
Southern Baptist Convention Makes Gun Control And Amnesty Legislative Priorities For 2024

(Evangelical Dark Web) The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention serves as a political lobbying arm of the SBC’s Cooperative Program. In theory, it is supposed to represent Southern Baptists’ political interests. In practice, it has capitulated on most issues of substance. It famously opposed pro-life legislation in Louisiana that sought to abolish abortion. In 2024, although wrapped in ambiguous language, its legislative agenda includes more of the same liberal subversion.


The language on abortion is weak. They do try to react to the abortion pills, mifepristone.

Ending the Proliferation of Chemical Abortions: Chemical abortion is a method that…to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Ray Fava and published at the Evangelical Dark Web


Southern Baptist Convention ERLC President Throws Denomination’s Support Behind Gun Control

Brent Leatherwood, President of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, the convention’s political lobbying organization, has thrown the support of the ERLC behind proposed red flag gun control laws in his home state of Tennessee. Under a bill proposed by Governor Bill Lee and supported by Leatherwood, courts would have the ability to remove firearms from the possession of those deemed “extreme risk,” a mechanism that violates individual gun owner rights by infringing on constitutional due process.

Leatherwood has three children who attend Covenant School, the site of the recent shooting by trans-identifying Audrey Hale, a sexually deviant mentally ill woman whose mental illness led her to play dress up as a man, all the while insisting that society play along and accept her delusion. While authorities have not released all of Hale’s manifesto, as it doesn’t fit the gun-control narrative of the mainstream media, it is clear that Hale, a former student of Covenant, chose the school as the target site for her murderous deeds because she despised conservative Christians who opposed the LGBTQ agenda and was familiar with the site as a gun-free zone. Just weeks before the shooting, the state of Tennessee passed a wide-ranging law bill banning puberty blockers for children, genital mutilating surgeries for children, and drag shows for children. 

The personal proximity of the shooting to Leatherwood’s family seems to have affected his judgment, as the ERLC has not typically taken up anti-second Amendment causes. In a three-page letter addressed to the lieutenant governor and the entire legislative body, Leatherwood implied that the large number of Southern Baptists in Tennessee, which comprise 1/5 of the state’s population, were behind the law, accusing those who oppose the red flag law of using “weapons of partisan warfare.” The letter fails to address the clear pro-LGBT motive in the shooting.

Leatherwood is fixated on creating a law that would have likely done nothing to stop the incident at Covenant, as the shooter had no criminal record, and there is no indication that anyone ever reported concerns about her behavior, the mechanism by which red flag laws remove firearms from one’s possession. 

Red flag laws are dangerous in concept because they judge whether a person is allowed to exercise second amendment rights based on whether a judge thinks the individual is a risk. What happens when leftist-appointed judges allow anonymous “concerned citizens” with political motives to report that they are concerned about “right-wing” Christians possessing firearms? Red flag laws put mechanisms in place that could potentially be used to disarm entire groups of people for purely ideological reasons. 

In today’s society, trans-identifying people, a group that would have been identified as mentally disordered by the psychological community thirty years ago, are a protected class of people. Ironically, while conservative groups and the ERLC have made modest pushes to promote laws that fight against LGTQ indoctrination of children, there is no push to call a spade a spade and legally label trans-identifying individuals as mentally ill or an extreme risk to society. Instead, society continues to cater to sexual deviancy, special interest groups that openly defy God through their perversion. Under the current status quo, a red flag law would likely do little to protect against a mentally ill trans-identifying person because anti-discrimination law and advocacy groups would use their identity and protected status to defend their second amendment rights. 

The ERLC’s embrace of red flag gun control laws is just one of a large series of leftward shifts that include the embrace of “whole life abortion incrementalism,” the investment of time and resources in creating legal briefs to defend the building of mosques, the embrace of “love year neighbor” church-closing COVID propaganda, and the use of gender ideology from Revoice founder Nate Collins. Brent Leatherwood was touted as a more conservative replacement for former ERLC head Russell Moore, but the organization appears to maintain its trajectory toward embracing leftist policy positions with Leatherwood at the helm.


Revoice President says Being Pro-Life Means Being Pro-Trans

Nate Collins is the founder and president of the widely-condemned-by-conservatives Revoice Conference. Coming out of the PCA, these are the ones who had a talk called “Queer Theory and The Treasures of Queer Culture and Queer Literature” and “What queer treasure, honor, and glory will be brought into the New Jerusalem at the end of time?” For last year’s conference, they had a Roman Catholic Lesbian who Praised an X-Rated Gay BDSM Film

Collins describes himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage,” did his dissertation at Al Mohler’s SBTS, arguing that “virgin” is a third gender in the scriptures, has a knack for liking gay art, and made grotesquely unbiblical statements in Christianity Today.

In response to Michael Bird’s equally comical and ludicrous claim that being “pro-life” means advocating for gun control and standing up to both Planned Parenthood AND the National Rifle Association (NRA), Collins chimes in that being pro-life also means “honoring the human dignity of trans lives.”

These people.

That’s not to say that we should not be kind, polite, and even pity these individuals, but that has nothing to do with being ‘pro-life.’ In 2020 we were told that being ‘pro-life’ meant shutting down all our churches and later only allowing congregants in who were vaccinated or who wore masks. Then last year we were told that being ‘pro-life’ meant allowing teachers to indoctrinate our kids with whatever wonky lesson plan they had- to trust them implicitly because being pro-life meant being pro-CRT.

Now in 2022, being ‘pro-life’ means giving up our 2nd amendment rights and honoring the acts of those who would chemically castrate themselves, cut off healthy breasts, crossdress, or use the miracle of science to create some creepy approximation of the opposite sex’s sex organs and mount them onto and into themselves.

It’s not the final step, however. That was captured by @wokepreachertv, who found this clip saying being truly pro-life means being pro-choice.

At the rate so many evangelical leaders and thinkers are downgrading, we won’t be surprised if they’re saving this for 2023.

Evangelical Stuff Featured Heresies

Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke Prophecies ‘Massive False Flag’ Shooting

A giant false flag shooting is about to take place – a mass casualty event that will give the Biden administration the emotional leverage it needs to radically curtail gun rights, according to a well-known pastor provocateur.

Greg Locke, pastor of Global Vision Bible Church is well known for his massive social media following and politically incorrect social media rants about politics and religion. 

Readers of Protestia will recognize him as the foul-mouthed, spouse-abusing, small-time Tennessee pastor who notoriously divorced his wife of two decades and quickly married his secretary, claimed that “Mitch McConnell is being controlled by Illuminati hand signals,” ranted about never wearing a mask despite photographic evidence to the contrary, and threatened a Dunkin Donut worker with kicking his teeth down his throat.

Having not learned his lesson after saying mere weeks before Biden was inaugurated that Trump would “100 percent remain president of the United States for another term,” Greg has gone off again with a new round of prophecies.

A “false flag” event is an attack where the true source of responsibility is concealed, with the intent of pinning it on someone else. An example of this might be the Gleiwitz incident, where in 1939 a bunch of Nazis posed as Polish soldiers and attacked a radio station, which was then used as a justification to invade Poland the next day.

Locke has not provided any further detail since then, about when it will take place, who will do the shooting, or where it will happen. Requests for clarification comments have gone unanswered. Naturally, because social media is by default an unseemly if mildly amusing place, people been tagging @FBI with his tweet, with one user summarizing the mockery that has overwhelmed his account.