
SBC President J.D. Greear Lauds Book Endorsement From Hillsong Pastrix

While one would think that the President of the Southern Baptist Convention would shy away from promoting the fact that a charismatic, word/ faith pastrix (because there’s no such thing as women pastors) from Hillsong endorses his book, hold-my-beer Greear holds no such compunctions.

Could Greear not find any other sound, biblically faithful leader or teacher to endorse the book that he could have retweeted? Why pick the woman who preaches the prosperity gospel? Why pick the woman who is the founder of A21 and Propel Women, the latter which is a ministry/ movement dedicated to teaching young women to step into leadership roles in the church, including into the pastorate? Her website is right in his tweet, after all.

The fact is that watching Christine Caine preach is watching a dog walk on its hind legs. They can’t do it well, but you’re mostly just surprised to see them doing it at all. She can’t be trusted to preach the scriptures faithfully, so why laud her endorsement as if that should mean anything to us?

It’s not the first time Greear has traded endorsements and niceties with Caine. Last year he promoted her other organization, leading one observer to ask “Have you considered speaking out against sex trafficking and porn without promoting a prosperity gospel/word of faith heretic? Just a thought. You are the SBC prez.”