
Kenneth Copeland Receives $230,000 Luxury Car From Dying Man as Seed Offering, Reveals Dozens of Luxury Watches

When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyedthrowing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus’ name, or even running his own bizarro Bible college, the richest prosperity preacher in America can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies in order to increase his net worth, he can be seen accepting obscenely wealthy gifts and seed offerings from dying men, according to a story by The Christian Post.

During a recent message preached at the 2024 Southwest Believers’ Convention, the 87-year-old money-grubber spent a large part of his sermon showing off his wealth and regaling the audience with meandering stories about his love for Breitling watches; Swiss luxury timepieces popular with aviators and pilots.

These watches can be purchased brand new for $3250 on the low end and up to $73,000 on the high end, (and even more for older and rarer models).

At one point, Copeland, who reveals he has 36 of the watches, flashes one to an audience member and asks :

Do you think that one’s pretty? It’s a Breitling. It has diamonds around the edge. Someone gave me that one.”

Copeland explained that he began gifting the luxury timepieces as “seeds” long ago, and he and Pat Robertson exchanged them frequently.

He also shared that one of his friends who was sick with cancer, the musician Mylon LeFevre, blessed him with an exceptional timepiece. LeFevre gave Copeland a Bentley with a Breitling inside of it, a hefty seed if there ever was one, all the “believing in God for healing.” (LeFevre ultimately passed away from his illness)

Mylon called me. He said, ‘how many Breitlings do you have?’ And I said,’ I don’t know, 36 I think. I haven’t counted them lately.’ And I have in my closet, I have winders and there’s a lot of them in there. He said, ‘I’m gonna give you number 37.’ I said, ‘great Mylon’.

Now he’s believing God for his healing. He said, ‘I’m giving you my Bentley and it has a Breitling clock.’ Whoa, a Bentley with a, hmm”

The Christian Post reports that: “According to the website HotCars, in 2022, Bentley offered a $230,000 Breitling clock in its Bentayga model. At the time, the site reported that the addition of the diamond and gold clock “nearly doubles the starting price for a new Bentayga.”


Kenneth Copeland Mixes His Own ‘Blood’ With Jesus’ and Drinks It During Communion?

When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyedthrowing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies in order to increase his net worth, this time with a viral video going around showing him drinking his own blood in some bizarre communion rite.

While there is a sense in which Copeland, who is surely demon-possessed, routinely feasts on the body and blood of the saints while engaging in grotesque inner monologues that we’re better never hearing, he did NOT drink his blood in this instance, as some have claimed or suggested.

Speaking at the 2020 Southwest Believers Convention, Copeland riffs about different biblical covenants so that people can think back to this moment the next time they take communion and aren’t left wondering at its meaning. First, he illustrates the “covenant of salt” between believers by mixing two bags of salt, then gives a gruesome illustration to demonstrate the “covenant of blood.” 

Copeland pretends to cut his hand, and KCVC professor Greg Stephens pretends to cut his own, and they “drip” their “blood” in the communion cup, joining the two, before Copeland drinks it. 


‘Christian’ Rock Musician Mylon LeFevre, Longtime Collaborator of Kenneth Copeland, Passes Away

‘Christian’ recording artist Mylon LeFevre of the band ‘Mylon and Broken Heart’ passed away from cancer complications last week at 78. 

Born in 1944, LeFevre grew up as a musician and wrote the song’ Without Him’ when he was in his teens, which Elvis Presley would record. He spent years touring and traveling the world, recording alongside legends like Eric Clapton, Elton John, and Billy Joel.

He became a ‘Christian’ in 1980, quitting secular rock and signing away all rights to his previous albums in order to get out of his contract.

He released a dozen Christian albums over the following decade, receiving a GMA Dove Award in 1987 for Rock Album of the Year for ‘Crack the Sky’, as well as a Grammy for best gospel album. The band broke up in the early 1990 and he would record for folks like Steven Curtis Chapman and Michael W. Smith, though he himself would only release one album in the last 30 years, ‘Bow Down’ in 2013. 

In the last decades, he focused more on teaching and teaching as a traveling evangelist. He divorced his wife Frances and would later marry Christie, who ministers alongside him through Mylon LeFevre ministries.

By all indications, however, his discernment and theology were suspect and wretched. LeFevre was a long-time ministry partner of Kenneth Copeland, with his show ‘On the Road to Freedom’ featured on Copeland’s Victory channel.

He attends Copeland’s Eagle Mountain International Church (EMIC), sitting under the worst heresies and blasphemy for years.

LeFevre describes Copeland, who is unquestionably a ravaging wolf, prosperity pornographer, and arch-heretic, as his “mentor,” “friend,” “spiritual father” and “father in the faith” that he’s been in a “covenant relationship” with for over 30 years.

