
North Point Church Staffers Found ‘Liking’ Pride Parade Celebration

With the news that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has become a cesspool filled with LGBTQ+ affirming pastors, leaders, ministries, guest speakers, and conferences, it’s unsurprising that as more stones are overturned, more deviant theology emerges.

Gay Man with a ‘Husband’ Scheduled to Speak with Andy Stanley At His Church’s Family Conference
Video: Gay-Affirming North Point Church Leader Cheers As She’s Given Lap Dance by Drag Queen
North Point Leader Recommends All-LGBTQ+ Queer Counselling Collective For Struggling Gay Kids
Dr. Michael Brown Says He’s Spent 8 Years Exchanging Texts and Emails with Andy Stanley, Who Has REFUSED to Condemn Homosexuality
Celebrating Transgenderism?! North Point Church Staffers Rejoice After Man Comes Out as Woman

Audio: Gay North Point Church Leader Says Andy Stanley Affirmed Him in His Homosexuality
Did a Pastor at Andy Stanley’s Church Just Out Him as Gay-Affirming?! Read the Excerpts
Contemporaneous Text Messages from 2019 Support Gay-Affirming Charges Against Andy Stanley Andy Stanley’s Children Ministry Overrun and Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

North Point Hosting Conference With Founder of World’s Largest LGBTQ Christian Advocacy Org
Andy Stanley’s Church Hosts and Promotes Pro-LBGTQ+ Ministry
Surprise Surprise, Another North Point Church Leader is Gay-Affirming and Wildly Liberal

One new stone comes in the form of a post by Courtney Fitzgerald wishing everyone “Happy Pride, ya’ll.” The family spent the month of June in Brooklyn, and going to the Pride parade weekend was the “one thing” her young son wanted to do.

Who is Fitzgerald? She’s a self-described she/her who also happened to be the assistant to the Lead Pastor at Decatur City Church, one of North Point Church’s main campuses, before leaving six months ago to join The Legacy Collective. The Legacy Collective is Jen Hatmater’s pro-LGBTQ organization that explicitly supports ‘gender-affirming care’ to trans and non-binary children, Ages 3-10 and gives grants to companies that facilitate it.

Because she worked for North Point for 15 years, she has many friends on staff who ‘liked’ her post about Pride weekened, seemingly agreeing with her sentiments in celebrating such a debauched and perverse event. Some of these staffers include:

Pastor Jenny Boyett. She has spent over 17 years at North Point Community Church, most recently as the Associate Director of Adult Ministries and then the Director of Author Support and Leader Training. She’ll be a speaker at North Point’s upcoming all-gay-affirming family conference.

Beth Chadwick. The Children’s Ministry Director for nearly four years.

Tish Dyer. A Coach in North Point’s preschool ministry for over 27 years.

Ericah Stokes. She’s the former Executive Assistant to lead pastor Samer Massad and the current Digital Services Coordinator at North Point Digital. She’s one of the same people who celebrated after a young man from North Point Church came out as a “transgendered woman” (along with about nine other North Point church staffers)

Rebecca Ducksworth. At the time the post was written, she was employed by North Point as the Director of Guest experiences.

Jared Roman He as been working for North Point in some capacity for nearly two decades, recently as a Production Director. Though he didn’t like this specific post, he did like another, which showed a video montage of their time at the Pride parade and was captioned “Pride weekend in the city was (Son’s name) one thing and I think we made the most of it!”

There are also the usual list of people who used to work for North Point and have recently left, including:

Ryan Fitzgerald. He spent a dozen years at North Point as the Service Programming Director.

Joe Wigglestone. He spent nearly a decade with North Point as a Post-Production Director.

Will Kelley-Entrekin. Spent a decade at North Point in various roles, recently as the Student Director.

Mallory Burkhalter worked in various roles across the North Point church family since 2018.

Nicole Frazier. She worked at the Associate Service Programming Director before leaving a few months ago

Candi Pearson. Long-time worship leader for over a decade. 

Then there are even more peripheral people who liked the Pride post, such as Meredith Roman, whose husband is the aforementioned Jared Roman. She doesn’t work for North Point directly, but there are a whole bunch more people who attend the church who feel just as she does.

Sadly, we’d expect nothing less of Andy Stanley’s church.


Another North Point Pastor Joins Andy Stanley’s LGBTQ-Affirming Conference

With the news that North Point Community Church is still committed to hosting the controversial Unconventional Conference, where Andy Stanley will be a keynote speaker, another conference speaker has dropped out and is being replaced by a North Point Church pastrix. 

The conference is being put on by Embracing the Journey, a radical gay-affirming ministry that partners with North Point that offers to counsel parents of struggling LGBTQ+ children. 

Notably, nearly all the speakers are gay-affirming and pro-homosexuality, some radically so, including at least one in a ‘gay marriage.’ While some have suggested the conference would be canceled after the revelation of who the speakers are coming to light, new announcements show it’s right on schedule and has garnered “unprecedented” interest. Tickets range in price from $276 for early bird pricing to $518 for late registration.

Because a distinct portion the leadership at North Point is gay-affirming, the speaker list refects this, with almost all of them being pro-homosexuality in one way or another. 

  • Greg and Lynn Mcdonald are both affirming. Their organization recommends all pro-queer resources and endorses books about why the bible celebrates homosexuality, rather than condemns it.
  • Andy Stanley is affirming, according to testimony by three pastors, and a famed apologist, as well as the ministries he allows to flourish in his church.
  • Debbie Causey is an affirming, pro-gay pastrix at North Point who celebrates affirming ministries and is a board member of the pro-LGBTQ advocacy group Renovus.
  • Justin Lee is the founder of the world’s biggest pro-LGBTQ advocacy group, and regularly promotes homosexuality as an excellent and normative orientation. 
  • Rev. Dr. David P. Gushee is a pro-LGBTQ affirming author who wrote a book about it Changing Our Mind: Definitive 3rd Edition of the Landmark Call for Inclusion of LGBTQ Christians with Response to Critics
  • Dr Michael Sytsma sits on the board of Directors of Pro-LGBTQ organization Embracing the Journey and has appeared with North Point staffer Ryan Gray on the church’s Care Network several times as a teacher
  • Brian Nietzel is a gay man married to his ‘husband’ and is the founder of the pro-LBGTQ advocacy group Renovus, where several members of North Point Church sit on the board.
  • Al Causey is Debbie’s husband and the Adult Ministries & Ministry Services Director at Gwinnett Church, one of North Point’s satellite churches. 
  • David Quinones – a parent of a gay son and a frequent speaker at Embracing the Journey, he builds bridges that foster healing and reconciliation between the church, LGBTQ+ individuals, and their families. He recently created a Family Care Group for family members of gay kids. 

According to the most recent promo material, Pastor Chris Clark is no longer listed as a speaker. Clark is a leader of a pro-LGBTQ+ Embracing the Journey support group at Saddleback Church and has a daughter who he refers to as his trans “son.”

In his place is Pastor Jenny Boyett.

Boyett has spent over 17 years at North Point Community Church, most recently as the Associate Director of Adult Ministries and then the Director of Author Support and Leader Training. She claims to be a “Master Working Genius Facilitator, a Certified Temperament Coach, and sought-after public speaker.”

It is unclear whether or not she is gay-affirming, though if she is not, she’d be the first.