
Larry Reid Names Prominent Prophet as One of T.D. Jakes’ Alleged Grooming Victims

Larry Reid, the founder of the MBN Network (MBN), the owner of LDREnterprises, and the Senior Spiritual Leader of Reformation Church of Atlanta, has named ‘Prophet’ Manasseh Jordan as one of the alleged victims of Bishop T.D. Jakes’ alleged homosexual predations.

Jordan is a millionaire prosperity preacher whom both Benny Hinn and T.D. Jakes mentored. Jordan has claimed to heal the sick, raise the dead, and has made a name for himself promising obscene wealth and ‘financial transfers’ to those who give him “seed” money, particularly through the use of robocalls. Jordan recently took to Instagram to share about the ‘grooming’ he experienced at the hands of a prominent Christian leader.

“2024 (is) going to be the year of exposure and God is exposing certain people, people that normally was able to use their power,their influence and their money to silence people. Those days are over.”

I’m referring to the black church specifically…there’ll be a bishop, a pastor, apostle someone who has big conferences, everybody knows, ‘oh my God they’re the holy man of God’ and they will pick their victims and they groom them. And it first goes through stage one where they ask questions; ‘what are you into, what do you like, you need to tell Daddy everything.’ And so they’re using verbosity and they’re using this type of garrulous narrative to try to make you feel comfort, to build comfort with their victim.

And then from there it goes into stage two. And stage two is where it begins to become sexual and it first starts by either making facetious jokes, making little statements, innuendoes, and then it goes into the questions of ‘what turns you on, what do you like sexually, you need to tell me this because I need to know because I need to be able to pray for you.’ So it’s almost like a psychological power game that they’re playing with you.

..And then it goes into the third stage, and the third stage is where they try to become intimate with you.. And if you do not allow this they drop you, they treat you like you’re nothing, and they abandon that young male or that young woman. But from my experience, I can only speak from a young male point of view, they abandon that young male and they treat them like they’re nothing because they didn’t acquiesce to what they wanted sexually and they look for another victim. And they know they can get away with it because their followers are not people that love the Lord. They worship the pastor, they worship the bishop, so they’re not seeking for truth.

In a follow-up video, Jordan says he received calls from two people who say they were victims of sexual assault from the same person who groomed him. Jordan says they will be pressing charges against the unnamed leader.

While Jordan has not revealed the name of who tried to ‘groom’ him, Reid has released a series of videos over the last week, insisting that TD Jakes was the one manipulating for sexual favors, sharing in one video:

Everything else he discussed in this video, he experienced it at the hands of Bishop T.D. Jakes. And he told me it was Bishop T.D. Jakes. This is not the only situation or the only person that has a testimony or story like this. For Manasseh it was grooming, and the grooming was excessive, manipulative, and he did confront Bishop Jakes about it and how he was handled.

And in his video header:

“The evidence of grooming and manipulation has been viewed. I confirm that the viral video viewed over 1 million times so far across social media posted by @prophetmanasseh was referencing Bishop T.D. Jakes.”

Jakes has denied all allegations against him, but recently said during his Christmas service that if the allegations of homosexual activity against him were true, all he would need to do is “repent sincerely in his heart.”


Ironically enough, while Reid is championing this cause, a few months ago, a man named Lavontraye Andrews publicly accused Reid of molesting him when he was in his teens, using many of the same behaviors Jordan is claiming Jakes used on him.


Prominent ‘Pastor’ Larry Reid Accused of Molesting Teenage Boy

Dr. Larry Reid is the founder of the MBN Network (MBN), the owner of LDREnterprises, and the Senior Spiritual Leader of Reformation Church of Atlanta, a “cyber-church” that seems defunct. His website biography describes him as a “Multimedia Personality, Comedic Commentator, Songwriter, Recording Artist, and Spiritual Leader” who hosts a show where hundreds of thousands of people tune in each week.

Reid is known for giving social commentary and weighing in on spiritual abuse, setting himself up as a champion of the oppressed who exposes bad churches and bad pastors.

A few months ago, a man named Lavontraye Andrews publicly accused Larry Reid of molesting him when he was in his teens. Reid in turn sued for defamation but then quickly dropped the lawsuit. 

In an interview with Tasha K, Andrews shares that after his father and mother divorced, his father was absent and it caused him some trauma, having difficulty working through he effects of not having a father figure in his life.

Andrews started attending Breakthrough Church where Reid was the Senior Pastor. Soon, Reid became that father figure for him, so much so that the teen eventually came to live with him in his home. Andrews alleges that Reid groomed him for over a year, telling him things like ‘engaging in gay sex acts doesn’t make someone gay,’ or ‘giving another man oral sex doesn’t make a person gay’, planting the seeds of how to frame in the future any overtures he may make.

Soon after Reid molested him. Andrews explaining that the events took place in the context of a father/son dynamic, where Reid framed the abuse as a way he could give the young teen a spiritual covering and he in turn could help the minister relieve some of the spiritual pressures he was under. He describes the abuse in part:

Reid so far has denied any and all allegations.