
FL Pastor Arrested After Using $8.4M in COVID Relief Funds to Buy Mansion+ Luxury Items

Police have arrested a pastor and his son for fraud after they misrepresented their ministry to receive millions in COVID relief funds.

Evan and Joshua Edwards, who also spent years as missionaries in Turkey, were taken into custody last week after investigators say they abused the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), a government scheme designed to give funds to small businesses during the pandemic lockdown.

The two men submitted paperwork saying their Christian organization, ASLAN International Ministries, had 486 employees and spent $2.7 million a MONTH on payroll, despite being primarily a small family endeavor.

They transferred the money into different bank accounts to avoid detection. They attempted to purchase mansions for themselves, but through a seizure warrant, authorities were ultimately able to recover $8.4M, so they were unable to profit from it.

According to the US Department of Justice:

Evan and Joshua Edwards are each charged with conspiracy to commit bank fraud, bank fraud, and visa fraud. Joshua Edwards is also charged with making a false statement to a lending institution. If convicted on the conspiracy to commit bank fraud and bank fraud charges, each faces a maximum penalty of 30 years in federal prison on each count. If convicted on the visa fraud charges, each faces a maximum penalty of 10 years in federal prison per count. Joshua Edwards also faces a maximum penalty of 30 years’ imprisonment on the false statement offense. 


It’s a Miracle?! Megachurch Pastor says He Helped Regrow a Woman’s Breasts

Guillermo Maldonado is the co-founder and senior pastor of El Rey Jesús, a 20,000-member megachurch in Miami, Florida, that is the largest Hispanic church in the United States. The author and self-styled “apostle” also oversees over 500 churches in 70 countries through his Supernatural Global Network, representing more than 750,000 people.

We’ve written about him a few times, such as Divorcing Megachurch Pastors Fight over $120M Estate, and featured him several times in our wealthy pastor’s roundup, given that he regularly wears watches in excess of $150k. A noted prosperity preacher who teaches the ‘law of increase,’ he claims to have raised the dead and healed all sorts of people in miraculous ways, including regrowing women’s breasts. Speaking to NAR Queen Cindy Jacobs, who takes it all in uncritically:

And then (God told me) ‘Tell the people I want to create new organs.’ And I call out all the person that needed a gallbladder, new knee. And you know, a lot of people came to the altar. And among those people came a lady that her breast- two breast had been removed 17 years ago, because of cancer.

And I asked her, What do you need from God? She goes ‘I need my two breasts’…. She fell on the floor. When she got up. She was screaming. I mean, she (was) laughing, rejoicing, crying and I say ‘what happened?’ She goes, I got my two breasts’

The Lord showed me that he already assigned angels to bring those new organs for the people to receive it. And I always tell the people; ‘make sure you receive it because otherwise that angel’s gonna take that organ back to heaven.’

Oh I’ve seen it before, one breast but not two breasts…. There was somebody that had an accident and they cut off one of his legs. And, you know, he said he was watching and then suddenly he felt the presence coming out of the TV. And then he said, ‘I believe my leg is gonna grow back’. And then he says ‘suddenly the presence fell’. And then he said he felt his leg grow back.

(Jacobs: “Oh, wow. And I think I remember video where fingers grew, didn’t it?”

Yeah fingers. I’ve seen hair grow back, fingers grow back. I’ve seen internal organs, like bladders, like, you know, all kinds of hearts, new hearts. So we’ve been seeing all kinds of that kind of miracles.”

We have no reason to believe that despite his wild claims, Guillermo Maldonado has ever healed a single person in his life.

h/t to the Friendly Atheist for the story. One day we’ll be friends.


Pastor Robbed of $400k in Jewelry Shows Off “Prayer Closet’ Full of Designer Clothes, Shoes, Diamonds

The prosperity preacher who was robbed at gunpoint during a live-streamed service an relieved of an estimated $400,000 in watches, rings and chains has now showed off his massive ‘Prayer Closet’ and it’s likewise decked out in filthy lucre.

