
Charismatic Prophetess Describes the Literal Gates of Hell + Hitler on a ‘Meat Hook’

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven or recounting how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, she’s recounting all the mysteries she’s learned during her thousands of trips to heaven. Such a celebrated celestial tourist has naturally made other charismatics inquisitive about what the afterlife is like, what Jesus, God and the angels are up to, and what sort of mystical revelations she’s been given to bring back to the mere mortals on earth.

Speaking to chief-enabler Steve Shultz on Episode 89 of Wednesdays with Kat and Steve the, she says that as it pertains to Matthew 16:18 “And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it,” that the aforementioned “gates of hell” are real gates that exist in hell, and she’s seen them:

Shultz: What exactly is meant by the gates of hell? What does this look like? So there again, they’re looking for a- are there actual gates of hell?

Kerr: I have been there so I can honestly tell you there are gates. They don’t just look like plain gates; they have serpents on them, evil things are flying around them. They have sentries that that are so grotesque outside those gates, and you don’t want to be welcomed by them…

…And evil lives there. Wickedness lives there. Torture lives there. Horror lives there. And there’s all kinds of things inside- but the gates of hell are right before, there’s like a courtyard. And I’m not talking about a beautiful courtyard in any means of the word, I’m talking about implements of torture, right inside the gates there.

You don’t want to know what people do to you and and he won’t let me tell you right now, but there are real gates, and they have these evil looking serpents twined around them and other things I’m not going to tell you right now, but they really are there.

And I’ve actually sketched those, the picture of the gates of hell. I’ve given it to my artists whose drawing it as part of the movie. It’s part of the movie on the resurrection of Jesus Christ, where you actually see what it looks like when Christ showed up at those gates.

So there is a courtyard. And hell is a great expanse, but there are gates, and that’s where you enter into and out of, and that’s where you’re taken.

If you’re going to die and live in hell, you fall down this big grey abyss thing. And then when you get there, they’ll come and take you inside of the gate. But specifically, that’s just the (unintelligible) everything is a torture even the gates themselves, torture.

She concludes:

…And if you ever were there, I know Mary K. Baxter, I know she’s up there enjoying herself in heaven right now (a deceased charismatic author and speaker who wrote a book called Divine Revelation of Hell that sold almost 1.5 million copies, where over 30 nights she claims Jesus gave her visions of what hell is and gave all sorts of juicy details about what happens there) but she did see also, I didn’t know she saw, Hitler on a meat hook people- I mean a real meat hook. That was his reward for doing all that stuff in Germany, murdering all the Jews. That was his reward.”


Pacifist TGC Writer Says The World Should Have Let Hitler and Nazis Conquer Unopposed

Andrew Wilson is a frequent contributor to the Gospel Coalition. He’s also the teaching pastor at King’s Church, London and the author of God of All Things: Rediscovering the Sacred in an Everyday World. During his “Good Faith Debate’ with Bob Thune on ‘How should Christians think about gun control and the right to bear arms?” Wilson, who is an extreme pacifist, claimed that the the world should not have opposed Hitler militarily, but rather should have let him conquer the world. He explains:

Question: In World War II, from what I understand reading of history, one of the Axis powers were very concerned about how in the world you would invade the United States, because of how many private citizens owned guns and ammunition. How is that part of the debate land with you?

Wilson: Yeah, I think World War II is that the closest thing we have to a a genuine war of good against evil. I think most wars in history you’d probably say ‘Ahhh ,You know, there’s bad men on both sides, there’s good men on both sides.’

I think when you have Hitler and Nazism wanted to steamroll everybody, you’d go ‘Okay, that’s it. I think we’re as close as we can be to saying that’s a very, very bad man, and a lot of very, very bad things are gonna happen if he’s in charge.’

So as that sense it follows us, it’s like the reductio ad absurdum of the pacifist position. And I think you as a pacifist you, you basically swallow it and you say, ‘Yeah, that might mean Britain been invaded…I might now be speaking German, maybe.’

I think the world would be- I’d have to trust the providence of God, I have to, I have to ultimately say ‘this is exactly what Romans 12 is doing. So you don’t do these things. because vengeance is mine, is mine to repay.”

…I think if you read the Sermon on the Mount and say ‘what does this say I should do with Hitler?’  You’d go ‘yeah I think that means, you might have to say I don’t resist’. And and at that point you might say ‘oh that’s cowardice.’…I actually think that takes a lot of courage to hold that position.

…So I don’t it sounds very weird in our world to say, ‘let Hitler invade’, you know, ‘bring it on’, and trust it to God.

h/t WokePreacherTV