
Yea and Amen! First-Ever Bill to Ignore Roe and Abolish Abortion in Colorado: HB22-1079!

(Free the States) For the first time, a bill to totally and immediately abolish abortion in defiance of Roe v. Wade has been filed in the Centennial State: HB22-1079, An Act Concerning Abolishing Abortion in Colorado. The bill’s prime sponsor is Rep. Dave Williams, with Reps. Kim Ransom, Ron Hanks, and Shane Sandridge also sponsoring the bill.

The bill’s legislative declaration states:

“(1) The general assembly finds and declares, acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death, that the purpose of this act is:

(a) To fully recognize the human personhood of an unborn child at all stages of development prior to birth from the moment of fertilization;

(b) To ensure the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all unborn children from the moment of fertilization by protecting unborn children with the same homicide and assault laws protecting all other human persons; and

(c) To recognize that the United States constitution, and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, are the supreme law of the land. 

(2) Therefore, the general assembly intends to treat as void and give no effect to any and all federal statutes, regulations, treaties, orders, and court rulings that deprive an unborn child of the right to life or prohibit the equal protection of such right.”

The bill establishes full legal equality for preborn children, nullifies Roe v. Wade and any other federal action that strips preborn children of their rights, and establishes that any state judge who violates the right to life is subject to impeachment. The new bill was announced by Pastor Jeff Durbin.

HB22-1079 faces an uphill battle in Colorado which is controlled by substantial Democrat majorities in both chambers of the legislature and has a Democrat governor. Still, getting an abolition bill introduced is a huge first step toward shifting the politics and culture of a state.

The churches in our nation have failed to be salt and light. Now Colorado abolitionists have something tangible to call Christians in Colorado to rally around. Be in prayer for the churches in Colorado, that they would be the public ambassadors for Christ and love their preborn neighbors, pushing back darkness in their state.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free the States.


OK Baptists Become 4th SBC Convention to Pass Resolution Calling for the Immediate Abolition of Abortion

(Free the States) On Tuesday, Oklahoma Baptists became the fourth Southern Baptists state convention this year to pass a resolution calling for the immediate abolition of abortion following ArkansasSouth CarolinaUtah-Idaho. All of these follow the Resolution on Abolishing Abortion passed by the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) in June.

The Oklahoma resolution reaffirmed the language passed by Oklahoma Baptists in 2019, and the SBC resolution from this summer. Below is the language of the resolution with amendments added during the discussion process in bold.

We, the messengers to the 2021 Annual Meeting of Oklahoma Baptists, meeting at Southern Hills Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, November 15-16, 2021, believe in the sanctity of human life beginning at conception, that every person—preborn, born and unborn — is created in God’s image and deserves life. We echo and underscore the emphatic resolutions on ending abortion previously approved by Oklahoma Baptists in 2019 and by Southern Baptist messengers in June of 2021, both of which called for the immediate end, the abolition of abortion, without exception or compromise. With God’s grace, we work to see a day in which every unborn child in Oklahoma and America is protected and valued.

The most important amendment is the final one — making clear that what is being called for is the immediate abolition of abortion. Blake Gideon, the convention’s immediate past president, offered the amendment, saying to the Committee and the convention:

“I know you’ve wrestled with this issue and I appreciate you very much. But I would like to call for clarity and strength in this resolution… One of the things I love about the Bible is the clarity and strength of scripture. I believe that our resolutions need to not only be scriptural, I believe they also need to reflect the tone of scripture. That is the purpose for this amendment…

“The 2019 resolution was a call for the immediate end of abortion, which was passed by this body. The resolution at the Southern Baptist Convention was on the abolishment of abortion, which was passed by the Southern Baptist Convention. All we’re asking is for this resolution to reflect what the intent of those two resolutions were: the immediate end and the abolition of abortion. You could read this resolution and not come to that conclusion if you’re not familiar with [the previous resolutions].

“We live in a day where there’s a culture of death all around us, and we can’t tiptoe around issues. We must be clear and we must be strong. 20 children today will be murdered in the state of Oklahoma.”

Gideon’s amendment was not received as friendly by the Resolutions Committee. The language did nothing but spell out more clearly the obvious implications of the…

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Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free the States. Title changed by Protestia


Abolitionists File Bill to Completely Abolish Abortion in South Carolina

(Free the States) For the first time, South Carolina has a bill to abolish abortion! On Tuesday, State Rep. Jonathan Hill introduced H4046, the South Carolina Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2021. The bill would totally and immediately abolish abortion in the state.

The bill states that it is based on the following findings:

(1)    The life of an individual human being begins at conception.

(2)    The State of South Carolina has a compelling interest in providing equal protection of the lives of all unborn children within the State from violence.

(3)    “The Constitution [of the United States] does not constrain the States’ ability to regulate or even prohibit abortion.” June Med. Servs. v. Russo, 140 S. Ct. 2103, 2149 (2020) (Thomas, J., dissenting).

(4)    The members of the General Assembly have solemnly sworn to the best of their abilities to “discharge the duties of our office and preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of this State and of the United States. So help us God.”

