
IHOP Full Investigation Finds: “Mike Bickle engaged in inappropriate behavior including sexual contact and clergy misconduct, in an abuse of power”

The International House of Prayer has revealed the full results of the investigation report into the actions of founder and ‘prophet’ Mike Bickle. Prepared by Rosalee McNamara from the law firm Lathrop GPM, she says she was allowed unhindered access to all parties and players involved, except Mike Bickle himself, who declined to be interviewed directly but did respond to written questions, and the primary Jane Doe that Bickle has already admitted into having an inappropriate relationship with before the formation of IHOPKC, on the advice of her lawyer. 

Some of the highlights of the report include:

The evidence is clear that MB has publicly admitted that 20 plus years ago he “sinned by engaging
in inappropriate behavior. My moral failures were real.” [Mike Bickle Personal Message December
12, 2023.]

With the primary “Jane Doe,” identified by initials in the “Documentation of Grave Concerns,” MB
admitted that “over 25 years ago, prior to the [May 7, 1999] formation of IHOP, I recall five
occasions where I engaged in inappropriate behavior with [her] (which includes two occasions
when we kissed). We both repented and agreed that those actions were wrong. Our friendship
has been entirely appropriate for decades, over which time I have received dozens of friendly
emails from [her]” and spoke at her marriage ceremony over twenty years ago. The dates would
make her 19-20 and him in his 40’s at the time of the contact.


MB also admitted to inappropriate contact on three occasions with an individual connected with
IHOP around 2002 to 2003. He described the contact as “consensual sexual contact that involved
her touching me but not me touching her.” He said they both agreed it was wrong and the conduct
stopped. MB’s account and the account of the individual are very similar, including that it occurred
in 2002 to 2003, and I find the individual’s account credible

I spoke with four women identified by others as alleged “Jane Doe” victims or possible victims
stemming from the Documentation of Grave Concerns. Each of these women, without exception,
was very credible, assertive, and cooperative in the interview.

They clearly were not happy about hearsay and rumors suggesting that they were victims
or in any way subject to abuse or inappropriate treatment (whether sexual, physical, emotional,
spiritual, clergy/member/ churchgoer, or any other form of abuse or mistreatment by MB or others
connected with IHOP). Each expressed concern about being “harassed” or intimidated by others
who they said tried to get them to acknowledge that they were victims of such conduct or
attempted conduct. Each emphatically and persuasively denied that any inappropriate conduct,
attempts at inappropriate conduct, or any relationship or conduct other than an appropriate,
professional relationship and conduct occurred.

Witnesses have stated that MB was “quirky.” One witness who said MB was “quirky” said he
sometimes called female members of the close-knit MB team “my girls”; tousled men’s and
women’s hair; and bumped shoulders with men, and that based on observation these things were
done in a playful manner and not with ill intent or intent for it to lead to anything inappropriate. By
some, hair tousling or a touching on the back was sometimes seen as odd or not appreciated

Members of the AG have stated that their goal is for MB to repent and to ensure that practices do
not allow for these types of conduct to occur in the future, including preachings and prophecies that may discourage individuals from reporting inappropriate conduct. Others have stated that many people, including former senior leaders who are now members of the AG, knew many things and did not deal with them promptly at the time.

A witness reported that a former senior leader said words to the effect that he didn’t want to be
on MB’s bad side. The context of this comment related to knowledge that MB’s son was having a
relationship outside of his marriage while the woman was in some stage of separation from her

Based on all the credible evidence, including his own acknowledgements of contact with the two
Jane Does over twenty years ago, it is more likely than not that MB engaged in inappropriate
behavior including sexual contact and clergy misconduct, in an abuse of power for a person in a
position of trust and leadership. As previously stated, after these allegations emerged, in
December 2023 IHOPKC announced it was “immediately, formally and permanently” separating
from MB


PCA Pastor, Revoice Advocate Greg Johnson to Leave Denomination

Pastor Greg Johnson and the elders of Memorial Church in St Louis, Mo, have announced their intentions to leave the conservative Presbyterian Church of America after finding that they can no longer support sound doctrine, according to the letter sent to congregants, which reads in part:

