Critical Race Theory Featured Heresies In-person Church

EXCLUSIVE: Al Mohler’s SBTS Invites Woke CRT Proponent to Teach Class on ‘Black Church Ministry’

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (SBTS) has invited a woke, Critical-Race-Theory-loving (CRT) advocate to teach a week-long class on ‘Black Church Ministry in the Community,’ leading many to wonder to what degree his left-wing biases will impact his lectures, and what this says about a Sothern Baptist Convention (SBC) Presidential Candidate who leads the seminary and insists that CRT would never seep into the hallowed halls under his watch, despite evidence to the contrary.

Dr. Tyshawn Gardner is the Pastor of Plum Grove Baptist Church in Tuscaloosa, AL. He is a recent SBTS graduate where he was pursuing a Ph.D. in Christian Preaching and Practical Theology, as well as is President of the Tuscaloosa Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

He also tweets, preaches, and shares some very progressive things.

Last summer he preached a sermon on Psalms 126, declaring that we live in a completely racialized society, and as a result, reparations must be paid to black people by white people. Gardner explains that even for black folk who did well in school, got a nice job, have never been called the n-bomb, and who claim they haven’t experienced racism before, that they actually did, and that they need to get paid as a result.

Those things don’t mean that you have not experienced racism. It does not mean that you have received everything that belongs to you.

Let me say it this way; just because you never had it, doesn’t mean it’s not yours…the fact of the matter is what’s yours was taken from us centuries before we were born.

The fact of the matter is, in a racialized society, even those who have succeeded and succeeded well, have been affected by racism, and we need the Lord to intervene to keep the scales balanced. We need the law to intervene so that everything that was taken and everything was stolen doesn’t happen again.

His social media feed is hardly better, retweeting pro-choice Democrat Senator Raphael Warnock, and messages lauding Nikole Hannah-Jones’ supremely racist The 1619 Project.

He also takes several shots at critics of Critical Race Theory, saying that its purpose is to demolish “white supremacy” and that those who fight against it are protecting racists.

And a few more freebies, showing you where Gardner’s mind is.

Sadly, more and more and more at SBTS, these sorts of beliefs are not bugs, but features. This guy is who they want teaching a class on Black Church Ministry in the Community? Well, don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Voddie Baucham Discharged from Hospital after Surgery went ‘Perfectly’

With news that Voddie Baucham’s heart surgery went “perfectly,” we have a few more details about what happened, what was done, and what the recovery will look like.

Baucham informed supporters through the GoFundMe site:

They suspect that the heart failure was induced by an arrhythmia (actually two). This is good news because the procedure I underwent is designed to eliminate such arrhythmias, this allowing my heart to recover and remodel. In other words, I am not expected to stay on the heart failure track (which ultimately leads to transplant) but regain full heart health.

Of course, time will tell if they fixed it all, and I will be monitored closely for the next few months. But we are hopeful.

In an update to his Facebook ministry page, he elaborated that with the surgery successful, he was discharged from the hospital on Saturday the 27th, but would be staying in the area for the next two months in order to get checked up and have more appointments, follow-up, etc. In a video on his page, he explains:

They say I’m going home tomorrow, so we’re very pleased about that. We’ll be staying here in the area, having to come back for some checkups in a week and in a month. But I just wanted to let you know that the procedure I underwent yesterday was very successful and that things were better than they expected, and I’m expected to make a full recovery. We’ll learn more in the coming 10 weeks, but for now, things are looking pretty hopeful.

We have been amazed, Bridget and I both, and overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support and prayers from people all over the world.

I scared her the other day as I was sitting in the bed just weeping. She thought something was wrong, and what happened is I was reading comments from the GoFundMe and I just had to stop. I was overwhelmed. And so thank you. It meant more than you could possibly know.

There’s still a road ahead. There’s still work to be done, but the hope is my heart will be able to repair and remodel and I’ll be able to get back to normal and not really have to worry about this as an ongoing thing.

So again, just wanted to thank you. Just wanted to you know how much I appreciate, and how much Bridget and my family appreciate your prayers and your support and wanted you to sort of see me with your own eyes, to know that things are going well, and that I’m doing well, that I’m on the mend.

God has been gracious, God has been kind. I will definitely say more about the series of events that led us to where we are and the series of events that took place so that the team who did this – amazing team, could do this when they did it, but for now, I just want to say thank you.

With Baucham’s GoFundMe being given by 13,000 donors who collectively gave over 1.4 millions dollars, he will have a lot of comments and prayers to sift through if he plans on reading them all.

His mother, Frances Baucham, also posted some pictures showing that her son was on the mend while weeping tears of joy.

Continue to keep Voddie in your prayers.

Featured News Social Justice Wars

TX Judge Reverses ‘Save James’ Decision. Mom who wants to ‘Gender Transition’ 8 y/o Son Given Go-ahead

A father who has been frantically seeking to stop his young son from transitioning to a ‘girl’ against his (and allegedly his son’s) wishes has been dealt a crippling blow by a Texas judge, who ruled that his ex-wife who has been actively trying to transition their child is to be given sole medical, psychological, and psychiatric care, overruling the father and removing him from the decision making process.

It’s the next twist in a saga that caught national media attention last year, with even politicians like Senator Ted Crux and Texas Governor Greg Abbott both commenting after the #savejamesyounger hashtag blew up and trended on Twitter, in a story that at last resolution involved the father having joint say in his son’s medical decisions and acting as a bulwark from having this child abuse foisted upon their son, now 8 years old. Not so any longer.

The mother, Dr. Anne Georgulas, has been aggressively seeking to transition their son into a girl. Claiming that he has gender dysphoria. She calls James ‘Luna’ at home and dresses him like a girl and has been exploring options to begin him on hormone blockers. According to court documents, the mother asked the courts to stop the father from:

“signing Luna up as James for any activities or taking her as James or calling her James or using male pronouns related to Luna at any activities outside the home… allowing the children to remain in the presence of anyone who is not calling Luna by her chosen name, ‘Luna,’ not using female pronouns to refer to her and otherwise not affirming Luna.”

The ruling by the judge for full-decision making now frees her to subject her son to transgender medical procedures. The father, Jeff, says that when his son stays with him he does not want to be treated as a girl and won’t wear girl clothes, saying that he is a boy.

The father has also been ordered to pay for all the counseling, though he will not be given an option in the choice of a counsellor.

According to the “Save James” Facebook page, there is “a special evidentiary hearing is scheduled for September” to review the current orders and determine whether or not they will proceed as planned. Until then, the page is seeking to again get the attention of Senator Cruz, in a bid to review these heartbreaking developments.