
Bethel Church Charging $6000 PER PERSON for ‘Prophetic’ 2-Day Conference!

Bethel Church in Redding, California, continues its money-grubbing ways, putting on ‘The Regis Summit’ conference where the registration bundle is $6000 per person! 

Led by Bethel Chief Prophet Kris Vallotton, the promo material reveals that “this exclusive event has been meticulously designed to connect and activate you with the More of God” and that attendees will “discover strategies for personal and corporate spiritual development and tools to redefine personal success.”

Among the sessions, there’s a focus on ‘Redefining Reality’ and a session on ‘prophetic ministry,’ both led by the esteemed ‘Highly Trained Spiritual Intelligence Institute Team.’

The leadership panel consists almost entirely of Bethel Church Executives, including Dave Harvey, the Director of Bethel Leaders Network, Richard Gordon the Spiritual Director of Bethel Tech, and Johanna Wilson the Chief Academic Officer of Bethel College

Again, the registration fees bundle, which includes five meals and two nights stay, is $6000!

Bethel Church in Redding, California, has many ways to make a buck. They must, as they’ve already broken ground on their brand new $96,000,000 Campus and Apostolic Training Center. To keep the land of milk and honey from growing parched, the 12,000-member Bethel Church has over 90 ministries, many of which seemingly exist only to raise capital.

They have a ‘Lab’ where they apply ‘scientific methods’ to the prophetic, and where you or your business can get a custom prophetic report for only $2750. They offer courses on interpreting dreams for $150, and they offer ‘acting classes’ for $26,700 and a dance certificate for $14,000

For more on Bethel:

Bethel Pastor Claims Adam is ‘Procreating With God’ and ‘Co-Creating’ When Naming the Animals
Little God Theology? Bethel Prophet Says you are ‘Made like God’ and Made ‘After the God-Kind’
Never Forget: Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards
Bethel ‘Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’
Bethel Pastrix: ‘Jesus Laid in that Bed with Me and Started to Play with my Hair’
Bethel Church “Pastor” Says Angels Sit Around the Throne of God Having “Farting Contests”
Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’
Bethel Church Has a ‘Lab’ Where they Apply Scientific Methods to The Prophetic + People. Only


Bethel Chief Prophet says God made Adam ‘Male’ AND ‘Female’ + Adam ‘co-created Eve’

Kris Vallotton is the co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church. In a recent post, we covered how in one 20-minute sermon, he went on a tear of theological fabrication, claiming that when Adam named the animals in the garden, he was “procreating” and co-creating” with God– and that we can do the same thing. 

Then he went on to teach some ‘little god theology’ by claiming we are made after the “God-kind.” Finally, he offers this truly bizarre interpretation of Genesis, saying that God made Adam both male and female and that Adam became ‘Just male’ only after God took the ‘female’ part of him out by creating Eve from his rib.

Even more brazenly, he claims that in the same way Adam’ procreated’ with God and helped ‘create’ the animals and their nature, he also ‘co-created’ Eve. He explains:

The first point I’d like to make in this conference really is that God made you after his kind and God made Adam– the word ‘Adam’ and the word ‘man,’ Hebrew word, It’s the same exact word. He made Adam, both male and female, as you know.

How many know God’s not a man? God’s both male and female, and if you oppress women, then you reduce the revelation of God. (unintelligible) Because God’s not a man, it took a man and a woman to demonstrate the revelation of who God is.

…Isn’t it interesting that Genesis 1, God said, ‘Let us make man look in our image, male and female, he made them’ and then chapter 2…God seems to like say, Okay, let me just go back and tell you exactly how I did this….How many know God created man and he created the animals from dirt?… it’s the reason why your DNA is so close to every other creature on earth, because God used the same raw materials.

I’d like to suggest that Adam wasn’t alone in (the garden) in the sense that there was no other Adams around, but then he was lonely. Follow me for a minute. I’m saying that God wasn’t looking for someone to procreate with, (when he named the animals who passed by him) God was looking for somebody to solve his loneliness with.