After fifteen months spent fasting, praying, waiting, consulting and listening, now write to call a meeting of the congregation for 5:30–6:30 p.m. Friday, November 18, 2022, in the Auditorium for the purpose of deciding on matters pertaining to denominational alignment. We are recommending the congregation vote to withdraw from the Presbyterian Church in America 

Johnson, an open homosexual, is perhaps the most controversial figure within the denomination, gaining publicity in 2018 when he hosted and defended the abomination that is Revoice. (See notes below) Since then, he’s been staunchly opposed Overture 15, a proposed amendment to the denomination’s Book of Church Order that is designed to combat the wreckage of Revoice and make the denomination more biblically faithful with a purer sexual ethic.

The authors of this amendment argue that ministers of the gospel are to be above reproach in their Christian character and self-conception. They say a pastor is disqualified from serving in ordained office in the PCA if that man identifies himself in terms associated with the LGBTQ+ movement or has a Gay self-conception.

“Men who describe themselves as homosexual, even those who describe themselves as homosexual and claim to practice celibacy by refraining from homosexual conduct, are disqualified from holding office in the Presbyterian Church in America.”

Johnson hates this, and his repeated and public condemnation has been tearing at the denomination’s seams. We hate that he hates this, and believe that any man who makes his sexuality part of his identity and affirms he’ll always struggle with same-sex attraction; denying the efficacy of a new heart upon one’s sexuality and denying that “such were some of you” is the normative expectation for Christians who are being sanctified by Christ, is not qualified to be pastor.

Not only is Johnson and Memorial continually castigated for their role in Revoice, but the church is presently under investigation by their Presbytery after one of their ministries hosted a lurid concert event featuring filthy trans performers. The church is upset that anyone is questioning this ministry or choice of event, complaining that the possibility of being forbidden to let similar events take place will negatively impact their ministry to the pagans.

Rather than let everything play out, the church wants to leave as soon as they can, before Johnson goes to a church trial, in order to avoid bad optics from whatever denomination they join in the future:

We have now learned that, yes, once a court of the church (whether local Missouri Presbytery, denominational supreme court or General Assembly) takes a case, thereby entering into judicial process, the pastor involved must see the case through unless another denomination receives him into it. Other denominations can be hesitant to receive a pastor under such circumstances, and would likely require a supermajority vote to receive him. This could hold us all up.

…Other possible cases against our pastors are also developing. The flow of these baseless judicial attacks is unlikely to slow down. We are being deliberately targeted. To protect our pastors—and to keep our presbytery from having to do multiple formal investigations of baseless accusations—we therefore think it wise to take this next step in realignment sooner rather than later.

They conclude by saying:

Our intention has been to bathe this process with prayer and with love. We believe this decision to be the most loving option for Memorial, for same-sex oriented believers, for our pastors and, yes, for the PCA itself.

We hope that Memorial’s withdrawal from the PCA will strengthen the hands of our friends within the denomination. As their opponents have capitalized on the “wedge issue” they found in knowing the PCA had a celibate same-sex oriented pastor, we can now remove Memorial from that equation. Critics will have to find some other cause with which to rally their troops. Lord willing, that will help our friends in the denomination as they work hard to once again take leadership to ground the denomination in a humble, winsome and missiological grace.

For more on Revoice:
Revoice Conference is Bringing Back the Roman Catholic Lesbian Who Praised X-Rated Gay BDSM Film
Revoice Introduces ‘Semi-Celibate Throuple’ to Christendom
So who are all the She/Her, They/Them, and He/Hims Speaking at Revoice?
Revoice Founder Insists Christians Repent Of Signing Nashville Statement on Sexual Ethics
Revoice President says Being Pro-Life Means Being Pro-Trans
‘Revoice’ Founder Calls Own Denomination ‘Rampantly Homophobic’ for Rejecting LGBTQ Clergy
Revoice Leaders Promoting “Homosexuality is a Blessing” Nonsense


Village Church Hired Law Firm to Conduct Investigation into Matt Chandler

As the Village Church announced that lead pastor Matt Chandler would be taking an indefinite leave of absence from preaching and teaching after it was revealed he was engaged in an inappropriate texting conversation with a woman not his wife, (the conversation, while not romantic or sexual, was described as “overly familiar” and involved “coarse and foolish jesting.”) it was also shared that the church hired a law firm conduct an investigation into Chandler’s behavior, and that the suspension was based on their findings.

