Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: ‘Deep’ Tweets by Tim Keller, Beth Moore, And Mask-Based Sheep Beating

On today’s program for October 8, 2020, JD goes through the news of the day including Beth Moore, the latest poll from Barna on Christians not knowing what Christianity is, and other stuff. Then, he discusses Tim Keller’s incessant nonsense on Twitter that people think they don’t understand because it’s too smart for them; in reality they don’t understand it because it’s stupid and doesn’t mean anything. Finally, JD goes through a newsletter from a pastor sheep-beating his church for not wanting to wear masks.

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Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Hillary Clinton Says the Church is Too Judgmental

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD discusses today’s news topics, and then goes on to demonstrate that Hillary Clinton’s theology – as recently expressed by her – is 100% identical to that of SBC leaders or the Gospel Coalition. JD discusses the payoff of Thom Rainer and also answers some sincere questions about Soros, Theonomy, and more.

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Critical Race Theory Evangelical Stuff podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Proud Boys, Lifeway Lawsuits, and will Evangelical Leaders Denounce Marxism?

On this episode of Polemics Report, JD discusses the news topics of the day, including Lifeway’s lawsuit against Thom Rainer. Then he explains the commendable aspects of the Proud Boys and what’s wrong with them, before moving on to the evangelical outrage against Donald Trump for not condemning White Supremacy (which he did). But will Big Eva not condemn a far more expansive and growing evil movement?

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Conspiracy Featured Money Grubbing Heretics

Charismatic ‘Prophet’ Jeremiah Johnson Plagiarizes J.D Hall’s Imprecatory Post Against Ruth Bader Ginsberg

The self-styled ‘prophet of God’ Jeremiah Johnson was clearly not getting a word from the Lord when he posted “MY OFFICIAL RESPONSE TO THE DEATH OF R.B.G.” on Facebook over the weekend and plagiarized large chunks of his response from Jordan Hall, Publisher of Protestia and Pulpit & Pen.

The post from Johnson, demonstrating another reason why false prophets are not to be trusted to communicate anything that God is supposedly saying, does say some good things that we agree with before it gets to the troublesome parts. He (or perhaps someone else? Who knows if the rest was plagiarized or not) says:

Parts of the American Church have become so lukewarm that they would have tried to comfort Jezebel on a sickbed that GOD himself threw her on! (Rev 2:22) They would have highlighted her accomplishments over the years and found the good in her. They would have found ways to celebrate Hitler and King Herod- all in the name of false justice and an unbiblical definition of love.

That we can agree with and give a ‘yea and amen’, but we see at the end that Johnson has been up to no good with stealing/plagiarizing portions of a message that J.D. Hall gave almost 12 hours earlier.

We’ve included the originals below to show the shenanigans in play

Hall, commenting on the post which now has nearly 5000 comments and 10,000 shares, says:

The fact that Johnson stole it and tried to pass it off as his own is a sin, and a lie, and is a lying sin to his followers and congregation. It’s not like he just tacked it on in a big chunk in the end and forgot to mention where he got it from. Rather, he weaved portions of it in and out of his own thoughts, removing what segments he doesn’t want to say, and showing a deliberate attempt to deceive.

We’ve reached out to the ministry asking for proper attribution and will update this post accordingly.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: A Tale of illegitimate Ex-Communication, New SBC Name, Calvinists Supporting Slavery, and Sincere Questions

On today’s Polemics Report for September 15, 2020, JD Hall answers several sincere questions about theology, and then discusses Jacob Brunton’s ex-communication. JD uses it as a starting point to discuss Biblical church discipline and moves on to Chris Bolt’s subjective complaints about discernment ministry. He also discusses JD Greear wanting to rename the SBC and “Calvinists” supporting slavery (so says Baptist News Global).

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: MacArthur Contra Mundum

On today’s episode, JD talks about where he was on 9-11 and the history of Islam, Jarvis Williams discriminating against white people when he chose his small group Bible study members, and John MacArthur Contra Mundum (a comparison to Athanasius). Then, JD goes on to discuss Mark Galli’s turn to Catholicism and gives a throw-back to coverage of Galli in the past.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: The Gospel Coalition Promotes Hymn to George Floyd

On today’s episode of Polemics Report for September 8, 2020, JD goes through Part II of his refutation of Tim Keller’s Theology of the City. Is urbanity REALLY God’s main tool for human flourishing? Nah, the city is awful; JD explains. Then, JD goes on to discuss a worship album promoted by the Gospel Coalition that contains worship songs to George Floyd and other lefty causes. Finally, JD goes on to discuss Calvinism and Limited Atonement.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Why You Should Enlist in the Culture War

In today’s program, JD discusses an article from the Gospel Coalition shaming Christians for being involved in fighting against wickedness, accusing them of being quarrelsome, hateful, and distracted. JD explains why YOU should enlist in the battle to be salt and light, to cast down every lofty thought raised against God, and to contend for the truth. JD also goes through the daily polemics news and then discusses Facebook’s new scheme to tilt the election toward Democrats and interfere with a free election.

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Church Featured Heresies

The Terminus of Servus Christi

On today’s episode, JD provides a commentary on the demise of Joshua Chavez (Servus Christi) in regard to his moral disqualifications from any form of ministry and then goes on to discuss Tim Keller and denominationalism.

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast! Cominterns and Garbage Humans (A Barn-Burner of an Episode)

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 18, 2020, JD examines the Grace Community Church saga and laments that JMAC said the court’s ruling “vindicates the church” right before the ruling was overturned. Does the court now impugn the church’s decision? Then, he goes on to discuss Ed Stetzer (the garbage human) and his attempt to get Christians to vote Democrat in November, moves on to some sincere questions about Steven Anderson and Kinism, and finally discusses Albert Mohler’s “all is well in Zion” podcast on women clergy in the SBC.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:26 — 80.2MB) | Embed

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