
Paul Washer Released From Hospital After Major Health Scare +Cancels Conference Appearance

In March 2017, Brother Paul Washer suffered a massive heart attack in his Virginia home and was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. Undergoing emergency surgery, he ultimately spent nearly a week in the hospital, witnessing to everyone he encountered, even the chaplains. 

It was exceptionally frightening, given that Washer’s father died of a heart attack when he was younger. While in recovery, he joked to those concerned for him, “If it makes you feel any better, I didn’t go to the third heaven. There won’t be any books.”

Scheduled as a speaker at the 2022 Old School Conference in Brazil, Washer, who is perhaps best known for his “Shocking Youth Message” he delivered to over 4500 teens at a Baptist conference in 2002 (“I don’t you’re clapping, I’m talking about you was to join Josh Buice, Paulo Junior, Justin Peters, Steven Lawson, and Hernandes Dias Lopes, “to present to the present generation the rich, sufficient, and inerrant content of the Holy Bible, which is the only sure foundation for Christian faith.”

Unfortunately, Brother Washer started to experience chest pains and was no longer attend, with Dr. Lawson updating:

Thankfully, he has recovered and has been released from the hospital, with his social media account informing he’s at home resting.

Continue to pray fervently for him and his family.


Pastor John Gray Recovering After being Hospitalized with Life Threatening Pulmonary Embolism

Pastor John Gray of Relentless Church in Atlanta seems to be recovering after being hospitalized with a life-threatening saddle pulmonary embolism (SPE), according to wife Aventer who posted on Instagram.

A pulmonary embolism is when there is a blockage in one of the arteries of the lungs, According to Healthline, A saddle PE is when a large blood clot gets stuck in the main pulmonary artery. This is rare a and makes up between 2-5% of all PE cases. It’s usually treated by blood thinners, clot-dissolving medications, or using a catheter to remove the clot. She writes

Hello family. My family and I stand in need of a miracle. Please keep my husband @realjohngray in your prayers.

After feeling a little different over the past couple weeks, he went to the ER on Thursday evening and was immediately admitted to CCU with A saddle Pulmonary Embolism in the pulmonary artery and more lung blood clots. The Saddle PE is in a position that could potentially end his life if it shifts at all. The clot burden is severe and only God is holding it in place. He is currently in CCU and based on CT & Echo we will need two types of surgery due to the pressure now on the heart within the next 24 hours. To place this in perspective, the doctor said that people have come into the hospital dead with this exact scenario he walked in with.

The Doctor said God has to keep him through the night and he can not move, not even get up to walk to a bathroom.

Ok, COOL! Thanks ma’am! God isn’t done! I don’t care what CT, ECHO, All or any of the tests show! It’s clear God isn’t finished. Clots have to bow to my God! That’s all!

In a subsequent update, Aventer posted on that her husband’s leg clot is gone and did some sort of name it-and-claim-it incantation on the remaining lung clots, telling them to “dissipate & bow at the name of Jesus” and that will not travel up towards his heart, which would be catastrophic, but rather “all will stay in place place because they have to obey the voice of the Lord.” She also added ‘WE HAD A SMALL GOD ORDAINED DIVINE DELAY, BUT GOD IS GOOD” and we have no idea what that means.

For reference Gray is a former associate pastor at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church. Rife with bad theology and an unregenerate heart, he left there and took over the church in 2018, moving into a $1.8 million mansion “parsonage” paid for by the church. This is quite prescient, as ironically the only thing he has been “relentless” about is cheating on his wife while staying employed and wearing expensive clothing, making the news frequently for one scandal after another.

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Voddie Baucham Medical Update ‘I was Within an Hour or so of Death’

Voddie Baucham has provided another update from inside the Mayo Clinic, informing supporters and concerned believers that he is fine for now, with a “clear, aggressive, and promising treatment plan” in place, but that he almost didn’t make it, with the doctor who brought him in telling him he was “in the final stages of a catastrophic event, and within an hour or so of death.”

The beloved teacher and minister flew out from Zambia to the hospital in Florida last week, making a trek that involved a 16-hour flight, 5 layovers, cancelled flights, a once-in-a-lifetime snow storm, and tens of thousands of saints keeping him in prayer.

He wrote this update on his social media pages:

@americanair found our @saddlebackbags and delivered them. Praise the Lord for a burden lifted!

On the health front, I am still at the @mayoclinic and receiving care from some of the top doctors in the world in the field of heart failure.

My condition is much improved, and we have a clear, aggressive, and promising treatment plan. Bridget and I continue to marvel at the Lord’s providence and rejoice in his goodness. According to the doctor that brought me in (actually, his wife picked us up and rushed us to the E.D., but that’s another story for another time), I was in the final stages of a catastrophic event, and within an hour or so of death.

When we look back at the amazing work of the missionary doctor in Lusaka who stabilized me (and saved my life), the GoFundMe, canceled flights, weather delays, my vitals during the Joburg to Doha flight, a last-minute itinerary change to Jacksonville, and the fact that Mayo was expecting and waiting for me upon arrival (including the paramedic who checked me in and said, “I’m trying not to go all fan-girl right now,” 😂 it is impossible to deny the hand of our Sovereign God and the way he shepherded us.