Bishop Lamor Miller-Whitehead is the founder of Brooklyn-based Leaders of Tomorrow International Ministries, a false church if ever there was one. His ministry was registered as a for-profit business in 2014 and the church denies the Trinity, with his website’s statement of faith reading “There is one God, Creator of all things, infinitely perfect, and eternally existing in three manifestations: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” Ie, the dude is a rank heretic and everything about his pastorate and church is decrepit and false.

During a live-stream video, the ‘Bishop of Bling’ showed off a massive room he describes as his ‘prayer closet.’ A prayer closet is a term used in some denominations to refer to a literal sectioned off room of the house where all the praying happens. Based on Mathew 6 “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you ” Got Questions notes that “The Greek used here for “room” is tameion, which means “an inner storage chamber or a secret room.”

In the Bishop’s case, his prayer closet is an enormous room, full of designer clothing, jewelry, unopened boxes staged for the camera, as well as his ‘priestly robes, He brags: “you name it, Gucci, Louis (Vutton), Fendi…you name it… when you walk into my shoe closet, every designer wear, designer wear for days.”

It’s enough to make even Steven Furtick and Michael Todd jealous.

Featured Religion

As Big Eva Blames Christians for Asian Whorehouse Shooting, Be Reminded Of John 16:2

The argument that genuine evangelicals have been making for some time is that Social Religionists are not merely a ‘woke’ version of Christianity, but no Christianity at all. The evidence has been developing, but demonstrable, that those advocating for what they call Social Justice, a not-so-subtle rephrasing of the term Social Gospel which met less fanfare only a generation ago, have gone out from us because they did not belong to us and – in fact – were never of us.

Beth Moore’s admission last week regarding her departure from conservative evangelicalism that “it’s not who I am” – something genuine Christians have been saying for nearly a decade and up until now she has denied – serves as a paradigm shift of sorts.

Wolves have taken off their masks, now that careless shepherds have let them into the fold. There’s no longer any reason to play pretend, although for the sake of keeping up appearances and squeezing out every last dime from the weak housewives they’ve taken captive (2 Timothy 3:6), they may wink and nod toward their old mutton-mask of liberalism disguised as Biblical nuance. They are well within striking distance of the flock, and can finally bare their teeth with the honesty of Little Red Riding Hood’s super-predator, “The better to eat you with, my dear.”

We, and every discerner, has been trying to warn you for years that men like Tim Keller, Russell Moore, Albert Mohler (the Alpha wolf, more subtle but infinitely more powerful than all the others), Mark Dever, and Ligon Duncan are not of us. They are imposters, frauds, phonies, liars, deceivers, swindlers, doctrinal ravishers, and spiritual sluts in the harem of Babylon’s whore.

The evidence of their gross departures from Biblical orthodoxy could not be more evident, albeit is still denied. Their Autobahn by which their blitzkrieg of heresies have invaded evangelicalism include The Gospel Coalition, 9Marx, and the ERLC (and by extension, the Southern Baptist Convention), each feeding off the dollars that sincere but naive Christians continue to feed them under the assumption they’re our leaders and not our enemies. Each of these organizations played the long game for a decade or longer, at first appearing orthodox and steadfast, before turning their organizations into fag parades led by their Chief Priest, Sam Alberry, and his mile-long line of lesbians teaching us about human sexuality and hospitality.

Of course, their methodology has been seen before, but evangelicals have a short memory. J. Gresham Machen, in his 1923 book, Christianity and Liberalism, has already filleted their canine guts open to reveal their mutton-based diet, as well as their methodology.

The Princeton and Westminster professor of religion, who was born in 1881 and died in 1931, explained…

“The greatest menace to the Christian Church today comes not from the enemies outside, but from the enemies within; it comes from the presence within the Church of a type of faith and practice that is anti-Christian to the core.”

He goes on…

“The plain fact is that liberalism, whether it be true or false, is no mere ‘heresy’ – no mere divergence at isolated points from Christian teaching. On the contrary, it proceeds from a totally different root, and it constitutes, in essentials, a unitary system of its own…Christianity is being attacked from within by a movement which is anti-Christian to the core.”

