
NICU Nurse Who Murdered 7 Infants & Attempted 10 More Left Behind Disturbing Notes, “I Killed Them on Purpose”

(LifeNews) Disturbing notes found in the home of a former British neonatal nurse add to evidence that she allegedly murdered seven newborn babies and attempted to murder 10 others at a hospital in England.

MSN reports the murder trial of Lucy Letby, 32, began this week in Manchester Crown Court with testimonies from doctors, parents of the dead babies, medical experts and police. She is pleading not guilty. According to police, investigators found a series of handwritten notes in Letby’s home in 2018 that appear to confirm the murders.

“I am evil,” one notes read. “I killed them on purpose because I am not good enough to care for them. I am a horrible, evil person.”

However, police said another note contradicted the first, with Letby writing, “I haven’t done anything wrong, and they have no evidence so why have I to hide it away?”

According to the report, Letby worked with premature infants at Countess of Chester Hospital in Northwestern England from 2015 to 2016. During that time, the hospital experienced an unusually high number of infant deaths, and an investigation later revealed that the babies’ deaths matched with the times when Letby was working.

Letby allegedly murdered five boys and two girls by injecting air, milk and insulin into their bloodstreams through IVs and breathing tubes, the report continues. In one case, she is accused of trying to kill a baby four times before the infant died.

Another case involved twin brothers in whom she took an “unusual interest” in…to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Micaiah Bilger and posted to Lifenews. Title changed by Protestia

News Op-Ed

OP-ED: IVF is Mass Murder and an Abomination Before God

With the news that troubled Christian musician Israel Houghton and his wife recently became parents with a son through the use of a surrogate, which involved multiple rounds of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF,) we wanted to discuss something that should be uncontroversial: IVF is almost always mass murder and the wholescale slaughter of pre-born children.

This is because life begins at conception, and IVF conceives and then kills MILLIONS of babies. Not just by pagan women who have no regard for human life, but IVF is a scourge that has infiltrated Christendom too, with Christian couples bathing their hands in blood. 

According to the American Pregnancy Association, there are five steps involved in IVF:

  1. Doctors stimulate the development of eggs in a woman’s ovaries by injecting her with hormones and fertility drugs.
  2. The eggs are extracted from the woman’s uterus through an invasive surgical procedure.
  3. A male donor produces and donates sperm.
  4. A scientist mixes together the eggs and sperm in a petri-dish. Sometimes, the scientist will puncture the eggs and inject them with sperm (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection). The eggs are then monitored until they are fertilized and become embryos.
  5. About 3-5 days later, the scientist places the embryos into the woman’s uterus with a tube (catheter). Implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall or womb is hoped to occur about 6-10 days later.

But IVF is costly, costing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars. Because of the expense and the low probability of success upon the first implantation, especially when women are over the age of 35, doctors won’t just create, cultivate and implant a single embryo but rather frequently will extract 20-40 eggs at a time, which are fertilized with the man’s sperm.

Because of the high costs, it is extremely rare for a doctor to cultivate, combine, and implant a single embryo. Instead, they will get a few dozen going and then run genetic health tests and sift through them to find the “healthiest” embryos to implant, usually 2-5 at once, hoping that at least one “takes.” Doctors will monitor, and if “too many babies” are conceived, doctors will use the process of “fetal reduction” or “selective reduction” to eliminate the excess offspring.

What happens to the rest of the unused embryos? The other 25 or so they created and won’t have to use because the woman became pregnant on the third round after blowing through 10 other babies? They are treated as property. They are either destroyed or frozen for years until they are ultimately discarded because the couple gets tired of paying $1000 a year to keep them alive.

Only between 7-15% of all embryos artificially created ever come to term. The rest are all ultimately killed. Most estimates put the number of babies left in a perpetual frozen state until their demise to be between 400,000- 920,000, with millions murdered since the technology emerged.