(5)    Article VI of the United States Constitution states in part: “This United States Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof…shall be the supreme Law of the Land…”

(6)    The Tenth Amendment of the United States Constitution states: “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”

(7)    Though prudence dictates that states should not declare actions of the federal judiciary void for light or indefinite causes, the federal judiciary is not infallible nor are its powers unlimited.

(8)    Nothing in the Constitution of the United States provides for any right to take the life of or to inflict harm upon an unborn child.

(9)    The concept of the federal judiciary compelling states to allow the practice of taking the life of unborn children runs completely contrary to the text and principles of the Constitution of the United States.

(10)    Taking the life of more than sixty-two million unborn children over the last forty-eight years and counting constitutes genocide, and authorizing genocide is not within the legitimate powers of the federal judiciary.

(11)    Any action of the federal judiciary that purports to provide a right to kill an unborn child is not made in pursuance of the Constitution of the United States, is not the supreme law of the land, and is not binding upon this State.

H4046 establishes that “The deliberate termination of an unborn child by any means or at any stage of development is murder under Section 16-3-10.” Abortion would be homicide and the protection afforded to our right to life would be extended equally to children in the womb.

Hill’s bill comes with a few new twists for those who have followed and read previous abolition bills.

Like all abolition bills, it states that the abolition of abortion shall be enforced in defiance of any federal violations of the right to life, but then goes further than that in two awesome ways. It establishes that:

  1. Any South Carolina official or law enforcement officer who cooperates with the federal government to violate the right to life is guilty of a misdemeanor, and
  2. Any South Carolina judge who violates the right to life of preborn children shall be subject to impeachment in accordance with Article XV of the South Carolina Constitution.

The bill has been assigned to the South Carolina House Judiciary Committee chaired by State Rep. Chris Murphy. Call Murphy at (803) 734-3120 to request a hearing and a ‘Yes’ vote for H4046.

Editor’s Note. This article was written by James Silberman and published at Free the States. Title changed by Protestia

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Why Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s Death Likely Changes Nothing For the Pre-born

(Free the States) Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has passed away from complications related to pancreatic cancer at 87 years old. US Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell has already released a statement revealing that “President Trump’s nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate.” The upcoming nomination battle is likely to make the Kavanaugh confirmation battle look tame by comparison.

If D.C. Republicans are able to nominate and confirm an anti-Roe justice, it would be conceivable that Roe would be overturned in the coming decade. Not necessarily likely, but conceivable.

Supreme court history informs us that Roe’s reversal would still be unlikely. In 1992, the US supreme court was made up of eight Republican nominees, including three from Reagan and two from Bush. The lone Democrat nominee on the court was Justice Byron White who dissented in Roe v. Wade. So there were eight Republicans and a pro-life Democrat. The Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992) decision should have been a slam-dunk overturning of Roe. Yet even the ’92 court upheld legal abortion. The majority was made up entirely of Republican nominees.

The only current justice who has ever publicly stated that Roe should be overturned is Clarence Thomas. Thomas has written separate opinions calling for the court’s abortion jurisprudence to be overturned in nearly every abortion-related case that has come before him, including the recent June Medical Services v. Russo decision. These opinions have not been joined by any other current justice. So while another confirmation would make six Republican appointees, Roe’s reversal would not necessarily be imminent or even likely.

Even if an anti-Roe judge gets appointed, nothing changes for abolitionists. As Christians who strive for obedience to God’s word and to a lesser extent, as Americans who care about equal protection under the Constitution, when we’re ordered to allow mass murder, we’re obligated to say ‘no.’ Ginsburg has passed away, but the court’s order to the states that they must allow mass murder in their jurisdictions hasn’t changed, and the objective standard of morality hasn’t changed. The obligation of states to uphold justice by disregarding Roe, therefore, stands.

According to Russel Hunter of Free the States, the key to the battle against abortion isn’t about anyone dying or leaving the court. It’s about an ideology of unconditional subservience to the court against all reason and humanity that needs to die.

For those who really know what’s going on, the death of Justice Ginsburg doesn’t change a thing. Even if she is replaced by a conservative pro-life justice. Her replacement only returns the court to what it has been multiple times during the abortion holocaust. And it is a historical and ideological fact that pro-life justices would rather uphold their previous rulings in favor of the right to abortion than protect preborn humans from the slaughter.

Liberal judges don’t just need to die. The prideful worship of judicial precedence (stare decisis) needs to die. As does the culture’s general belief that the Supreme Court is the final unquestionable arbiter of what is and is not constitutional.

Don’t be distracted by previously engrained pro-life indoctrination. Creating a conservative Supreme Court is not the key. Creating a culture of dissent and disobedience towards unjust unconstitutional rulings is. Celebrating the death of a liberal judge and working and hoping for a conservative replacement on the bench does not help create that culture of dissent but actually deadens the impulse to seek it.

Evil scheming powers and principalities in high places be damned. Do not be deluded or distracted by this.

The court is still not likely to overturn Roe, and even if it were, we would be derelict in our duty as Christians if we waited for them to do so before giving equal protection to preborn humans. Regardless of who fills Ginsburg’s former seat on the court, our work and objectives remain the same. We must continue working toward the total and immediate abolition of abortion in defiance of the genocidal United States supreme court.

Editor’s Post. The preceding post was written by James Silberman and originally posted at Free the States. Republished with permission.