
DC Library Purposefully Trolls Kirk Cameron with LGBTQ Books, Flags

The Cleveland Park Public Library decided to make a statement in hearing that Christian actor and author Kirk Cameron was coming to their library to read his book for a story hour, putting up rainbow flags and prominently displaying LGBTQ books as a means of reinforcing its “core values.” According to reports:

Mr. Cameron arrived at the Cleveland Park Public Library in Northwest Washington to find it festooned with LGBT rainbow flags and a book display with dozens of LGBTQ-themed books for children and youth, including pro-transgender titles such as “Princess Boy” and “I’m Not a Girl.”

The library system acknowledged that the displays were installed Tuesday in a deliberate rebuttal to the Christian actor and activist ahead of his Wednesday reading, the latest stop on his national library tour aimed at offering a conservative alternative to drag queen story hours.

“The public feedback that the library received on Twitter, and through emails and phone calls, indicated that there was a perception that the library endorses the views of the groups using the public meeting room,” the library system said in a statement to The Washington Times. “The library created the displays to correct that misinterpretation of its core value of welcoming everyone.”

Cameron was appearing to read his book ‘As you Grow.” His publisher, Brave Books, warned that these libraries were seeking to groom children, and that they wouldn’t “back down.”


Library ‘UnCancels’ Pastor Story Hour After Threat of Lawsuit

The Chelmsford Public Library in Chelmsford, MA, has walked back its decision to cancel “pastor story hour” after being threatened with a lawsuit, according to their Facebook page.

Previously, Pastor Kendall Lankford of The Shepherd’s Church reserved a slot to read a book to children, offering an alternative to the groiteque “Drag Queen Story Hour” The Libray initially approved the event but then cancelled it, saying it contradicted their policies.

Pastor Kendal obtained legal counsel from the Massachusetts Family Institute. They sent a letter to the library threatening legal action, which them to relent. Chelmsford Public Library told the CP:

“We now recognize … that actions taken after the approval of the reservation, and communications immediately before the event, seemed to violate some details of library policy and directs hate at members of our community played too large a role in our decision, to the detriment of our commitment to everyone’s right to free speech.”

Several commenters were critical on Facebook, however, with one person pointing out:
It took a pastor getting a lawyer to be able to hold a meeting. Had it been trans-drag-queen-naked hour, you would have had no issue. You tried. And failed. You got legal counsel alright….HIS legal counsel sent you a letter letting you know you can get ready for court. THEN you had a sudden reality check.


Charismatic Prophetess Says All Her Books Are in Heaven’s Library+ God Hand-Writes Books, Jesus Does Speech-to-Text

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s letting in little secrets of what heaven is like, including the fact that you can read her own books in Heaven’s library and that God the Father likes to hand write books where Jesus is more a speech-to-text kind of guy.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 90 of Wednesday’s with Kat and Steve, she explains:

Kerr: …The Father, the Son of the Holy Spirit, if you wanted to really say something to them, he loves, by the way, writing that thing down is an MO, is a modus operandi of the Father. He does have the Lamb’s Book of Life, we know he has the Book of Remembrance. He actually has many, and they’re real books, they’re are huge books. And (God the Father) does actually write in them, He likes to write things out. Christ would rather say, but the Father writes things down.

So authorship is a really big thing in heaven. Everyone (who) has written a book that represents God or Heaven, or just something really fun, but decent. They’re already on library shelves in heaven. Your book’s already in heaven.

Shultz asks her to clarify who has a books in heaven, and she say people who have written books on earth will have them read by others for eternity in heaven.

Kerr: What I’m saying is those who have authored a book here, those books. I saw my own book, in a library in heaven. And I was told those who become authors is so important, because even when you’re gone, that book remains here and those words will still be read by people. And it may be something a spiritual, or it could be a help book, or just something funny that’s really decent. I mean people love to read. And there’s still people who read books and (unintelligible) you can go get them out of the library, or you can just request to have one yourself there in heaven, and you have a place for a library in your own mansion.

Shultz: Well, I thought it was cool when Bill Johnson had my book in his library. If my book is in heaven, that’s way cooler. That’s very, very cool.