There is much more I could say and a great deal more work to be done, but we are resting and rejoicing in God’s goodness. Even in the ‘little’ things… Like finally getting our bags! Especially when we realize that, if we had waited and taken the same journey our bags did (our original itinerary), we would not have made it to Mayo in time.


Baucham had written a post yesterday regarding their dismay at having his bags lost.

Prior to this health scare, Voddie had been battling chronic illness for years, even as he built his strength through resistance training, martial arts, exercise, and sport, according to a recent article by the Christian Post which features Voddie’s health commitments and routines over the last decade to protect his health and heart, including losing over 60lb’s in 2018.

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Health Update on Voddie Baucham: Out of Texas and In the Hospital

Update #1: From Voddie’s Instagram a few minutes ago.

The Lord saw fit to open a door at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL. But before I could get to my appointment, things took a turn for the worse. I ended up in the ER, and was subsequently admitted.

Someday, I’ll tell the whole story of how the Lord shepherded us here, but for now, I’ll just say we are grateful to be where we are.

Up to this point we have been playing defense (i.e. don’t die!). Now we go on offense (find the problem and fix it).

Thank you for praying and for your words of encouragement. This journey is a long way from over, but we are grateful for every step.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places,” (Ephesians 1:3 ESV)

Voddie Baucham has managed to leave Texas, which has been overwhelmed by snow and grid shortages that left millions without power, and has made it to the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida, where he is receiving treatment from doctors for his heart failure and kidney problems.

There had been doubt he would be able to get there sooner, given the turbulent journey it has already been, as well as all the destruction the weather is leaving in its wake. Baucham wrote yesterday that they had to “pivot” from their plans when their initial flight was canceled but hoped to find another one later that evening. He further told supporters:

Pray the weather holds up. Pray our strength holds up. Pray my dear wife holds up! Pray our faith holds up. Pray we don’t waste these trials, but learn from them.

Tom Ascol, a long-time ministry partner who organized the GoFundMe for Baucham, which has now surpassed 1.25 million dollars, updated both the funds raised and his own Twitter feed to give the news.

The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville is one of the health network’s three campuses in the United States. They are a world-class hospital that is considered one of the very best, particularly in the specialization of cardiology and heart surgery, and are known for their high level of care and success rate for treatment.

We will update this specific post over the course of the day.

Please continue to pray for Voddie and his family.

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A Health Update on John MacArthur

Beloved, I pray that all may go well with you and that you may be in good health, as it goes well with your soul. (3 John 1:2)

Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Church (GCC) in Sun Valley, California, who is normally in the news for an on-going battle with Los Angeles County Health Officials to keep his church open amidst California Governor Gavin Newsom’s shutdown orders, has a few people saying his name for a different reason.

Speculation about MacArthur’s health comes in light of him missing preaching two weeks in a row, as well as people not understanding what sort of schedule he keeps.

Historically, John MacArthur takes 8 weeks off preaching duties in July and August, but those months were bumped up to the fall given the heat from COVID-19 and the government threatening to shut down the church. With GCC going to court and receiving a reprieve for several months, MacArthur took off most of October and November. He returned to the pulpit for three weeks, and now has been absent for two.

MacArthur was initially supposed to preach on Sunday, January 3rd and have Steve Lawson preach the evening service, but those plans were changed, and MacArthur was taken off the schedule and Lawson replaced him in the morning slot.

In a brief message from Pastor Tom Patton before the service, he explains:

…And we have the privilege this morning of having Dr. Steve Lawson with us in our pastor’s stead…This gives our pastor John a little more time to rest and prepare for Shepherds’ Conference. I know that seems kind of early (March 3-5, 2021), but Shepherds’ Conference is right around the corner, just so you know. It’s moving fast upon us as the days unfold, so please be in prayer for leaders all around the word…

Tim Hurd of The Bible Thumping Wingnut Network, who like us at Protestia is a huge fan of MacArthur and GCC – having been blessed for years by the man and ministry – has been graciously following along and updating his audience on how things are coming along in these dark times with this Church serving as a beacon in the darkness.

With Hurd being friends with several GCC members and having “insider access,” he explains he was informed that the reason MacArthur needs rest, apart from being 81 years old, is that he is sick with a bit of the stomach flu.

He does NOT have COVID-19.

Dr. Steve Lawson made a few comments during his own message, mentioning his esteem for pastor MacArthur. He describes GCC as having the greatest pastor on planet earth – how he has been raised up by God at this moment in history to be the leading voice of evangelicalism and the last man standing. He says:

There is one strong man, an atlas, who is upholding the faith once and for all delivered to the saints, and that’s the man who stands in this Pulpit. May God bless him. May God strengthen him. May God hold him up. May God give him another hundred years.

To that we say, “yea and amen.”

See the full video below, and subscribe to Tim’s channel and hit the notification bell for the edification of your soul.