
ICYMI Bill Johnson Says Bethel Music ‘Bypasses Intellectual Barriers’ For This Nefarious Result

Years ago, as early as 2016, Bill Johnson is credited as saying, “Music bypasses all the intellectual barriers, and when the anointing of God is on a song, people will begin to believe things they wouldn’t believe through teaching.” In 2019, WorshipU, one of Bethel’s music ministries, likewise quoted their leader, clearly struck with what they feel is a deep and poignant spiritual revelation.

Ostensibly, he’s referring to their own music, which they’ve created in abundance. Over the years, Bethel Music released 16 corporate worship albums and dozens of hit singles, gaining millions of followers and seeing their influence spread far and wide. Furthermore, Bethel has their own accredited music college, and spends hundreds of thousands of dollars on individual salaries for teachers within the school.

What Bethel is doing is simple; using music as a trojan horse to expose people to their teaching and religious ecosystem. Bethel has a plethora of strange beliefs (enumerated below) that people wouldn’t be apt to buy into unless carried there by the dulling of the senses and the breaking down of inhibitions, resulting in a deeply compromised discernment.  

At the time Justin Peters called it out, writing

Though he did not intend to do it, Bill Johnson just revealed the key to the charismatic movement’s success. Repetitive, emotionally charged music disengages the mind and makes one malleable. It makes one believe subjective experiences over and against objective truth.”

Worship leader Mackenzie Morgan echoed the sentiment:

No matter what, we must all agree with this: theology matters. I can’t even stress that enough. It matters if a song is weak in theology and is not accurately displaying the Holiness of our God. It matters if churches are spreading a prosperity Gospel that is different from the Gospel found in Scripture. It MATTERS that each Sunday churches pay royalties to these churches in order to be able to sing their music, furthering these church’s outreach and their false gospel message. I had to sit in the fact that I had supported these churches. With my money, time, and was opening up the doors for others to discover their false teachings.

Call me crazy, call me legalistic, call me whatever you want to. I know it’s not what anyone wants to hear. Music plays on our emotions. But maybe it’s time we start looking at the Scriptures to see what God truly calls for in worship and get over what we want.

While some of Bethel’s songs may be theologically fine, they’re a gateway to the machine and the greater sum, We can’t recommend anyone utilize them, but rather should be marked and avoided.

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Queer Christian Artist Begs to be Nominated for a Dove Award. Did She Make the Ballot?

Queer “Christian’ artist Semler has been pleading to be considered for this year’s “Best New Artist” at the 53rd annual Dove Awards, which are given for outstanding achievements in the Christian music industry. She hoped the committee would consider her despite her flagrant promotion of LGBTQ theology and beliefs in her public and private life.

Semler’s real name is Grace Semler Baldridge. She’s a non-binary lesbian married (now divorced?) to a woman while purposefully altering her appearance to look like a man—giving the impression she’s about one upper chest surgery from becoming transgender. She’s not a Christian even a little bit, despite seeking to be seen as such.

Baldridge gained some publicity after her profanity-laced album briefly took the top spot on iTunes Christian and Gospel charts. In the last few months, she’s been touring with Relient K, the queer affirming former Christian band, gaining prominence and visibility.

She also recently wrote the “world’s gayest worship song” after channeling the hurt of someone who “broke my heart for Jesus.”

Unfortunately for her, it looks like she didn’t even make it past the first round of voting, which is decided by Gospel Music Association (GMA) members (professionals who work full-time and earn their income primarily from the Christian and Gospel Music Industry)

She is undaunted, however, and is looking to attend as a guest. Given the state of the GMA, we fully expect her to be attending come the fall.


Prominent Woke Pastor Says Current Worship Songs Are Slave Owner/ Captor Songs + Laments Loss of ‘Black Sacred Music’

Charlie Dates is the prominent woke pastor of Progressive Baptist Church. A former/ present? ERLC and The Gospel Coalition contributor and definitely former SBC Executive Committee panel member, he recently left the Southern Baptist Convention on account of their failure to embrace Critical Race Theory. Notably, he attacked other Black Christians as sell-outs simply because they have not devoted their lives to fighting an artificial boogeyman, white supremacy” and well as “lambasted them for saying things like “I’m Christian before I’m Black.”

Our audience may know him from saying that the SBC “Don’t Need Black Faces with White Theology/Voices/Ideas Leading the Convention,” and calling Beth Moore “one of God’s leading women in the world.”

In a new post, he laments that “Black Sacred Music” is no longer being produced to capture the “black Christian experience in America” which is about the tone of their struggle against racism and white supremacy from the white man.

Bemoaning that white people in the majority culture have “appropriated it” he explains that Black Sacred Music is a “salvific instrument” and that if it is lost, Black Christians will have lost their witness in the world. Lastly, he says that the current crop of worship music is the same music of the slavers and captors, and that when Black folk sing it, rather than their own sacred black songs, they sound like the captors.

What a way to live.