We continue:

Because Adam was made with a god-hole. And God came in the cool of the garden. In other words, when God was gone, Adam was alone. He didn’t have anybody who related to like he related to God. So what does God do about that? God puts Adam to sleep.

So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon man, and he slept, and God took one of his ribs and closed up his flesh there, and the Lord God fashioned into a woman, the rib which you take you for the man, and God brought her to the man and the man said ‘this is now a bone of my bones and flesh, my flesh, she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of the man.'”

Where was the woman? She was taken out of the man. The woman was in the man. There’s a few men in here. You can’t get in touch with your feminine side, because you don’t have one. The woman was taken out of the man. So where was the woman? She was in the man.

So God took Adam and said, ‘Okay, here’s how I’m going to make sure you no longer feel lonely. I’m going to take you and I’m going to break you in half. I’m gonna take the feminine side of you, and I’m going to remove it from you’.

And when Adam woke up, I’d like to suggest that he immediately knew that something was missing because he was both male and female at one point. How do we know that? Because the woman was taken out of the man.

I‘d like to suggest that Genesis 1, ‘female’ is not the Genesis 2 woman. That Adam was both male and female, and the woman was taken out of the man, so now Adam needs the woman the same way he needs God. He’s not complete without her. When Adam wake up…and looks at the woman…he sees what he’s missing…because he used to have it.

Kris concludes by saying that Adam co-created the woman with God, in the same way he co-created the animals.

And immediately he goes, ‘this is bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh. She shall be called woman because she was taken out of a man,’ And then he begins to prophesy to her… I think that Adam was prophesying who will pursue who. And he begins to do what he did with the animals. He begins to prophesy, he begins to co-create with God the woman. And he’s saying that men will be the pursuer, the woman will be pursued, the woman was born to be adored, and he begins to prophesy about this other part of him.


Little God Theology? Bethel Prophet Says you are ‘Made like God’ and Made ‘After the God-Kind’

And God created man in His own image in the image of God, He created male and female, He created them.

Kris Vallotton is the co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church. In a recent post, we covered how he claimed that when Adam named the animals in the garden, he was “procreating” and co-creating” with God– and that we can do the same thing. But that wasn’t the only squirrely part of the message. Previously, Vallotton goes to great lengths to establish the creds we have to be “co-creating with God” and “co-reigning with God” by explaining that we can do these things because we are made after the “God-kind.” 

Eight times God says, I’ve made the cattle, the birds after their kind, the cattle after their kind, creeping things after their kind, and eight times God says, ‘Let us make these things after our kind’.

And then he gets to you, and he says, ‘Let us make man in our image.’ The connotation is ‘let us make man after our kind’. And God made you after the God-kind. You weren’t an amoeba that warped into an ape that warped- you are made in the image of God, in the likeness of God. You’re actually made like God.

Ephesian 5:1 says, ‘Be imitators of God.’ How many understand when you’re acting like God you’re being yourself? Because you were made in the image and likeness of God. And I love this part. It says that he gave us power over all birds of the sky of the cattle and over everything that creeps on the earth…and so we were made after the God-kind.

It’s not the first time he’s said it, previously claiming:

The reason why you can heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons is because of who you are. Jesus didn’t say ‘pray for the sick’. He said ‘heal the sick.’

“Well only God can heal the sick.”

That’s why he said ‘be imitators of God.’

“Listen, I can’t heal the sick, only God can heal the sick.”

That’s right. You are sons of God. In fact, Jesus quoted the psalmist when he said ‘you are gods’ and the word ‘gods’ is little ‘g’. Ye is big ‘G’ and you are a little ‘g’. You’re ‘little g’ god.