Any Christian couple considering it or going through with it ought to be instantly put under church discipline, no different than if they plotted to have an abortion or stick knife in the neck of their six year old.

Abortion Abolitionist Jelaine Fondren summarizes the process of IVF and elaborates on its sinfulness.

The process of IVF creates many human beings (in the embryonic state) to then choose a few of the best ones to implant in a uterus. If more than one implant successfully, the mother is then offered to abort any extras. The leftover embryos are frozen for later use in case the first attempt is unsuccessful or the person wants to have more children. These extra embryos are treated like property, with the owners (parents) paying rent for storage space in the freezer. Most are abandoned to death via the thawing process or scientific experimentation.

The other reason it is sin is the selfishness involved. God opens and closes the womb for His purposes. Christians are called to care for orphans and widows. When we are so intent on having our own biological children at the cost of thousands of dollars and tens of extra babies abandoned to death instead of opening our hearts to orphans, we have indeed become lovers of self instead of lovers of God and our neighbors.

Abolitionist Toby Harmon adds:

In Vitro Fertilization is sinful for many compounding reasons. First is that we have a great need for parents to adopt already existing orphans. IVF says “I will go out of my way to ignore these orphans in order to unnaturally have my own flesh and blood children.” So, the IVF industry actually discourages the adoption of already born orphans in the world.

Second, IVF unnecessarily endangers human beings. They are created in a petri dish, and the “leftovers” that survive or are not weeded out, are frozen in liquid nitrogen to -196 degrees. If they were frozen prior to the newer freezing method called “vitrification” (a flash freeze process) they could have as low as a 50% chance thaw survival rate. With vitrification it is claimed there is as high as a 90% survival rate. But, needless to say, freezing humans you have unnecessarily created, with a good chance of death is inhumane and unethical.

The IVF industry also dehumanizes these preborn children by treating them like disposable commodities. They create large numbers of embryos, knowing that most of them will not survive (either through intentional discarding or unintentional death through freezing or miscarriage). When the parents and Doctors learn that one embryo implanted but the other 1 or 2 dies, they celebrate because that is all they really expected and were hoping for.

If parents have any kind of history of genetic or health defects themselves, they can opt to to PGD and/or PGS testing which tests the embryo (by taking a portion of it which can result in it’s death) and testing it for recessive genes that may result in that embryo being born with whatever disease the parent has. If the embryo tests positive, they are simply destroyed and “better grade” embryos are chosen for transfer and/or freezing.”

News Op-Ed

Op-Ed: Praise God for 10-Year-Old Rape Victims Being Denied Abortions

Two things happened to a 10-year-old Ohio girl in the last few months. The first- someone committed an incalculable evil against her. She was violently raped and put into a state of terror and fright as a grotesque monster of a man violated her and forever changed her life. 

The second- she, along with her parents, in turn committed a more horrific act of violence. Discovering she was unable to kill her child in her home state, she traveled to Indiana, where she ended the life of the soul growing inside of her. In doing so, her parents became complicit and seemingly the driving factors in the death of an innocent victim, compounding the tragedy of the situation. 

With the story causing worldwide outrage, it’s given abortion-right advocates a hard case to hang around our necks. Abortion in cases of rape or incest is incredibly low, making up less than 1% of reasons for abortion, but to hear some of these people, that’s all the want to talk about. Their strategy is simple: beat us up with the bad ones until we reveal our heartlessness. Despite their haranguing, being pressed with imagery of a child with legs in stirrups and with a distended belly should not cause us to flinch or falter. If a life is a life is a life, then consistency would demand that all abortions be abolished, without exception, even for children who become pregnant through no fault of their own.

This is not an easy position to take in the face of our accusatory culture. Activists wield “edge cases” as weapons, bringing up the blistering incongruity of child rape as a means to batter the abolitionist imperative, seeking to shock the conscience and have us swallow back the words of defense, turning a stammer into silence. 

