
Did We Just Call Kyle J. Howard the ‘N-Word’?

Kyle J. Howard is more vexed than usual. Over the last few days he’s been putting together a list of words that if directed his way or the way of any black person or white ally, are little more than thinly veiled racial pejoratives designed to replace the n-bomb. Some of expressions he considers to be on par and equivalent to n***** include:

Any correction to his thinking/ suggestion that he is in error.

For example:

It’s shocking how much he reads into an appeal to be less divisive, and the motives he assigns and impugns.

The offending statement in question that leads Howard to believe if you say anything about his mind your basically calling him a monkey with your hints of his biological inferiority.

The next:

Despite his insistence, we would never call someone the n-bomb, nor do we view any person of any color as inferior to anyone else. All humans are made in the image of God, and we love all our brothers and sisters irrespective of their shade of melanin. 

Despite his evil intent, Howard does not get to co-opt the language to mollify and stave off an examination of his actions. Howard does not get to engage in newspeak, where he cancels all criticism by labeling all criticism as racist, regardless of intent. Howard doesn’t get to declare those words synonyms for n*****, all the while thanking up other words that he wants to bring into the fold. 

Because Howard deserves to be criticized, check out just some of what he’s said and done over the last two years while being platformed and praised by Julie Roys (whose associations should make you question her integrity.)

Kyle J. Howard Calls Republicans ‘White Supremacist’ Cultists- Who He Will Never Forgive or Embrace
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or Attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard says Black Boys being Molested by Black Men is the Fault of White People
Kyle J. Howard Watches Filthy, Filthy, Sex-Filled, Pornographic TV Shows
Kyle J. Howard Doesn’t Feel Comfortable in White Churches Because The Services Start and End on Time
Kyle J. Howard Says The Dead Children in Texas were Victims of ‘White Supremacy’/ White Folk
Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women
Kyle J. Howard Says A Desire for Free Speech is ‘Racist’ and about ‘Preserving White Power’
Kyle J. Howard is ‘Triggered’ by Supreme Court’s anti-Roe vs Wade Ruling Because White People ‘Sacrificed Black People’s Joy and Flourishing’ To Attain it.
Kyle J. Howard Gives 48 Hours of Extra-Spicy and Deeply Racist Quotes

A path must exist for Howard to be corrected without him throwing a white sheet over his correctors head and a swastika flag in their hand the minute he’s told his unbiblical view of race is troubling and theologically bankrupt. This is especially true when some of the language is biblical language that he’s bucking against. These are the actions and expressions of a woke, divisive, racist man. Those invectives against him have a meaning, and they’ll never mean the racially changed insults he desperately desires they be, despite his best efforts.


KJH Says Calling Someone ‘Woke, ‘Marxist, SJW’ is The Same as Calling them a ‘N*****’

We never thought we’d write about our favorite race-baiter Kyle J. Howard so soon after ur last article. where he asserted that A Desire for Free Speech is ‘Racist’ and about ‘Preserving White Power’, but he just upped the rhetorical ante in a big way lately, claiming on Twitter that white folk who describe black folk as being ‘woke’ or call them a ‘Marxist’ or a ‘social justice warrior’ are actually purposefully using coded language for the N-Bomb.

You’ll recall Howard currently has a $3500 *informational* bounty on his head on account of lying about being a gang-member for intersectional points and internet clout, and has really devolved over these last few months. We’ve written about him at the following links, as well as others, which give a good sense of all the ways he’s perverting scripture and molesting the text. In doing so, we’ve chronicled his slow slide into racial absurdity and witnessed the epitome of what it means to have one’s thinking to be futile and a foolish heart to be darkened.

Kyle J. Howard Says ‘White Supremacy’ Grounds For Biblical Divorce, But Only for Black Folks
Kyle J. Howard Refuses to Take Communion or attend Predominantly White Churches
Kyle J. Howard Says Worship Music is Traumatizing, Especially ‘White Evangelical Worship’
Kyle J. Howard Casts Shade at Black Folks Who Marry White Women

Using the threadreader app we see:

We said last year that it wouldn’t be long until he just gets it over it and says all white folk are racists who harbor unfettered, explicit contempt and prejudice for the black man or person of color.

He’s at least half-way there.