For more on Vallotton:

Bethel Leader Says Prophets Can Cause Randos To Prophecy + be ‘Activated’
Bethel’s Chief Prophet Praises Pope ‘You’re My Hero’
Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’
Bethel ‘Prophet’ Who Falsely Prophesied Trump’s Victory Headlines Prophetic Conference
Bethel’ Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’
Bethel Church Prophet Says Jesus Frequently ‘Took the Scripture out of Context’’


Bethel Pastor Claims Adam is ‘Procreating With God’ and ‘Co-Creating’ When Naming the Animals

Now out of the ground the Lord God had formed every beast of the field and every bird of the heavens and brought them to the man to see what he would call them. And whatever the man called every living creature, that was its name.The man gave names to all livestock and to the birds of the heavens and to every beast of the field. But for Adam there was not found a helper fit for him. — Genesis 2: 19-20 (ESV)

Kris Vallotton is the co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church. We’ve covered him a few times, such as during our Bethel Leader Says Prophets Can Cause Randos To Prophecy + be ‘Activated’ Just By Being Around Them, our story on Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’ the time Bethel ‘Prophet’ Who Falsely Prophesied Trump’s Victory Headlines Prophetic Conference and Bethel’ Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’ posts, and our most recent Bethel Church Prophet Says Jesus Frequently ‘Took the Scripture out of Context’’

With men like discernment minister Mike Winger affirming that he would freely fellowship with the Bethelites and that ‘real prophecy and real healing are coming out of this group,” we continue a brief series on Vallotton, such as this clip from 2018, where he claims that when Adam named the animals, he was “procreating” and co-creating” with God- and that we can do the same thing.

And God begins to create creatures that Adam names. Now you can imagine that this was probably a long process because there’s a lot of creatures, right? A couple of things I want to point out here. Did you notice that by the sixth day, God stopped talking? Like God did not speak the creatures into being, he did not speak Adam into being. He literally molded them from dirt. I’m simply saying that sometimes when God’s silent, he’s doing his best work.

And so, God begins to form creatures from the dirt, and he passes them by Adam. And I’d like to suggest to you that when Adam’s calling the creatures names, that he’s not calling them ‘Spot’ ‘Fefe’ and ‘Trigger’.

And that literally, and the connotation in the Hebrew is that Adam is calling them names. He is actually procreating with God. He’s actually prophesying your divine destiny, and it says, ‘and whatever Adam called them, that was their name’.

In other words… let’s say that Adam sees the creature that God has formed and Adam goes “Lion.” And when Adam says “Lion”, suddenly that creature takes on the dynamics of a lion. Are you with me? Adam is co-creating with God. God was silent, so therefore it gave room for Adam to speak.

It gets worse. This is not the first time he’s said he’s talked about ‘procreating with God’. He preached at a business convention in the Netherlands in 2018 that Adam was procreating and co-creating with God, and we can too:

You’re running around like, “I don’t know why bad things keep happening to me — you’re not sitting in your proper seat. You’ve relegated your seat to someone else. When we pray for healing and bad circumstances, we are praying in reaction to something that went wrong. But how many understand that when we are living from heaven towards earth? ” Jesus said to the Apostle John — come up here and I will show you what must take place after these things.

How many know if you live from your heavenly seat, your heavenly seat gives you an eternal perspective so that you see things not as they are, but as they should be. Then your prayers become prophecies and your words become worlds. So no longer am I always in reaction to what has already happened, but now I am living in response to God’s word and I begin to procreate with God.

And instead of always being like ‘hey this person’s sick/hey this bad circumstance has happened’, God goes, ‘hey this is how I want the next 50 years to go.’ And I begin to pray and prophesy into that, and I am not just praying to God but actually praying with God. I’m actually procreating with God. I become an heir — a co-reigner with God.”

…. When we are called to be ministers for God, one of the ways we do that is we create by speaking for God. ‘Earnestly desire the spiritual gifts but especially that you prophesy.’ Why especially prophecy and why does the devil hate it when we prophesy? Because you are co-creating with God. When Adam named the animals he was prophetically declaring their DNA.

When he said “lion,” the characteristics of the lion were now on that creature. Adam wasn’t just naming the animals — he was defining them. I am simply saying that part of what we get to do with God is we get to sit with Him, listen to what God thinks about something that isn’t, and call it as if it were.

Editor’s note. We are hunting down the video for that last clip. Kris Vallotton has made a copyright strike and removed it, but we have confirming testimony in 2018 from BSSM students who heard it and made notes that repeat the same thing.


