
A Supercut of WokePreachers Shamelessly Politicking During the Midterm Elections And Georgia’s Runoff

In the midst of all this talk of Christian Nationalism and the furious condemnations of conservatives by progressives for talking about politics in the pulpit, we offer WokePreacherTV’s “supercut of preachers giving their takes on the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections, particularly the repeat defeat of “Star Trek” cameo actress Stacey Abrams, and shamelessly politicking for Raphael Warnock, an obviously heterodox Reverend Doctor.”

Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus and hates the bible and its authority. He’s been lauded as the next coming of Christ according to many churches, who have prophesied and exulted in his victory as a “man of God” despite in actuality being a two-fold son of hell.

h/t WokePreacherTV


In Praise of Nationalism

(A Twitter thread posted by Grace (@graceisforyou) that we wanted to share.

“Nationalism is good because gratitude is good. Nationalism is simply gratitude that overflows from observing the little details that make your home distinct from some other home. It’s gratitude that you belong somewhere, and that somewhere belongs to you. 

Nationalism is scary to people who want power because they know when people belong to something, they fight for it. If the people who love a place know what they have is precious and unique and can’t be found elsewhere or replaced with anything else, they’ll die to preserve it. 

Interchangeability is the lie of soulless strategists who see human beings as resources, national mythos as child’s play, and land as mere real estate. They would like everything to be interchangeable. 

Interchangeable genders. Interchangeable words. Interchangeable currencies. Interchangeable goods.
Interchangeable food. Interchangeable neighborhoods. No boundaries to anything, no roots, no essences. There is nothing less romantic, less stirring, than interchangeability. 

Those who see the human being as a machine have the least romantic story to tell about where we’ve been or where we’re going: strategy and logistics, development and Progress. Since we are machines, we couldn’t possibly have come from the dust, couldn’t belong to the land. 

Nationalism is the ability to see the romance in human history. Nationalism is mythos carried from the ancient past into today. It’s knowing the roots of all our family trees are in real soil. We shape the land, the land shapes us. A nation in a country, a country in a nation. 

Loving your nation is as natural as loving a generous and good parent. It’s a love you shouldn’t have to explain or apologize for. The way the soulless strategists are trying to *beat* this natural affection out of our brains shows how powerful a love of nation can be, how real. 

I’m sad that I was ever for a second tricked into feeling guilty about being an American. I’m sad that many people are still tricked into thinking America isn’t worthy of honor, so that their natural and proper affection for her can be beaten out of them. 

America will never be Heaven on earth. No place on earth can be. But all of earth will be a living hell if we are deceived into abandoning our good and natural affections for the places we call home while we’re here.


Pope Says Christians Who Defend ‘Nationalism’ Are A Threat To ‘World Peace’

Last we wrote about New World Puppet Pope Francis, he was removing a cross from a stage he was speaking at to avoid offending Muslims, and was claiming that Joe Biden is a good catholic who should not be denied communion.

Typical stuff for the aging commie, who has been busy saying that fat people are the victims of capitalism, that we need to ditch capitalism to save ‘Sister Earth’, endorsing civil unions for gay couples, insisting that Big Tech censor ‘hate speech’ and ‘conspiracy theories’ and releasing his most outrageously blasphemous statement.

In a new message from Monday, Francis told the delegation from B’nai B’rith International, a nonprofit Jewish organization that world peace is being threatened by ‘nationalism’ and ‘greed.’

When we think of many conflicts and dangerous forms of extremism that jeopardize the security of people in our world today, we cannot help but recognize that frequently the greatest risk factor is represented by material, educational and spiritual poverty, which then becomes fertile terrain for fueling hatred, anger, frustration and radicalism.

In our time, dear friends, world peace is also threatened by forms of particularism and nationalism, driven by selfish interests and unbridled greed

The reason the pope hates nationalism is that he is a marxist globalist whole holds the communitarian belief that nation-states should either be demolished or diminished and that the world is best served when individual liberties are subordinate to the best interest of society at large.

This is contrasted to Nationalism, which is simply “a belief in the importance of the nation-state, a system of government that exists for the purpose of protecting the individual interests of its Citizens and promoting human flourishing within its boundaries.”

It’s hardly controversial and not at all sinful, despite what many may think.