
YouTube Labels John MacArthur’s Recent Sermon as ‘Hate Speech’

YouTube, ever the bastion of censorship and dutiful soldier in the war of BigTech against free speech, labeled a recent sermon by Pastor John MacArthur of Grace Community Chuch as ‘hate speech’, on account of him preaching that God made us ‘Male and Female.’

Three weeks ago, Pastor MacArthur requested that pastors around the globe join him in preaching on the biblical understanding of human sexuality, in solidarity with Canadian pastors who were about to be tested after their insane government passed a law with the support of all parties declaring that any efforts to counsel someone or convert someone from homosexual to heterosexual was a crime punishable with up to 5 years in prison.

Without exaggeration, if a congregant tells a pastor they have sinful homosexual thoughts, and seek prayer and counseling for them to have them quelled and brought under the blood of Christ, that is worthy of fines, arrest, and even jail if discovered and brought to the authorities.

At least 4000 pastors pledged to preach in unity that day, with MacArthur contributing content like this:

“Simply stated. There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY, that’s it. God made man male and female. That is determined genetically, that is physiology, that is science, that is reality.

This notion that you are something other than your biology is a cultural construct intended as an assault on God…. The only way you can address it, honestly, is to say, ‘God made you and God made you exactly the way He wanted you to be. You are not only fighting God in His physical creation, you are fighting God in His sovereignty. You are fighting God in His spiritual relationship to you. This is a war on God.’

…On the one hand, the reality of that lie and deception is so damaging, so destructive, so isolating, so corrupting that it needs to be confronted, but on the other hand, that confrontation can’t exaggerate what already exists, which is a sense of feeling isolated in relationships,”

According to Todd Starnes, after uploading a video clip of MacArthur preaching, YouTube took down the video and told him the pastor’s sermon was hate speech, explaining:

“Our team has reviewed your content, and, unfortunately, we think it violates our hate speech policy,” YouTube wrote to me. “We’ve removed the following content from YouTube: ‘There is no such thing as transgender. You are either XX or XY. That’s it. – Pastor John MacArthur.’”

In other words, YouTube affirmed the Canadian law by banning any opposition to transgenderism on their platform.

And it won’t be very long before the sex and gender revolutionaries target the source of our beliefs – the Holy Bible. I foresee a day in American history where Bibles could be confiscated or rewritten to affirm the LGBTQIA lifestyle.”