Bethel Leader Says Prophets Can Cause Randos To Prophecy + be ‘Activated’ Just By Being Around Them

In a blog post that is actually a vehicle for advertising his upcoming 2022 School of Prophets conference, Kris Vallotton, co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, shared a very bizarre testimony given to him by last year’s attendees for purposes of demonstrating how transforming participating in the conference would be.

We last mentioned Vallotton during our Bethel Prophet Reveals Miracle of ‘Second Virginity’: ‘Hundreds of Hymens Grew Back’ and Bethel’ Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’ posts, of which he was the primed subject.

Described as a “4.5 day training school for prophets, highly prophetic people, and church leaders that want to learn how to operate with prophets” that costs $425 per person to attend, one unnamed prophet says that after leaving the show, a waitress was “activated” just by being in his spirit-filled presence, and was consequently able to predict (or prophecy) what he and his wife were going to order for food.

After the last session, my wife and I felt filled with the Spirit. We went to dinner at a diner in the Hilltop neighborhood. A waitress seated us and gave us menus. When she came back to take our orders, she looked at my wife and said; “I know what you want, you want the fish and chips.” My wife said “That’s right.” The waitress got excited and then turned to me and said; “Well then, I’ll bet you want a Reuben.” I said; “That’s right.”

She got really excited and started running around the whole restaurant telling everyone that she had guessed the whole order for two customers. We talked about this later and realized that this was an instance of someone being activated by the presence of Spirit-filled prophets. This was the same as King Saul being activated when he entered the company of prophets.” – 2021 School of the Prophets student 

We have no reason to believe any of this, given that Valloton is himself a false prophet, and this should be regarded as little more than a smoke show to part gullible Christians from their dollars. 

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Bethel ‘Pastor’ Says Michael the Archangel Dresses in ‘Wrestling Tights,’ is ‘always Grumpy’

The charismatic ne’er-do-well prophet who faced public humiliation after publicly apologizing to Joe Biden and his followers for uttering a false prophecy about Trump’s election win, calling it a “major, major mistake” and taking “full responsibility for being wrong.” has a history of saying stupidly blasphemous things bound to make the charismatics cackle and cheer; this time by claiming that the angel Michael look like a giant Native-American man who wears wrestling tights and is always grumpy (another ‘prophets explains he was wearing tights because ‘we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities, powers, and darkness.’

Kris Vallotton, Co-founder of the School of the Prophets and Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, who was seen being the spokesperson for Bethel Church in California after a surge of COVID cases at the School of Supernatural Ministry forced a county of nearly 200,000 people to go into lockdown, made the comments during a celebration for Prophet Bob Jones.

Valloton recounts that he was having nightmares for a week when all of a sudden he was woke up by a sound of an earthquake and his bed violently shaking. Looking up, realizing that nothing is actually shaking, but he’s caught in an angelic encounter. He explains:

“And there’s a man standing there. Like, I can see with my eyes. Like a really big guy. I’m laying on my back so I don’t know how tall he is- close to seven foot probably. And he’s got wrestling tights on. He’s got no shirt on.

He got no shirt on and he’s built like Arnold Schwarzenegger but about a foot wider. He’s got coal black hair. He looks like a Native American. He’s got deep black eyes, and he’s got his hands. He’s got his arms like this. And he stared at me like he’s really angry. He’s just staring at me. Like this. He doesn’t say a thing.

And I just say out loud that someone broke into my house. And he’s just looking at me like, ‘stupid’. And then I say to myself…this must be an angel. As soon as I say in my mind, this must be an angel right before my eyes he vaporizes.

So I called Bob Jones and I said ‘Hey Bob. I said I think I just saw an angel’ He goes goes ‘yup’.

He goes “did he look like an Indian?” He looked like an Indian. I go, ‘Yeah.’
He goes, ‘did he have coal black hair?’ I said, ‘Yeah’.
He goes ‘did he had wrestling tights on, and no shirt?’ I said, ‘Yeah’,
He goes, ‘was he in a bad mood?’… I said ‘yeah’,
He goes, Oh, that Michael he always in a bad mood.

h/t to Brother John Elving

Editor’s Note. When looking for the original video source for this, we saw that it was from 2014, and not current as we supposed but given that it is already written, we adapted it slightly for posterity. Here you go!