The strategy of liberals, like Mohler, Dever, Duncan, Keller, Moore et al has not changed. They masquerade as conservatives as long as humanly possible, undermining Christianity behind the scenes and letting their leaven liberalize, all while presenting themselves as champions of conservatism until – at last – they have no other choice than to come out of the closet and slither from underneath their rock.

“[Subversive liberals] seek a place in the ministry that they may teach what is directly contrary to the Confession of Faith to which they subscribe. For that course of action, various excuses are made…if a man desires to combat the message instead of propagating it, he has no right, no matter how false the message may be to, to gain a vantage ground for combating it by making a declaration of his faith which – be it plainly spoke – is not true.”

One would think that Machen was describing the Social Religionists of our day. See below…

“The preacher comes forward, not out of a secret place of mediatation and power, not with the authority of God’s Word permeating his message, not with human wisdom pushed far into the background by the glory of the Cross, but with human opinions about the social problems of the hour or easy solutions of the vast problem of sin. Such is the sermon…Is there no refuge from strife? Is there no place where two or three can gather in Jesus’ name, to forget for the moment all those things that divide nation from nation and from race to race, to forget human pride, to forget the passions of war, to forget the puzzling problems of industrial strife, and to unite in over flowing gratitude at the foot of the Cross? If there be such a place, then that is the house of God and that is the gate of Heaven.”

The solution they present, of course – now as then in the first Communist uprising – is the redestribution of wealth. Social Religionists are nothing but Marxists in clerical collars.


Pointing out that the “spa” was a whorehouse is as unpopular and inconvenient as pointing out that George Floyd was a violent crackhead self-murdered by Fentanyl, but liberals insist on blaming every evil upon racism. They’ve chosen their narrative, preemptively, of every crisis long before it happens.

Like with George Floyd, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin, and so many more horrible thugs-turned-martyrs by the devil’s religion de jure, the narrative parades so far behind the facts that once discovered, reality can never catch up to the race march. This, of course, should not surprise us. But what’s particularly terrifying is that the Comintern “Christians” in Big Evangelicalism are pushing the narrative that sincere believers are to blame for this mass shooting.

Although it makes no difference whether most or all the women were whores (they were), the incident is tragic if, for no other reason that 8 souls split hell open. It’s a solemn reminder that our culture is wicked and that prostitutes were murdered should hardly be a shock in a nation that has given God the middle finger. It’s as predictable as crackheads dying in the gutter. It is sad, although not surprising.

Ultimately, this is not the story of a conservative evangelical Christian shooting at Asian ladies because he hated Asian ladies. It’s the story of a wicked man in a wicked culture shooting wicked people, the story of a culture that repeatedly sows in the flesh and reaps it (Galatians 6:8).

There is zero evidence – none, zilch, nada, zero – that the shooting was race-related. It was whore related (and still wrong). Whores shouldn’t get shot at. They should be evangelized, with a concerted effort to determine the difference between sex slaves and willing participants (for the sake of prosecution). Usually, it’s a mix of both.

They would have us believe that this man shot up a whorehouse because he embraced the church’s teaching on gender roles, but didn’t embrace their teaching against shooting up whorehouses.

Again, don’t shoot of whorehouses. Save your ammo for tyrants.


As our dear friends at Reformation Charlotte have pointed out, Big Eva leaders are busy blaming conservative Christians, hereafter simply designated as Christians, for the shooting. This includes Beth Moore and professional victimhood-milker, Rachael Denhollander, whose husband enjoys the full-time job of pimping out his wife as an empathy slave and human shield against insufferable liberalism.

I’m awaiting the day that evangelicals readily admit that what Denhollander, in particular, is doing to the Christian church is as vulgar as what Dr. Larry Nassar did to her. She is molesting holy things.

Denhollander indeed proves her prowess as a gymnast, because the dexterity and flexibility needed to jump through the logical hoops to link teaching on Biblical gender roles with shooting up whore houses is of Olympic proportions. It’s also vile.

