
Televangelists Say Trump is Saved Because He’s Said the Sinner’s Prayer on FIVE Different Occasions and ‘I’m sure one of ’em stuck’

Televangelist Jim Bakker, the hucksteriest of all hucksters, joined forces with Lance Wallnau, a NAR enthusiast who crashed and burned after falsely prophesying that Trump would win the election a few years ago, to assure their listeners that former President Donald Trump is a Christian because he’s been led through the sinner’s prayer on no less than five occasions, and they’re sure “one of ’em stuck.”

The last few years have not been kind to Bakker. Two years ago, the embattled Bakker had his credit card companies cut him off and reduced him to only taking checks to support his ever-dwindling ministry. This has made him desperate to hawk any prophecy, piece, or potion he can to keep the lights on, including selling a $1000 miracle blanket or having guests that claimed a Reptile Alien pretended to be her husband in an attempt to seduce her.

Now, they theorize:

Bakker: “So why people think Trump is not a Christian… now I happen to know- I’m telling stuff that I only know because I know the people who have led him in the sinner’s prayer. I mean people who have literally prayed with him. And I know- Lance you know people that have prayed with President Trump to accept Christ as Savior, isn’t that right? “

Wallnau: Yeah I’m laughing because I just hope he doesn’t think he has to accept Jesus into his heart several times a year in order to become a Christian. You only get born again once but I can tell you Dr. Dobson prayed with him, James Robison prayed with him, Pastor (unintelligible) prayed. And those are just three I talked to that said he said the sinner’s prayer, and he meant it. 

Trump has prayed three times that I know of to accept Jesus (“And we know a couple more”) and I’m sure one of ’em stuck. 

Nothing would make us happier than for God to save Donald Trump, but so far we’ve seen no evidence than he’s anything other than a lost and hellbound pagan that is dead in his sins without Christ, regardless of how many “sinner’s prayers” he’s prayed or have been prayed over him.”

h/t Right Wing Watch


Prominent Charismatics Battered After Hurricane Ian’s Destruction Proves They Didn’t Hear From God

Prominent charismatic teacher Lance Wallnau has been thoroughly discredited as a false prophet. A key player in the New Apostolic Reformation, he is a driving force behind the Seven Mountain Mandate that seeks to take “dominion” over seven designated areas of culture, including, religion, family, education, government, media, arts & entertainment, and business.

A couple of years ago, he released a video “finger shooting” Hurricane Irma, demanding that the ‘millibars’ rise’ and repeatedly commanding the hurricane to “peesh” (whatever that means, but we advise against Googling it) and wobble off into the ocean, all to no avail.

That wasn’t his last entanglement with inclement weather. Last month, a day after Hurricane Ian rocked the coast of Florida, Wallnau and conference partner Mario Murillo released a message to their supporters, insisting that their event scheduled for October 24-25, the Fire and Glory Tour would still be taking place later that month. They were emphatic that they heard from God, and that they were in Gods’ perfect timing’.

So the answer is very clear. We are not canceling. And not only are we going ahead with our plans, but we also believe the hurricane has added a great urgency to the event.

More than ever, I know why God chose Estero. And now it is crystal clear that we are in God’s perfect timing.

God knew this storm was coming and He knew what would be going on in the hearts of the people after the storm

A week and half later, despite clearly hearing the Lord’s ’emphatic voice” they cancelled the event without acknowledging their previous declarations.

h/t The Friendly Atheist.