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Voddie Baucham Update – One Month Post-op – ‘I am No Longer on a Path to a Heart Transplant’

Voddie Baucham has given an update on how he’s doing one-month post-op, explaining that things are doing well and he’s no longer on a path to needing a heart transplant.

Speaking from his car, Voddie shared with his followers that his wife Bridget went back to Zambia, got the kids, and that the whole family is living with them in a bed and breakfast in Jacksonville so they can be close by the Mayo Clinic while he undergoes weekly tests and cardiac rehab, made possible by the nearly $1,500,000 dollars raised on his GoFundMe account.

He explains that he’s been going in once a week for checkups, with yesterday being a whole day from 7:30 a.m. to almost 3:00 p.m. of undergoing a battery of examinations and tests.

Lord willing if everything goes well today, we’ll go from weekly visits to monthly visits for the next couple of months, and if everything checks out, then by the end of may I should be released to go to quarterly visits.

Voddie tells us that “everything looks good,” and that he’s getting stronger every day, walking a mile at a time and doing pushups, situps, and squats, all while waiting for a release from his doctors that will let him do more, push things and see his heart challenged.

While saying, “We have to be prepared for the possibility that there are more [challenges] ahead,” he informed friends and supporters, “The good news is, I am no longer on a path to heart transplant.”


Voddie Baucham Having Heart Surgery Today

Voddie Baucham is scheduled to have surgery this morning at 11:00am to repair his heart and “give it a chance to ‘remodel'” according to a post to his social media.

Describing his week as being filled with “ups and downs,” which included two cardiac arrest events, Baucham explains the procedure: “Tomorrow, the home takes the field and goes on offense.”

He further invokes and pleads for his wife, Bridget, for the peace of the Holy Spirit after watching and experience so many traumatic events these past few weeks. He writes:

The last week has been filled with ups and downs. However, everything has been moving forward towards a procedure that could not only repair my heart, but also give it a chance to ‘remodel.’

That procedure is scheduled for tomorrow at 11:00! To quote one of my doctors, “Tomorrow, the home takes the field and goes on offense.”

Please pray for the @mayoclinic team that will do the work. Please pray for my dear wife. She has had to watch me go through one traumatic event after another, including two cardiac events this week that set off alarms and brought the entire staff running into my room to intervene (crash cart and all!). Tomorrow, I will be asleep (under anesthesia), but Bridget will have to spend several hours waiting for news. Pray that the Lord will make his presence known to her and grant her peace.

Pray for our children, both here and back in Lusaka. Pray the Lord uses this to call them to himself and teach them to trust him. Pray the Lord grants healing and restoration. Pray that the Lord brings glory to his name through it all.

Meanwhile, his GoFundMe continues to build, nearing 1.4 million dollars, along with donations sent to his other ministry and funding channels.

While this is a blessing to see the support, all the money in the world won’t help if he doesn’t live to see it. Continue to keep this dear brother in prayer, for physical healing, and for his wife and kids.

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Voddie Baucham Medical Update ‘I was Within an Hour or so of Death’

Voddie Baucham has provided another update from inside the Mayo Clinic, informing supporters and concerned believers that he is fine for now, with a “clear, aggressive, and promising treatment plan” in place, but that he almost didn’t make it, with the doctor who brought him in telling him he was “in the final stages of a catastrophic event, and within an hour or so of death.”

The beloved teacher and minister flew out from Zambia to the hospital in Florida last week, making a trek that involved a 16-hour flight, 5 layovers, cancelled flights, a once-in-a-lifetime snow storm, and tens of thousands of saints keeping him in prayer.

He wrote this update on his social media pages:

@americanair found our @saddlebackbags and delivered them. Praise the Lord for a burden lifted!

On the health front, I am still at the @mayoclinic and receiving care from some of the top doctors in the world in the field of heart failure.

My condition is much improved, and we have a clear, aggressive, and promising treatment plan. Bridget and I continue to marvel at the Lord’s providence and rejoice in his goodness. According to the doctor that brought me in (actually, his wife picked us up and rushed us to the E.D., but that’s another story for another time), I was in the final stages of a catastrophic event, and within an hour or so of death.

When we look back at the amazing work of the missionary doctor in Lusaka who stabilized me (and saved my life), the GoFundMe, canceled flights, weather delays, my vitals during the Joburg to Doha flight, a last-minute itinerary change to Jacksonville, and the fact that Mayo was expecting and waiting for me upon arrival (including the paramedic who checked me in and said, “I’m trying not to go all fan-girl right now,” 😂 it is impossible to deny the hand of our Sovereign God and the way he shepherded us.

There is much more I could say and a great deal more work to be done, but we are resting and rejoicing in God’s goodness. Even in the ‘little’ things… Like finally getting our bags! Especially when we realize that, if we had waited and taken the same journey our bags did (our original itinerary), we would not have made it to Mayo in time.


Baucham had written a post yesterday regarding their dismay at having his bags lost.

Prior to this health scare, Voddie had been battling chronic illness for years, even as he built his strength through resistance training, martial arts, exercise, and sport, according to a recent article by the Christian Post which features Voddie’s health commitments and routines over the last decade to protect his health and heart, including losing over 60lb’s in 2018.