She’s not the only one to allege that the man’s religious affiliation with a Founder’s Church (Southern Baptists who affirm the traditional Calvinistic teaching of Southern Baptist founders) has something to do with his murderous qualities.

Both Tisby and Denhollander have been bequeathed their central stage in the Cult of Woke Religion by 9Marx, the ERLC, the Gospel Coalition, and the Cominterns who run those subversive, anti-Christian organizations. And according to these folks, Complementarianism – the position of believers in the religion led by who the Bible calls [insert trigger warning] “patriarchs” – is to blame for this.

Not to be outdone, Jory Micah, the man-hating apostate is calling out faithful men as scapegoats for this shooting.

Let me be clear…there is absolutely nothing in the Holy Bible that would approve of such uncharitable and unfounded accusations toward Christ’s holy church as to blame it for the homicides of those who have darkened its doors.

I can only imagine our critics, if I cared to listen to them (and I do not), cry afoul about this post because it lacks charity. Let the reader be warned: These people are blaming Christians who hold to Biblical gender roles everywhere for a mass shooting, despite an utter lack of evidence tying the two together.

I call names (like Jesus did) but they accuse the brethren of murder without a scintilla of evidence. If you care about the tone of my article, you’re the problem. They are trying to kill us.

I repeat, they are trying to round us up, get us arrested, and ultimately, execute us. They are working for the other team. Consider earlier this week, Tim Keller explicitly blaming Christians for our children being persecuted in the public schools because we haven’t been nice enough to Sodomites.

Why else would The Gospel Coalition’s Thabiti Anyabwile (again, a product of Mohler and Dever’s influence and platform-sharing) – who argued that terrorists are not real Muslims – have argued yesterday that this shooter was indeed a real Christian? Literally, the man opined at length whether terrorists are real Muslims but derided people for even asking the question if this man was a real Christian.

None of these are the actions of Christians for the church but are the actions of Satanists against the church. I repeat, they are going to get us rounded up and exterminated to the sound of ‘amens’ in Southern Baptist seminaries.

Now consider the Scripture.

Indeed, the hour is coming when whoever kills you will think he is offering service to God (John 16:2).

Make no mistake about it, this sinister cabal currently in charge of every seminary in the Southern Baptist Convention and all of its entities, The Gospel Coalition, and 9Marx will serve as the devil’s apologists, providing support and a pseudo-theological impetus for our persecution.

These figures of liberal evangelicalism and Woke Religion are, even now, seeking to build a case for our extermination.

News Politics Religion Scandal

ERLC: ‘There is NO Evidence of Voter Fraud’ in the 2020 Presidential Election

The Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) released an article/position paper today saying that there is ZERO evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 Presidential election, and telling millions of Christians not to trust their lying eyes.

Written by “ERLC Staff,” the article runs down several topics related to the vote, acting as a primer to answer questions like why it’s taking so long to count the ballots, what are the candidates’ path to victory, and what it means for a news organization to “call a race.”

Picture a TGC article from Joe Carter with less Wikipedia citations.

Then, under the heading of whether or not voter fraud has been occurring or whether or not there have been any suspicious shenanigans these past three days, the ERLC assures us that there has been not even a whiff of voter fraud or anything untoward.

“No evidence.” Not even a smidgen or a smattering. Not a scintilla or a soupçon.

In fact, everyone has acted above board the whole time, and saying otherwise is conspiratorial crazy talk. It’s over. Done with. Wrap it Up. Biden has it. It’s dunzo. Trump lost and anyone saying otherwise is just making noise and behaving all “unchristlike.”

Which begs the question: do you actually believe that? And better yet, why does the ERLC want you to believe that?

Evangelical Stuff Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News Scandal

Di$graced Pastor James MacDonald Gets Paid 1.45 Million + Walk in the Word Ministry Back

Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC) announced that after several months of arbitration, starting in August 2020, that they came to an agreement with their former pastor and leader James MacDonald, to settle all open issues between them and bring this messy, shameful blight on the church to an end.

James MacDonald’s employment was officially terminated by the elder board in November of 2019, declaring the money-grubbing guzzler to be so not above reproach, that they raked him over the coals sixty ways to Sunday and called him out for the abusive, greedy, two-fold son of hell that he is.