During the service Chandler mentioned that events happened “several months ago” when in reality they occurred in February 2022, half a year ago. It is unclear why the investigation took so long, or rather why the church took six months to make it public. According to a statement by The Village:

“While the messages were not romantic or sexual in nature, the frequency and familiarity of the messages crossed a line. They revealed that Matt did not use language appropriate for a pastor, and he did not model a behavior that we expect from him.”

As a result:

(We) commissioned an independent law firm to conduct a review of Matt’s messaging history across social media platforms, cell phone, and email. The investigators’ report led the elders to conclude that Matt violated our internal social media use policies, and more importantly that, while the overarching pattern of his life has been “above reproach”, he failed to meet the 1 Timothy standard for elders of being “above reproach” in this instance.”

The law firm they hired to sift through his social media is Castañeda and Heidelman, described as a “boutique law firm with a national presence focused on litigation, investigations, employment, regulatory compliance, and intellectual property/data privacy” who serve “Fortune 500 corporate clients, medium sized private businesses in diverse industries, sophisticated faith-based and humanitarian non-profits, and high net worth executives.”

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Brian Houston Apologizes ‘Unreservedly’ For Hillsong NYC Debacle + Announces New Policies to Address Institutional Hedonism

Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston issued a letter of apology for the cornucopia of moral failings at Hillsong NYC, including not dealing with adulterating, prideful, pastor Carl Lentz sooner, various sex scandals, various money scandals, and various spiritual abuse scandals.

The letter of apology was sent to Hillsong members and comes four months after the church was shaken to the core after Lentz’s first affair went public. It said in part:

We know that Hillsong East Coast has failed to be the kind of church it should be. On behalf of the Global Board and as Global Senior Pastor, I accept responsibility for these failings and apologize unreservedly.

Hillsong HQ launched an internal investigation into the New York branch but never made the findings public. At the time, Houston said that the Church failed in “significant ways” to reflect the culture they wished to impart. Houston also said previously in a leaked phone recording that there was a “culture of dysfunction” at Hillsong and other officials confirmed that the misadventures of staffers using the church like a seedy dating service, “sleeping around” with volunteers and asking them to send nude pictures was “mostly true.”

Accompanying Houston’s email came a letter from the law firm behind the investigation- Zukerman Gore Brandeis & Crossman. They explained that while the investigation was complete, it would “not be released to the public” in order to “protect the privacy and confidentiality of those involved.”

Along with the letter came an announcement on the Church website. Not only are Hillsong Perth pastor Chrishan and Danielle Jeyaratnam replacing the Lentz family with the hopes of setting the house in order, but they they announced “significant changes” at the church in order to “address the issues and misalignment of the culture and practices at Hillsong Church East Coast.” They hope these changes will “address the lapses that have affected the culture of our East Coast campuses, and prevent the strong policies, that we do have in place globally from being ignored.”

These include:

  • Additional training for staff and volunteers intended to increase awareness of the specific types of power dynamics that often arise in a church setting 
  • Revised and reinforced Code of Conduct for all Staff
  • Uniform HR policies, procedures and training
  • A clear and consistent system for reporting grievances and issues related to inappropriate behavior.
  • A stringent sexual misconduct and harassment policy and mandatory training. (“It is clear that our existing policies and procedures, which intend to promote a healthy environment, were actively ignored, failed to be maintained, and were not enforced effectively at a local level.”)
  • Improved financial accountability policies
  • Improved supervision and accountability of all pastors and staff 
  • Increased safeguards for staff and volunteers.
Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics Scandal

Brian Houston Announces Investigation into ‘Inner Workings’ of Hillsong NYC after Lentz Fallout

Hillsong head honcho Brian Houston has announced that the leadership of the Australian prosperity-preaching megachurch is launching an “independent investigation” into the “inner workings” of their East Coast church plant in light of revelations that fired celebrity senior pastor Carl Lentz was engaging in at least one adulterous affair.

