Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Bisexual Megachurch ‘Pastor’ Turned Stripper has ‘Never Been Happier’

A Minnesota pastor (henceforward “pastrix” as there is no such thing as a female pastor) who left the pastorate to become a stripper and camgirl has “never been happier,” according to reports.

Nikole Mitchell, 36, started attending Woodlands Baptist Church in St. Paul, MN in 2011, and pursued the pulpit “because of my love for performing.” She recounts how she grew up in a conservative Christian environment where only men could be elders, and so being part of a church that allowed women to be pastors “blew my mind.” She developed an interest in theology and would be the first one in line after the service to ask the pastors questions. This eventually led to an offer to help lead the congregation. The New York Post reports this interaction.

“One of my pastors said ‘Nikole, did you realize that you’re a theologian?’ And they said, ‘We’d like you to be one of our pastors,’ ” she recalled. “To be on stage in front of thousands of people — that’s what I had been dreaming of for years.”

Eager to rise up the ranks, Mitchell — who was also raising three kids now aged, 10, 7 and 4 — snagged a spot as a weekly pastor in 2016.

During her time as pastor, she “read many articles and books, listened to interviews, watched videos,” and even participated in a course on “Queer Theology.” As a result, Mitchell “came to believe that Scripture did not condemn homosexuality” and she became as “passionate advocate” for them.

She discovered/realized that she was queer later that year while chasing and pulling those mental threads, and then went all in. She emerged from the depths of rebellion having given herself fully over to progressive Christianity and eventually atheism, casting off her pastrix mantle and leaving the church in 2017.

Having gone to church my whole life and eventually landing on a preaching team, all I ever knew and did was revolved around the church. But recently, as I started to deconstruct white straight male power and privilege and the patriarchy, I learned how much of my Christianity was the byproduct of white straight male thinking and ideology. As a biracial queer woman, their theology had no room for me.

Since then she has come a long way. She started following her life coach’s wife on Instagram who happened to be a lingerie model and pursued that industry, delving deeper down the rabbit hole.

She now operates an OnlyFans account where she posts X-rated content in exchange for money. Recently she was offered thousands of dollars for a sexual encounter by a paid viewer and was planning on accepting and engaging in some prostitution, but COVID hit and her plans were shuttered. Temporarily.

Mitchell says she doesn’t miss being a megachurch pastor, noting: “My sexuality is incredibly healing and sacred…and when I give this gift to people, it blesses them.”

Featured Religion World News

Pope affirms parents of LGBT kids: ‘God loves your children as they are’

Pope Francis continued his trend of making off-the-cuff gay-affirming statements to those pushing him on the issue, this time telling a group of parents who have homosexual kids that “God loves your children as they are.” 

The comments were made during a 30-minute private audience Pope Francis had with members of Tenda di Gionata in the papal library of the Apostolic Palace.

‘Tenda di Gionata is translated’ to “Jonathan’s Tent” and is a pro-LGBT advocacy group comprised of Roman Catholic parents who have homosexual children. The group’s name, ‘Jonathan’s Tent’ is based on the twisting of scripture that says that David and Jonathan were lovers.

The parents came to plea and convince the pope to relent on the church’s official positon on homosexuality. One of the parents told Francis that she and others in the group had come to think of themselves as fortunate and blessed because having gay children forced them to change the way they viewed their kids. Mara Grassi, vice president of Jonathan’s Tent, said:

“What we have now is a new gaze that has allowed us to see in them the beauty and love of God…We want to create a bridge with the Church so that the Church too can change its gaze towards our children, no longer excluding them but welcoming them fully.”

Francis replied to this heartfelt plea from the parents:

“The church does not exclude them because she loves them deeply.”

and later:

“The church loves your children as they are because they are children of God.”

Along with the meeting from these parental activists trying to convince Francis to make the church affirming of sodomy, they also gave him a book with stories of people who had come to accept and embrace their gay identity, as well as a rainbow-colored T-shirt with the words ‘In love, there is no fear’ emblazoned on the front of it.