In fact, LeFevre preached at EMIC less than two months ago and has preached there nearly twenty times since 2005.

He even wrote and released music with Copeland.

While we make no judgements of whether LeFevre is in heaven or hell, and his wife is insisting the Lord will be telling him “well done good and faithful servant,” we have no reason to suppose this is true.


Kenneth Copeland Prophecies That God is Giving Heidi Baker ‘The United States’

When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyedthrowing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 86, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies.

Speaking at his Eagle Mountain Christian ‘Church’, Copeland claimed to be speaking for God as he ‘prophecies’ over Heidi Baker, a charismatic prophetess who routinely gives false prophecies and claims she frequently visits heaven where she is given special revelation. Copeland claims that she has being given the gift of “The United States” and then later “Canada.”

“I have given you and Roland favor in places where people hated you, and wanted to kill you, and I’m changing their minds and changing their hearts. My goodness is falling in the hearts of men and women in this country, in the United States, where so few know of you and Roland.

I am giving you the United States. I am giving you this place and opening it up to you. And you’ll go back and forth, back and forth, then will come Canada. You will go to the far North, you’ll go to the Inuits….”

h/t Shawn at Revealing Truth


Kenneth Copeland Speaks at Bethel Church, Splitting Hell Wide Open

When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyedthrowing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 86, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies, particularly when it comes to attaining that filthy mammon. 

Copeland is a blight on the church, and who better to be blight-buddies with than Bill Johnson, senior pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, who had him speak at their January 8 evening service?

Copeland was the guest speaker of honor, with Bethel leaders heaping praise on him, 

Kris Vallotton: “I think it’s prophetic that Kenneth Copeland is here. Not just because of who he is, but because of the season he’s come in. I’ve been thinking about for the last month and a half that the righteous will live by faith. And here’s one of the fathers of the faith movement”


Bill Johnson “I mentioned this morning, in 2012, a prophet friend of mine sent me a word. And he said, in this word, the Lord was going to open up a connection, a thread of connection to Kenneth Copeland. And I was to pull the thread and something would open up for us as a family.

A few years ago, I had the privilege of joining our brother in his office, going through his ministry, spending time with him. He prayed for me and basically tackled me to the ground almost. And as the power and the love of God just overflowed my life, I’ve just been so marked by their whole team.

And then I had the great privilege of speaking at their Believer’s Convention here a couple of years ago, such a wonderful time. And I tell you what, I have just fallen in love with this man. I’m so thankful that we have the opportunity to receive a real believer, a believing believer, a man of genuine faith.

And I believe that God is going to release over us. In fact, that was the word I got in 2012, that there would be a specific release over this house. And I just feel like the luckiest guy on the planet to be able to say, here’s my friend, Kenneth Copeland to come to minister to us tonight. I’d like for you to welcome him.

That Bethel Leadership thinks there is absolutely nothing wrong with Copeland is indicative of how corrupt and blind they are.


Kenneth Copeland Says He Gave Away a Plane as a ‘Seed Offering’ and Got a Better Plane in Return

When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed ,  throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casts away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 84, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found on his show making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies, particularly when it comes to attaining that filthy mammon.

Speaking on Believers Voice of Victory, he teaches the existence of a “heavenly grant,” using John 16:23-24, to say that “my Father will grant you whatever you ask in my name.” He offers that because he sowed a seed of an airplane, he reaped an even better airplane, encouraging his listeners to do likewise and tithe to him in order to be granted wealth and riches.

“2019, 2020 broke all the financial records. 2021 broke all the financial records. And 2022 has taken off. We’re ahead of 2021, but we have heavenly grant and every member of the board signed it and we had our lawyer draw it, grow it up in legal language and everybody signed it and we pray it together.”

He explains:

I said, “Jerry (Savelle), the Lord just said to me in my spirit to give (Apostle) Joe Nay that 310.” Jerry said he thought, “Well how are we going to get home?” That’s not my problem right there then. So I called him. I said “Joey, you sitting down?” I said, “The Lord just told me to give you my Cessna 310 twin engine airplane.” Well, we came home, and I said, “Jerry, here’s what I’m gonna do…this is my seed. And I got quite a bit of time on those engines, so I’m going to put it in the shop here and get those engines overhauled.”

Jerry said, he thought “he gonna give it to the guy, let him overhaul the engine.” No, no. It must be a proper seed. And it was getting close to time for engine overhaul, so the ministry had both engines overhauled and we presented it ready to go.

Now what are we gonna do? Well, there was a woman that walked in, and there’s something had happened with some stock. And she just walked into our office and just brought a check in there for $250,000 .Okay?