Houston says that the church needs “a solid foundation for a fresh start and new beginning” leading many to believe that there is more than just a wayward pastor and a heap of bad theology at their New York location, but rather the whole foundation is rotten.

Following the revelation that Lentz was breaking his marriage vows and lying to everyone close to him, other rumors of shenanigans at Hillsong NYC have started to bubble to the surface. Given that they are unverified, or at least unable to be properly verified according to our standards, they are not worth repeating. Needless to say, however, when one stone comes loose, the dam frequently bursts.

There is no indication whether or not the results of the investigation will be made public, but we will cover it if it does. We’ll cover it right here.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Liberty University Announces Forensic Firm and Falwell-necessitated Misconduct Website

Liberty University has taken the next step in their pledge to launch a comprehensive review of their business operations and shady practices, hiring global forensic law firm Baker Tilly US to investigate the University, as well as setting up a website to “facilitate the reporting of potential misconduct to the investigative team.” This is a continuation of their decision that was announced in late August after the gross moral failings and sexual shenanigans of president Jerry Falwell Jr. were revealed.

According to an LU press release:

The web-based portal is hosted on encrypted services.  It permits confidential submission of sensitive information from current and former Liberty University employees, contractors and business affiliates.  The website was developed and is hosted by a third-party vendor independent of Liberty University.

Those with information they believe might be useful to the forensic investigation into potential misconduct in business operations of the University and/or any improper decisions or actions by current or former members of University leadership, are encouraged to visit the portal at to learn more and file a confidential report.

The website reporting is only available for 60 days, and rest assured that while not strictly designed for us, we at Protestia contacted the firm and listed a series of grievances and questions of impropriety, particularly the notion that Falwell left the University on “good terms” and as a result received a multi-million dollar payout.

We wrote about this two months ago, when we said:

Liberty University has declared themselves complicit in Jerry Falwell Jr’s sin by covering up and sweeping everything under the rug, agreeing to pay the disgraced former president $10,500,000 following his resignation, content to see him leave peacefully rather than insisting that he be held accountable for his actions. 

Falwell is receiving the full amount under the terms in his contract because he is departing from the University officially in good standing with them, without admitting to any wrongdoing and because the university has chosen not to formally accuse him.

‘The board was gracious not to challenge that,’ said Falwell, relieved at being able to get out with millions in his bank and refusing to acknowledge any wrongdoing or sin on his part. ‘There wasn’t any cause…I haven’t done anything.’

Furthermore, according to sources, Falwell will be given the privilege to consult for the school during its transition to a new administration, offering advice and input into the new President who will be replacing him and acting President Jerry Prevo.

If the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors had any sort of integrity or strength of conviction, they would not have allowed Falwell to leave in good standing with them, staying silent as his insistence that he has done nothing wrong despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

They wouldn’t have chosen not to formally charge him, but rather would have enacted disciplinary procedures, showing the world and their students that they take these sorts of things seriously. They should have challenged his compensation. They should have fired him for gross misconduct and sexual malfeasance. They should have kicked him out, publicly, acknowledging that he did do something terribly wrong.

But no. They are allowing Falwell to slink away, undercover, in good standing, with $10,500,000 dollars and likely the last word they will ever say on his behavior, allowing the impression that ‘hasn’t done anything’ to stand in the chasm.

We await to see what is uncovered.

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff News

RZIM Responds to Ravi Zacharias ‘Illicit Online Relationship’ Scandal

In light of a recent Christian Post article going live about the new supporting evidence Julie Roys uncovered in the Ravi Zacharias sexting scandal, RZIM has released a new statement denying any and all wrong doing while also pledging to never release the woman involved, Lori Thompson, from her Non-Disclosure Agreement (DNA) .

