
Dr. Michael Brown Joining Famed ‘Leg Lengthening’ Huckster Todd White For Joint Ministry Event

Years ago, Jim Osman (author of God Doesn’t Whisper) called into Michael Brown’s show and criticized him for platforming the worst of the worst of charismatic ne’er do wells, telling him, “I would say that you have given a lot of shade,(cover) in fact, shade to some of the worst and most egregious charismatics, charlatans, false prophets, and hucksters that the charismatic movement has turned up in recent years, including Sid Roth and Benny Hinn and others just like it.” 

Osman was not wrong, however, and it’s a problem. Brown routinely platforms, partners with, and promotes false prophets and teachers- the worst of the worst- making thin and indefensible excuses along the way.

Case in point:

Brown is joining Todd White for ‘Truth over Tradition’ for a two-day at White’s Lifestyle Christianity training center, where they will ‘gather for worship, training, and equipping in the Word and presence of God.’

White is perhaps best known for his dreadlocks and his debunked leg-lengthening scam, which is nothing more than pure, calculated and intentional deception.

This is in addition to the fact that Todd White is routinely unsound in his teaching. He has insisted he hasn’t told a lie in nearly 20 years, since the day he was saved, claimed that Jesus BECAME child pornography and bestiality on the crosssampled Aerosmith as a prophetic worship song, famously taught that God’s in bed with you watching porn and wants to be your ‘climax’, and recently said that God wants to have ‘intercourse’ with us.

Leading figures in Christian discernment, like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough, have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.

Unlike the misled youth pastor down at the Assembly of God who might get carried away with old wives’ tales of the goofy-miraculous, White is not an ordinary charismatic. White engages in parlor trickery that must be learned, practiced, and honed. His leg-lengthening stunts, mentalism, cold readings, and street-level “healings” are all tricks learned and mastered by secular magicians.

He has not just ignorantly bought into a Sid-Roth-Style charismaticism; he has had 100% knowledge that the tricks he regularly employs to make him famous are manufactured and manipulative.

Brown had been directly confronted with evidence of White’s shenanigans, but has repeatedly brushed it off, saying “All I can say that my knowledge of Todd , behind the scenes and him being raw and open, everything he’s done is sincere.”

In short, Todd White is the worst of tricksters and miracle hustlers. His career has been to dupe religious types and gullible people into believing he is sincere. Brown is in on the con, promoting, partnering, and platforming him, thereby sharing in his evil deeds.

Truly, a match made in hell.


Todd White Posts Fake Leg-Lengthening Video in 2022

Charismatic evangelist and professional cold-reader and leg-lengthener Todd White has re-upped one of his greatest hits on his website, posting days ago a video of him doing a fake-miracle parlor trick.

For a brief time, many had thought the notorious heretic had repudiated his false beliefs after delivering an emotional sermon where he admitted he was not preaching the full gospel– leaving people to wonder if he’d been saved. We put on our discernment caps and explained this is how we would know he was repentant. Sadly, the next week he demonstrated that he was not. Since then, he claimed that Jesus BECAME child pornography and bestiality on the cross and sampled Aerosmith as a prophetic worship song, showing that he’s just as sketchy as ever.

Leading figures in Christian discernment like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that, along with Kenneth Copeland and Todd Bentley, the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.

Unlike the misled youth pastor down at the Assembly of God who might get carried away with old wives’ tales of the goofy-miraculous, White is not an ordinary charismatic. White engages in parlor trickery that must be learned, practiced, and honed. His leg-lengthening stunts, his mentalism and cold-readings, and his street-level “healings” are all tricks learned and mastered by secular magicians. He has not just ignorantly bought into a Sid-Roth-Style charismaticism; he has had 100% knowledge that the tricks he regularly employs to make him famous are manufactured and manipulative.

When Todd White walks up to a person with a limp and says, “The Spirit tells me you have a hurt ankle,” and then rubs his hands together violently (to create heat from friction) and then “lays hands” on the cripple’s skin he 100% knows what he’s doing when he then asks, “Does it feel warm? It’s working! It’s working!” and claims a miracle took place.

In the case of leg lengthening, White claims that someone’s in some pain on account of their legs being different lengths, and he can fix it by having them grow. He has them sit in a chair and shows them the discrepancy, flashing the camera a closeup to prove his point. However, the con has already begun because of the way and angle he holds the legs in the first place. White then manipulates the leg, ankle, hip, and shoe, saying spiritual words and pleading ‘in Jesus name’ while pulling, tweaking, and rotating until voila, healing! The leg has been regrown.

In short, Todd White is the worst of tricksters and miracle-hustlers. His career has been to dupe religious types and gullible people into believing he is sincere, and he does it over an dover again.

h/t Brother John Elving