
Trump’s Former Director of National Intelligence Attacks Sister-site Reformation Charlotte Over Anti LGBTQ Statements

Yesterday Richard Grenell, President Trump’s former acting Director of National Intelligence who himself is an open and out sodomite that famously called his boss “the most pro-gay president in American history,” took a shot at Reformation Charlotte’s Jeff Maples, our sister-site which recently was the cause of breaking the Ed Litton Sermongate scandal wide open.

After Grenell tweeted against Wendy Rogers, Maples retorted “Richard Grenell is an example of what happens when you give an inch to an identity group playing identity politics. Purge them from our ranks,” which resulted in Grenell mocking the post and the fact that Grenell has over 600,000 followers compared to Reformation Charlottes 4000, and therefore illicit only a few responses.

Maples would later recount his reasons for writing, while displaying the uncompromising straightforwardness we’ve come to expect, writing over the course of several tweets.

(Grenell) wanted to demonstrate that few people agreed with me (I only have around four thousand followers compared to his 700 thousand). He singled out my tweet and called me “fringe… What’s “fringe” is men sodomizing each other and calling it “conservative.”

…The bottom line is that LGBTQ identity politics do not belong in the Republican party. Conservatism isn’t about celebrating minority groups, normalizing aberrant behaviors, or advancing causes. It’s about protecting the individual freedoms of all people and holding all people, individually, equal under the law. Do you think these people–who call themselves conservatives–are going to be okay with you when you speak out against LGBTQ indoctrination in your schools? No, they are not; this is why we can’t be okay with this. This is nothing more than leftists attempting to move the Republican party further to the left.

No conservative, and certainly no Christian, should ever be okay with this.

SBC Scandal

Breitbart Gives Reformation Charlotte Multiple Shoutouts in Ed Litton Scandal Article

(Breitbart) The Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), the largest Protestant Christian church denomination in the United States, may pay a great price for its hesitance to address the spread of critical race theory even among conservative evangelicals.

In June, the SBC met for its annual convention, the largest deliberative body in the world. Turnout was high, with nearly 16,000 “messengers” or church representatives present. This happened for two reasons: first, the 2020 convention had been canceled due to coronavirus lockdowns, and second, churches within the coalition were increasingly noticing fractures over social issues — namely, a Christianized version of “antiracism” that, for better or worse, has been given the catch-all label “critical race theory” (CRT).

Critical Race Theory? In Church?

Even before CRT became a hot issue in public education and government training materials, several Christian voices had raised the alarm about their institutions being infiltrated by proponents of the far-left ideology. Specifically in the SBC, several independent bloggersYouTubers, and pastors warned that professors in the denomination’s seminaries were sounding quite CRT-ish.

Of course, no one is openly announcing, “I believe in CRT and here’s why you should too,” but many sermons, panels, books, and small group curricula have subtly entrapped believers with extra-biblical commands about “whiteness,” “privilege,” and “allyship,” exploiting the feeling of words like “racism” and “white supremacy” while imbuing their meanings with what we should see as positive, Biblical things, like hard work or receiving advantages from one’s parents.

And this kind of theological drift was noticeably infecting the SBC at its highest levels. Russell Moore, then the head of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), put on a conference commemorating the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr’s assassination (MLK50). The presentations lionizing King (an important, positive figure in American history — who, by most accountsdid not affirm core tenets of Christianity, such as the literal resurrection of Jesus, and is reportedly on tape observing a literal rape and doing nothing to stop it) veered into extremely woke territory — generational “complicity” in MLK’s murder and denigrating black conservatives as “Angloid on the inside,” for example.

Former convention president J.D. Greear, the lead pastor of a North Carolina megachurch, ran into controversy when he preached that…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Ezra Dulis and published at Breitbart. Title changed by Protestia.


Mini-Documentary on Ed Litton’s Plagiarism Scandal Released

A Christian discernment website has released a new mini-documentary featuring Ed Litton and covering the subject of his plagiarism scandal, offering a primer for those unfamiliar with the details of the story, and also how bad it really is.

Produced by Jeff Maples and released by our sister site Reformation Charlotte, the mini-doc touches on the events leading up to the revelation of plagiarism contains several minutes showing the judicious use of uncredited and material, and then what the fallout has been. RC puts it this way as they explain their motivations and why they thought it so important to get it out there.

(This documentary) details the entire timeline, lies, cover-ups, and lack of action on behalf of the entire denomination. The refusal to hold Litton accountable for his sins is a flagrant slap in the face to the gospel–and this documentary proves beyond a shadow of any doubt that politics plays a supreme role over the gospel with these gutless leaders.”

The documentary is titled Counsel of the Wicked, a nod to Psalm 1:1.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Heresies

Bethel Church “Pastor” Says Angels Sit Around the Throne of God Having “Farting Contests”

(Reformation Charlotte) Jenn Johnson, who, along with her husband, Brian, is one of the senior worship pastors at the infamously blasphemous charismatic Bethel Church in Redding, California. Bethel, which is known for its parlor tricks, false manifestations of the Holy Spirit, and cultish practice of raising the dead and “grave sucking,” is no stranger to controversy.

This time, Jenn Johnson, a female “pastor” who is on stage mocking the throne of God, says that angels sit around the throne of God having “farting contests.”

It really doesn’t get much more blasphemous than that.

Jenn goes on to say that…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Jeff Maples and published at Reformation Charlotte.