As a result of the arbitration, Macdonald walks away with the following, among other things:

-Walk in the Word (WITW) will no longer be a ministry under the umbrella of HBC. As part of the merging of WITW to HBC, there was an agreement that MacDonald could remove WITW and its assets to an external organization. This includes:

-Cash and real estate. Our insurance company paid MacDonald $1.2 million. HBC also agreed to transfer a vacant parcel of property adjacent to our Crystal Lake Campus which we had listed for sale on the market since mid-2019. These funds and this land are for the assets that Walk in the Word brought to HBC when it came under the church in 2010.

The Parties shall cooperate to accomplish HBC’s transfer of the deferred compensation funds that had been established for MacDonald’s benefit. This plan was in place prior to his departure from HBC and relates to a retirement plan of which MacDonald is the beneficiary.

In addition, HBC will pay MacDonald $250,000 cash for reimbursement promised to him prior to 2019 in connection with selling his prior home.

More about his luxury $2,000,000 home can be found here., but it was a beaut.

You’ll recall that MacDonald was living the high life prior to being ousted, likely rolling around naked each night in his Scrooge McDuckian Money Bin, reveling in the filthy lucre he was amassing and spending as if it were candy.

Harvest Bible Church, who is far from innocent in this whole mess, gave MacDonald a multi-million dollar checking account, and over a period of just three years he spent:

$286,096 In personal expenses for he and his family unrelated to the following expenses below. These included $100,000 in counseling, a pair of motorcycles, tuition, car repairs, etc.
$416,139 was spent on travel (including those expenses related to James
MacDonald’s “refreshment”), of which $94,046 was added to his W-2s as
additional compensation.
$170,851 was spent on hunting and fishing trips and related expenses. Expenses within this category include hunt cost, airfare, lodging, gas, food, gratuities, apparel, guns, and taxidermy (and related shipments).
$139,502 was spent on meals and entertainment. Entertainment expenses within this category include golf, club dues, boat tours, and event tickets.
$94,017 was spent on apparel and eyewear, of which $17,277 was added to James MacDonald’s W-2s as additional compensation
$114,159 for “refreshment” expenses for other members of the Senior Executive Leadership Team.

As a result of being post-arbitration, MacDonald sent out a newsletter to his fans, of which sadly some still exist. In the letter, he calls on his former church to:

Abandon the false narrative in financial matters – HBC’s most grievous sin against us.

Hold accountable the particular leaders who led the hostile takeover and what followed. 

Be transparent about HBC’s wrongful seizure of millions in Walk in the Word (WITW) assets.

Be transparent about HBC’s destruction of WITW and other efforts to end our ministry permanently. 

As one might imagine from swindlers who go gaga for greedy gain, MacDonald is completely unrepentant, writing that the church needs to publicly confess for the falsehoods about him.

In a section where he addresses where and how exactly he failed in all this, assuming HBC is making everything up, MacDonald responds in a way that is reminiscent of a job interview where the employer asks the hopeful candidate what his biggest weaknesses are, and he replies, “I work too hard. I care too much, and I become too invested in my job.”

I struggled increasingly under the weight of it all. I stepped away from the ministry multiple times with Elder support to regain my health and capacity to lead. In the end, I just burnt out, and had to “pull over” for extended time away from ministry. I had carried too much for too long, and I am grieved by the impact that had on several good leaders working most closely with me. Three times in 2019, I confessed my role in those relational failings to the board in writing, and multiple times publicly…

MacDonald worked too hard, carried too much, and as a result had some “relational failings.” That’s all folks. Just a couple of relational failings. Nothing more. The rest is conspiracy. Just a bit of burnout from doing too much.

As far as what’s in the future for MacDonald? Now that he has another cool million, he intends to rebuild Walk in the Word, continue to build his Home Church Network, and preach and teach and be a pastor again, while accruing more financial “Change Partners” to donate to his ministries to help them grow and turn into the multi-million juggernauts of their former glory.

And we think we know who will benefit most from that.