And another friend of mine call me and he said “Kenneth-” Now he had a twin Cessna, but his was pressurized, glory to God. He called he said “Kenneth, the last time I was down there, it just seemed to me like I was flying your airplane brother.” But he said, “I owe a little money on it. But I’d like to just go ahead and give it to you.” I said, “Well, let it just be fine. Just help yourself.”

There was enough money in that other check to pay off the debt on that twin Cessna and it was pressurized. The heavenly grant worked. The heavenly grant was working all the time because Jerry Savelle and I set ourselves in agreement…. It had to do with the prayer of faith. It had to do with the heavenly grants.


Arch-Heretic Kenneth Copeland Says God is Basically a Powerless Wimp

When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed ,  throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casts away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland can be frequently found on his show making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies.

In this case, in a comment that would make even the most rabid Arminian blush, speaking at the 2022 Southwest Believers Convention with other theological terrors and crooks like Jesse Duplantis and Creflo Dollar, Copeland claims that “God can’t get it done if you won’t let him.”

Copeland, 85, is worth around $770 Million and holds the distinction of being the richest pastor in the world. (He claims he’s a billionaire) Aside from owning several private jets, he lives in an $7 million dollar, 18,000sqf mansion just outside of Fort Worth, Texas. This is perhaps why many of his other quotable quotes were all dealing with the name-it-and-claim-it prosperity preaching that he’s so fond of.

This is his whole ministry. Rinse, wash, repeat.


Kenneth Copeland: Devil has been Killing American Citizens who Speak in ‘Tongues’

When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed or throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland can be frequently found on his show making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies, in this case telling his goatlings that the, but is unable to enact a ‘final solution’ on account of the sheer number of people engaging in this unbiblical practice.

And there have been persecutions where people have died, at certain times, in the United States of America because they have spoke in tongues….but now, there’s just so many of us, that the devil can’t kill us all, amen? Thank you Jesus

H/t to the hive of scum and villainy known as the Friendly Atheist for the vid.


World’s Wealthiest Pastor, Kenneth Copeland, Under Fire for Dodging Taxes on 18,000sqf Mansion

Kenneth Copeland, the world’s wealthiest ‘pastor’, has come under fire after a new investigation by Jay Root of of the Houston Chronicle reported that he is only paying around $3000 a year in property taxes on his mansion, rather than the $150,000 he would normally pay if he weren’t claiming it as a ‘clergy residence.’

Copeland, 85, an arch-heretic if there ever was one, is worth around $770 Million and holds the distinction of being the richest pastor in the world. (He claims he’s a billionaire) Aside from owning several private jets, he lives in an $7 million dollar, 18,000sqf mansion just outside of Fort Worth, Texas.

The property taxes in the area are used to fund schools and the fire department, but the 6 bedroom, 6 bathroom ‘parsonage’ is exempt from that on account of its religious classification, getting a 100% tax break, resulting in a measly $3k being put into county coffers.

The home, which was built in 1999, was a gift from the Lord to his wife, according to Copeland, who claimed the Almighty told him to use it to minister to her, because it was part of his propserity. He told any doubters who were questioning why the need for such oppulence:

“You may think that house is too big. You may think it’s too grand. I don’t care what you think. I heard from heaven. Glory to God, hallelujah!”

Copeland has not responded to the story, which has been reported in several major papers and news agencies, other than a statement from his spokesperson claiming that the article contained “many unfounded claims, misreported facts or grossly exaggerated statements.”

Money Grubbing Heretics

Millionaire Scamvangelists Brag About their Private Jets+ Link Flying to Mark of the Beast

Two multimillionaire evangelists spent a night together at a fundraising event bragging about their private jets while offering a new novel concept for what the mark of the beast is, along with explaining why Jesus hasn’t come back yet.

These money-grubbing musings came at Victorython, a major three-day fundraising event created to raise millions of dollars to support Kenneth Copeland’s Victory Network, his television network that hosts his show, along with every other widow-bilking heretic and false teacher in Christendom.

After yucking it up with the theologically corrupt Jesse Duplantis, his naked greed on full display as he gave us such satanic pearls like:

“I honestly believed this: that the reason why Jesus hadn’t come is because people are not giving the way God told them to give. You see what I’m saying,-I mean when you understand you can speed up the time, you know, and I pray for the Lord all the time, but speed up the time, Jesus sped up the time for Mary at the wedding of Cana.

they talked shop about the importance of owning a private plane- Copeland has three- explaining:

The time has come for ministries, particularly traveling ministries, to have some other method of travel other than the airlines. You get into this situation-‘ we’re not going to let you fly unless you’re vaccinated’- well to me that’s the mark of the beast.

h/t RWW