
The Bleed Continues: Scandal-Plagued Lead Pastors of Hillsong Boston Resign

Hillsong USA continues to hemorrhage pastors and churches, with Josh and Leona Kimes, co-pastors of Hillsong Boston, announcing on social media that they were resigning from their roles and would be moving on.

Leona Kimes previously served as disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s personal nanny for 7 years before moving to Boston and becoming a ‘pastor’ there. While she was in his employment, they had an inappropriate and sinful sexual relationship between 2015-2017, where she alleged in a Medium Post that she was “subjected to manipulation, control, bullying, abuse of power, and sexual abuse by him, and an independent report commissioned by Hillsong notied that Lentz admitted to “ subliminally encouraging a relationship with the married Kimes with whom he engaged in at least 20 but less than 100 sex acts which he described as “manipulated intimacy.”

The couple did not give a reason for leaving, but did write on Facebook that God was “directing” their steps to “walk confidentially & humbly into the unknown and trust him to open the right doors & plant us somewhere new,” while also apologizing for “perpetuating a culture that at times valued the building of the church at the expense of those building it,” during their time at the church.

It seems like every time Hillsong senior pastors resign suddenly, it’s on account of a brewing scandal, such as with Jess and Reed Bogard of Hillsong Dallas- a church that was shuttered by HillsongCorp after widespread corruption and accusations of sexual sin came to light. While neither of the Kimeses are qualified to be pastors, we hope that they have not continued the sad tradition and are leaving for honest reasons.


Duggar Family Reacts to Guilty Verdict ‘This Trial has felt more like a Funeral than Anything Else’

With Josh Duggar found guilty and facing 20 years in prison for possessing and receiving child pornography- a sentence he will hear the outcome of in April 2022- his family has reacted to the news with a dismay and sad acceptance, with most asking for prayer for his wife Anna and their seven children that will be left without a father, possibly for decades, along with his many victims.

Of particular note is that many of the statements are deeply theological in nature. This is on account that many are professing Christians, either pastoring or attending conservative Christian churches.

Ben Seewald is a pastor of a small Baptist church in Arkansas. He and his wife Jessa (Duggar) believe in the Doctrines of Grace, and are frequently found quoting Charles Spurgeon, RC Sproul, John Calvin, and others. They write:

Jeremy Vuolo is a pastor who is currently attending Master’s Seminary in California, under pastor John MacArthur. His wife Jinger (Duggar) was baptized a few months ago at Grace Church, with her writing “I came to realize that although I was baptized at the age of 11, I didn’t really come to know and love Jesus until I was 14 years old. On Sunday, I was able to publicly declare that I have been joined to Jesus Christ in his life, death, and resurrection.” They brought the bible to bear on the situation.

Derick and Jill Dillard are both professing Christians and brought the scriptures as well, describing the trial as a type of’ funeral.’

Amy Duggar, their cousin, has been openly critical of Josh the entire time, and made her feelings known.

Last is a statement from the family’s patriarch and matriarch, who professed their love for their son, their desire to continue to pray for him, prayers for victims of Child Sexual Abuse Material, and for their daughter-in-law.

We all ought to echo these prayers.