Pope Francis recently made other comments that indicated an acceptance of homosexuality, such as when he allegedly affirmed the sexuality of a gay priest.

Featured Heresies Social Justice Wars

Jen Hatmaker: ‘The Center of the Church has Failed to be Black, Gay, and Transgendered’

Popular mommy-blogger, podcaster, and pseudo-Christian pagan Jen Hatmaker continues to wield her platform to promote theologically perverse teachers saying theologically perverse things, this time with guest Alicia Crosby on her September 8th ‘For the Love’ podcast.

Alicia Crosby is a justice educator and equity consultant, whose job it is to “help individuals, communities, and institutions explore and unpack topics related to identity, inclusivity, journey, and intersectional equity.” She co-founded the Center for Inclusivity, an organization that “fosters important conversations across faiths, sexual orientations, and gender identities to create shared community.”

She is queer and pansexual. She refuses to go to white doctors, supports looting and cities burning of cities during BLM protests, loves the WAP song, wants the police defunded, and expressed how upset she was because she had to have a white, cis-gendered history professor. She doesn’t come across as a particularly nice person, although Hatmaker heavily promotes her, heaps praises on her, and tell her audience that they should “follow her and sit under her leadership.”

Hatmaker describes the content of the podcast:

“We are going to look at the church’s role in the wholeness of Black lives. Without mincing words, this has been a place of profound failure for the American white church, because the center of the American church remains white, straight, and cis-gendered. All kinds of people groups who fall outside of those lines have not been valued, much less centered. And this has had tragic consequences…”

If it is a profound failure for the center of the church to be white, straight, and cis-gendered, what can only be meant is that the center of the church must also be black, gay, and transgendered, at least in some way. That is the radical revision she envisions. 

Hatmaker, of course, is openly supportive of all things same-sex, having an out and proud child that she has denied the gospel to, hiding it from her daughter in an abhorrent act of parenting and supposed Christian witness.

Apart from mere description, the podcast says few things of note. In one segment, Crosby describes how she was “ecumenically promiscuous” and eventually gave up on attending institutional churches and congregational settings, saying they weren’t for her, as she couldn’t function in a church with power differentials and church service where she couldn’t just turn around and start have a conversation to the person next to her in the middle of a sermon. Rather, she says she lives on the outsides of the margins, away from churches traditional church settings, and that she’s happy there.

Hatmaker “ooh’s and ‘aaah’s” through the entire discourse, murmuring “Wow. That’s right. Yeah. Hmmm. That’s good. So powerful.” to a story of a clearly false convert forsaking congregationally gathering for a church service. She comments afterward:

Like that gave me butterflies in my stomach. I’m thinking of how many people heard you walk through that, and say that in plain terms and probably felt a million pounds roll of their shoulders. The sense of duty and obligation and should…shoulding…around institutional church attendance and involvement is so high…and so just the powerful theological framework that the people of God have been in and out of buildings since the beginning is so liberating like what beautiful and wonderful thing to say.

In another segment, Hatmaker says ‘that’s good’ and ‘that’s right’ to Crosby describing “the white church” as “not a curious place” and that “it relies on absolutes – being an imperialist space – because it seeks to control what is and isn’t permissible, which is what white Christianity has done.”  One of the examples of the church not being a curious space is the use of horoscopes and the practice of astrology, with Crosby chiding the white church and white Christians for suppressing their use, upset that they call it “demonic.”

Eventually, Hatmaker elaborates on her own faith journey and paints for us a picture of how she went from a Lifeway best-selling author to a wild-eyed Christ-hater (our words). Sadly, she still believes her and the God of the Bible are tight and that she has a personal relationship with Him. She’s mistaken of course, unless she’s referring to the fact that the relationship she has with God is that He personally regards her as his enemy and the object of his wrath. But Hatmaker explains:

Once I stepped into a place of spiritual curiosity I rotated so many new teachers into my life, completely different voices, totally different faith experiences, absolutely different perspectives, whole new systems of faith and theology and doctrine and interpretation…[Once that happened] I experienced absolute spiritual flourishing.