Don’t let them. Don’t stay silent. Shout! The fact that Ohio so far has not bent the knee to these fiery darts should give us cause to celebrate. Don’t let them use sanitized language when describing what these parents and bloodthirsty baby butcher have done to this child: keep the graphic nature of it at the forefront of your mind and tongue. 

In the book 1984, Orwell envisioned a language called ‘Newspeak’ which culled truthful yet subversive speech out of the vocabulary over a period of decades. As the vocabulary diminished, so did the ability to articulate known truths, so that only approved language remains. Anyone seeking to fight back was stopped by an inability to express themselves or mount a needed offense.

This is what has happened with the language surrounding abortion over the last 40 years. Both culture and then nice Christian leaders asked us to tame our tongues and temper our rhetoric, turning what should be prophetic protestations and fiery declarations into nuanced niceties, adopting the language and expressions of the enemy to make it more difficult to combat them.

“Don’t call it ‘murder.’ Don’t refer to clinics as ‘murder mills.’ Don’t call the medical centers ‘abortuaries.’ Don’t deny the humanity of clinic workers by calling them ‘deathscorts’ or ‘bloodworkers.’ Don’t call abortions providers ‘abortion ghouls.’ Don’t you know that’s inflammatory and unchristlike?

By doing so, we are told that we are loving women, being sensitive to their feelings, and ensuring that they will be emotionally attuned and receptive to our conversations when the topic of the fate of their fetus is finally broached. This genteel broaching and watered-down witness is what the principalities, the powers, the rulers of the darkness of this world, and the spiritual wickedness in high places want more than anything.

Every time we play this game by pulling our punching, curbing our words, and make exceptions for edge cases, we coach the culture to blunt abortion’s scandal and minimize its horror by maximizing the inoffensiveness of what is a bloody and barbaric practice. If it’s ok to kill a baby in cases of rape or incest, then it’s not really a baby. This is also why those at odds with us find graphic images so infuriating, because it squarely brings into focus a burnt-into-your-brain depiction of what we’re really talking about here- a human life in high definition.

Yes, a 10-year-old or 11-year-old giving birth, almost certainly by C-section and almost certainly prematurely, would be traumatic. It would be undeniably, immeasurably painful and fearful; nearly too much to bear. But ending a life is also traumatic, particularly for the little one growing inside who is about to have his or her existence destroyed. What do we do with that pain? What do we say to that image of God growing insider her tiny womb? This is how we love them both, by not compounding and adding to the young girl’s anguish with the memory of a murder to one day haunt her.

The phrase “they’re taking a young girl to the clinic to get an abortion” should never come out of our mouth. Instead, we should say “they’re taking the young girl to destroy the child inside of her, using chemicals, curettes, and surgical steel to slice up the baby’s body and turn it into a slurry of blood and bone to be poured down the drain or tossed into a dumpster.”

This should be the standard and not the exception, thereby reclaiming language that never should have disappeared, and honoring the victims whose blood has been shed by the tens of millions.


OK Pastor Killed After Predicting Death During Church Service was Offed by Wife

An arrest has been made in the the death of a pastor who was murdered hours after preaching a sermon where he said the devil would try to kill and destroy them for being witnesses to God’s power in the world, and the culprit was none other than his wife.

David Charles Evans of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church was killed last Sunday in an alleged botched home invasion, where his wife was present. Prior to his death, he had preached a message from John 12:1-11, where he said:

Sometimes, I just stop and think. If the devil is not attacking you with everything he’s got in trying to destroy and kill you, maybe [it is] because you’re not the reason anybody is believing in Jesus. And as a pastor and just as a Christian, what a waste.”

A week later, David’s wife, Kristie Dawnell Evans, 47, confessed to his murder and staging it to look like a home invasion, aided by an accomplice in 26-year-old Kahlil Deamie Square. Both were charged with first-degree murder.

During her confession, Evans revealed that she and her pastor husband were actually swingers who had threesomes with Square, which led to a continuing relationship between her and the marital interloper. Evans claimed that her husband was “verbally abusive” and would call her names like “fat” and “slut” and hence encouraged Square to kill him, plotting his demise while he was away on a missions trip to Mexico.

