying the literalness of Genesis 1-11: and saying that Adam was a Caveman that Lived 750,000 Years Ago, and then Mockingly Laughing at Thought of Talking Snake, Literal Adam, gave us another little snippet in his September 22, 2021 interview with Sean McDowell, saying that if you don’t consider Neanderthal’s to be human beings like Homo sapiens, and dehumanize them in that way, you’re being racist and behaving in a morally unconscionable way.

Craig: Well, in the book, I have only time to discuss some of the most striking, but they are unbelievably striking, Sean, and I think what you can show is that these archaeological signatures of modern human behavior go back hundreds of thousands of years in Africa and Europe and the Middle East, indicating that human beings originated on this planet sometime before the divergence of the human race into different species like Neanderthals, and Homo sapiens and Denisovans (an extinct subspecies of humanoid creatures that allagedly interbred with modern humans)

McDowell: This part of your book, to me was one of the most interesting, when you walk through the emergence of art, the emergence of tools, these very complex building structures that were made, language development, like burying the dead, there’s clear signs that these are people, human beings, whatever their size and body structure that are sufficiently similar to us and we categorized as being human.

Craig: I think that’s right. And I am not willing Sean to write Neanderthals out of the human race. I think that kind of dehumanizing attitude is, frankly morally unconscionable. It’s a kind of racism in a way.

These were people just as much as ancient Homo sapiens were, just as much as we are, and we should not dehumanize them in that way.