
A.I. Event Seeks to Connect ‘2.5 Billion Christians’ in Simultaneous Worldwide Prayer and Worship

Gather25 is inviting all the Christians of the world, every denomination living on every continent, for a 25-hour event of simultaneous worship and prayer that will harness the power of Artificial Intelligence to ensure it is seen and heard in every tongue and language.

On March 1, 2025, Gather25, which is “led by a collection of ministries, partners, and leaders,” will use live-streaming powered by A.I. translation technology to enable the Global Church to “connect together for prayer, worship, repentance and commissioning.”

“Each continent will host a portion of the 25 hours. There will be stories told of what God is doing on each continent. There will be powerful times of worship. And there will be a worldwide “sending out” of the workers to the harvest.”

Jennie Allen, the founder Gather25, said that the idea came to her after she had a vision of the second coming of Christ, and was concerned for the soul of the world if Jesus came back soon. She told Premier Christian News:

“For the first time in history, the entire Church is actually able to gather. We are inviting all 2.5 billion people who love Jesus to come together to pray, to see stories of the Church, and to commission them to become missionaries wherever they are to reach the ends of the earth.”   

Of course, the idea that there are 2.5 billion believers in the world is laughable. The number of Christians is likely less than a tenth of that number, but Allen and Gather25 count anyone who professes to believe in the Nicene Creed to be counted among them.

The event is being sponsored by Barna, Radical, Global Advance, CRU, Luis Lapau, Jesus Film Project, Alpha, World Evangelical Alliance, RightNow Media, If: Gathering, Bible Project, Arise Asia, Global 2033, Revive Europe Movement, and Messenger International.

Social Issues Social Justice Wars

David Platt Going to ANOTHER Bad Conference

It was only a week ago that we recounted how David Platt was attending a conference with a bunch of very theologically and morally bad speakers, and that, to don ourselves in our prophetic garb and recall our words of wisdom ‘ with his trajectory, we see many more of these and other conferences like it in his future.

We were not wrong.

Reformation Charlotte has revealed that Platt will also be attending the new Passion conference, taking place in early 2022.

Naturally, he’s joining Christine Caine, the prosperity-gospel preaching, ‘little-god theology” believing lady who routinely prophecies ‘thus sayeth the lord’ with messages from God directly and who fully promotes egalitarianism and Social Justice warrioring by founding a network designed to encourage women to become pastors and church leaders.

Also there will be Jackie Hill Perry, the resident gaytheist fresh from saying that all white people are Racists, that White People Only Care about Black Folk in the Womb , and who was recently told by the Lord “God told me ‘Don’t Even Worry About Being Straight’. She continues to serve as one of the worst authorities on the theology of same-sex, giving in interview after interview the sort of advice that denies the power of the gospel while relegating sodomy as the one sin Christ cannot sanctify.

Reformation Charlotte explains that “Loui Giglio himself will be there as he is the founder and host of the conference. Giglio is a proponent of a popular heresy among charismatic false teachers known as little-god theology–the belief that we as humans carry within us the potential to become God, or divine, like God. This is not only a heresy found among charismatics, however, but it is also the underlying teaching of Mormonism–that our future as believers are to partake in the divinity of God and become gods ourselves.”

Another one to watch for is Jennie Allen. She’s a “Bible teacher, author, and the founder and visionary of IF:Gathering,” an annual conference for women, along with hosting the Made for This podcast. Naturally, she frequently hosts bad bible teachers and has some troubling theology, documented by Michelle Lesley here.

Lest you think Platt is the odd man out from that serving of scallywags, the past President of the International Missions Board has drifted in other ways, from saying that he is part of the problem in promulgating racial injustice on account of his white skin, or telling congregants who “can’t live” with the fact that their church family may be members of the Democratic party, who may vote for them, campaign for them, fundraise for them, and even run for office under their banner, that they should leave the church. Oh, and his co-pastor was caught explaining how it’s difficult for him not to ‘torch all white people’.

The drift and compromise is tragic, and it’s only going to get worse.