The impetuous stem from emails, phone records, and first-hand testimony brought to light by Jerry and Denise Basel, two Christian counselors who counseled Thompson in 2016 while the incident was happening. Stepping in to help the couple deal with the fallout, they were the ones that were with Thompson when she sent an email to Zacharias telling him she was going to tell her husband about their alleged illicit affair, which prompted Zacharias to famously respond with threatening to commit suicide if she went through with it.

And while RZIM has not responded further to our queries regarding new allegations that have surfaced, including the revelation that Ravi Zacharias co-owned a spa that employed pseudoscientific Ayurveda services, yoga, and that Ravi’s former business partner accused him of sexually assaulting the staff- a claim co-signed by several women who worked there and were the object of his unwanted advances, we are hopeful with enough pressure they may yet.

In the new statement to The Christian Post, RZIM says:

“In April 2017, Ravi Zacharias received a letter from an attorney representing Bradley and Lori Anne Thompson of Ontario, Canada, presenting allegations and threatening litigation by the Thompsons against Mr. Zacharias. The letter threatened that litigation was forthcoming, or, ‘in the alternative of protracted and public litigation, the Thompsons will sign a release of you and your church and ministry in exchange for a certified check in the amount of $5 million dollars made payable to the Bryant Law Center, Lori Anne Thompson and Bradley Thompson within thirty days of today’s date and mailed to the above address.’

“In response to this demand letter, Ravi notified the board of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and personally filed a lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act in August 2017. The Thompsons, through their attorneys, then requested to enter into mediation
to resolve the matter without going to trial. In November 2017, Ravi consented to resolve his lawsuit and the matter through mediation—a process that resulted in a resolution agreed to by both parties.

“In addition to these legal proceedings and the investigations underlying them, this matter was independently and rigorously investigated in 2018 at the initiative of the denomination that issued Ravi’s ministerial credentials, the Christian & Missionary Alliance. That investigation included multiple
interviews with the parties and a review of all available documents and records. The denomination concluded, ‘…the available evidence does not provide a basis for formal discipline…’

“As is widely known, Ravi Zacharias died May 19, 2020. Subsequently, some have called on his family and/or ministry to release the Thompsons from the confidentiality agreement they entered into with Ravi some two-and-a-half years prior to his death. Since RZIM was not a party to the agreement, it is unable to alter it, and his family does not feel it proper to alter it without Ravi’s knowledge or consent. Before he died, however, Ravi addressed allegations that he solicited inappropriate photos from Lori Anne Thompson or otherwise engaged in communications of a sexual nature with her in an 800-word public statement in December 2017. In that statement, he denied any sexually or romantically inappropriate conduct. He stood by that statement until his death. His denial is consistent with the character of the man we knew and worked alongside for years.

“Also since his death in May, allegations by Mrs. Thompson against Ravi have resurfaced in the public domain. This prompted calls for RZIM and/or the Zacharias family to conduct further investigation into this matter. In light of these developments, we, the Board of RZIM have reviewed the matter again and conclude the following:

1) Ravi Zacharias was never physically alone with Mrs. Thompson nor did he send her photos of himself.

2) There is no evidence that he solicited photos of her—an allegation Ravi vehemently denied in his public statement in December 2017. Furthermore, no evidence to the contrary has ever been presented.

3) Ravi addressed his communication with Mrs. Thompson in his December 2017 statement and we agree with him that it was wrong to have engaged in ongoing communication of a personal nature with a woman other than his wife.

4) We believe Ravi should have immediately disclosed the fact that Mrs. Thompson sent inappropriate photographs to him.

5) We have long had policies regarding physical safeguards to protect both our team members and leaders as well as those they come in contact with to prevent interactions that could ever prove harmful to either party. In 2018, we implemented electronic communication safeguards and policies for that purpose as well. We regret not having put the electronic communication safeguards in place sooner.

“We respect that there are those who disagree with us about this process and our current disposition. Finally, we reaffirm our commitment to the mission and work of RZIM—to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”