
Ex-Hillsong Leader says Houston Knew of Dad’s Abuse in Early 90s

(NewsNation) — As the global megachurch Hillsong fights off criminal accusations against its former leader, a former high-ranking member of the organization says the church founder knew of his father’s sexual abuse allegations in the early 90s.

Hillsong — a massive organization with a presence in 30 countries — has come under fire in recent years with leader Brian Houston facing a criminal charge for allegedly concealing his father, church founder Frank Houston’s pedophilia. Brian Houston resigned from the church earlier this year after an internal investigation revealed details of his own inappropriate behavior with two women.

A Hillsong leader from the church’s early days, Geoff Bullock, spoke publicly for the first time to NewsNation about his 1995 departure from the church and its current turmoil. 

“The whole problem with fundamentalist Christianity is that you end up feeling like you have to protect the institution, and that comes with a growing sense of fear that if you don’t protect the institution, you are against the institution.”

Bullock says he started “The Hills Christian Life Center” along with Brian Houston in 1983 outside of Sydney, which later became Hillsong Church. He says he even named the church. Bullock oversaw the music and production of all services for more than a decade and many of the songs he wrote became global hits. When asked if the world was witnessing the beginning of the end of his former church, Bullock said:

“It’s certainly the beginning of huge change and what (Hillsong church leaders) face now is whether they continue to protect the institution and try to spin their way out of it or they’re brutally honest with themselves and really come clean.”

Neither Brian Houston nor Hillsong Church have responded to NewsNation’s requests for comment.


In August 2021, Brian Houston was charged by Sydney police with concealing child sex offenses allegedly committed by his father in the 70s. While he denies having any knowledge of abuse committed by his father before 1999, Bullock claims Brian Houston had known about it much before that.

Frank Houston’s alleged victim told the Sydney Morning Herald in 2006 that he was in training to be a pastor at the time of the abuse and claimed gay conversion counseling sessions with the elder Houston were “nothing more than sexual abuse.”

Bullock says Brian Houston told him about the allegations himself before Bullock left Hillsong in 1995.

“Frank [Brian Houston’s father] performed rituals with him to try and cure him of his homosexual leadings, this was deviant behavior. This story came out after 1999 when Brian said he first found out about his father’s behavior but unfortunately the story was known about in the early 90s by a few senior members of what was then the Assemblies of God. And I know that because I knew about it.”

And senior ministers, senior pastors in New South Wales knew about it as well. Now, can I tell you how hard that is to say, and it really does make me shake, but there you go. That’s the truth.”

So why speak up now, nearly three decades after leaving the church?

“It’s taken me only till recently to be able to speak up and speak clearly about my experiences without feeling like I’m doing something wrong. The more (the turmoil in the church) has progressed, the more I feel that I have a responsibility to speak. I lived through it and there are a multitude of hurting people that I think I have to start the story and hopefully that’ll give people courage to tell their story.”

To continue reading, and watch an interview, click here.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Rich McHugh and Posted at News Nation Now. Edited for formatting.


New Free Speech Platform Won’t Let Users Violate 3rd or 9th Commandment

In a few days, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell will be launching a competitor to Twitter, called Frank. Users will be able to “post videos, livestream television, distribute news and information, and find community and fellowship with likeminded Americans” 

It is designed to be a free-speech app that won’t block users from sharing conservative values and sentiment, but also doesn’t have an exactly literal definition of “free speech.” He explains in an interview with Eric Metaxas what sort of things will and won’t be censored.

“People asked me, ‘You’re going to let everything go? Porn? Swearing? Everything?’ And I said, ‘Absolutely not’.We have a thing we found in the Constitution and our founding fathers that defines what free speech is. And Eric, get this, this Judeo-Christian platform we’re going to have here, they go by biblical principles — you know, you get to the Supreme Court, you have the 10 Commandments there — so, in other words, you’re not going to have porn up there, you’re not going to have these sites that contain material that go against our Constitution, go against what our founding fathers put in there.”

“You’re not going to be able to swear. There will be four words for sure you can’t say: You can’t say the C-word, the N-word, the F-word, and you can’t use God’s name in vain. What a concept. Right?”

Apart from banning cursing and violating the third commandment, lying and bearing false witness will also be prohibited.

“What I’m not going to do is suppress true free speech. When someone goes out there and says, ‘I don’t like what’s going down at the border,’ or ‘I don’t like that our country was attacked and nobody’s trying to know you did anything about it or is doing anything about it,’ that’s free speech. Another thing you can’t do… is totally defame someone. What’s the Ninth Commandment? I can’t even think now, but in the Ninth Commandment, you’re bearing false witness, I believe it is. So, if you’re putting a complete lie against Eric; if I say, ‘Eric Metaxas did something terrible’ and it’s an out and out lie, that’s not free speech. That is not free speech.”

The site has had shifting start dates on when it is set to go live, with the newest information either on Friday the 16th or Monday the 19th on Friday, with early access perks being given for those who sign up in advance.