With the news was a swinger and involved in gross sexual sin, a spokesperson for the Church released a statement, saying:

The circumstances that are now coming to light have taken us by surprise and we are greatly saddened. We serve a perfect Savior, Jesus Christ, who gave His life for us. These revelations do not diminish that truth and we will continue to serve Him. We are aware that even pastors can succumb to human frailty and we ask that our privacy be respected at this time as we as a church family grieve and process all of these events.


Dutch Doctors Can Now Secretly Place Sedatives in Food before Euthanizing Alzheimer’s Patients

(Christian Headlines) In a decision that is drawing widespread criticism from ethicists, a Netherlands medical committee has changed its code of practice to allow doctors to slip sedatives into the food or drink of patients with dementia before they are euthanized so as to prevent them from becoming “disturbed, agitated or aggressive.”

The change in rules by the Netherlands review committee for euthanasia comes after the country’s Supreme Court ruled in April that a doctor who carried out assisted suicide on a 74-year-old patient with Alzheimer’s did not commit murder by placing a sedative into the patient’s coffee.

The patient woke up and had to be held down by her daughter and husband, the BBC reported. The patient previously had written a statement saying she “wanted to be euthanized before entering a care home, but adding that she wanted to decide ‘while still in my senses and when I think the time is right,’” the BBC said.

The new rules say it “is not necessary for the doctor to agree with the patient…

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s note. This article was written by Michael Foust and published at Christian headlines.

Coronavirus Featured News

Nashville Council Member: ‘People Not Wearing a Mask Should be Charged with Attempted Murder’

Newly minted “Boss Karen” and Nashville Council Member Sharon Hurt said last week during a meeting of the Joint Public Safety and Health Committee that current legislation for those not wearing masks is too weak and doesn’t go far enough.

She suggested stronger legislation must be mounted in the form of charging anyone not wearing a mask with murder or attempted murder. According to transcripts provided by the Washington Examiner:

But my concern is — you know I work for an organization, that if they pass a virus, then they are tried for murder or attempted murder, if they are not told… and this person who may very well pass this virus that’s out in the air because they’re not wearing a mask is basically doing the same thing to someone who contracts it and dies from it.

It seems to me that we have been more reactive, as opposed to proactive, and a little too late, too little. So, my thing is, maybe there should be legislation, stronger legislation, I don’t know if Mike Jameson is…can speak to it, but maybe there needs to be stronger legislation to say that if you do not wear a mask and you subject exposure of this virus to someone else then there will be some stronger penalty as it is in other viruses that are exposed.”

After being told that the city council doesn’t have the authority to create criminal legislation that would warrant the death penalty if violated, Hurt responds sadly and dejectedly:

I was afraid that was going to be the answer…I guess that’s the whole point of asking for something to be done as early as the Council was pushing. It seems it was not taken as seriously as it should have been and thus we are in the situation we are in right now.

While her suggestion was ridiculous on the face of it, it does highlight some of the exasperation being felt by a society cracking down on dissenting opposition. Nashville is enforcing a mask-mandate in public, with the city having recently hired more law enforcement to patrol the streets looking for violators, as well as enforcing any businesses not wearing masks or not enforcing masks policies.

Nashville Churches, however, are still exempt from the law, enabling them to gather unemcumbered to worship and have servivces as they see fit, with only suggested guidliness being issued. This is due to Tennesse having some of the nation’s more permissive guidelines for churches, thanks to Republican Governor Bill Lee, a professing Christian.

But with a new poll from Pew Research Center showing that “80% U.S. adults overwhelmingly say houses of worship should be required to follow the same rules about social distancing and large gatherings as other organizations or businesses in their local area.” it is unknown how much longer the admittted double standard will last – whether Nashville will become more lax on businesses, or become more stringent on churches.