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Time Traveling Prophetess Says Media Will Acknowledge Trump’s Victory in Mere Months

Kat Kerr, who has put the fear of God in us anew after she claimed she had a cadre of 150 angels following her around that were ready to kill at a moment’s notice anyone foolish enough to try and do likewise, is back to her usually spunky and silly self.

Explaining that she’s traveled in time to the future with the help of the Lord, this “mainline, run-of-the-mill continuationist” says that every media organization’s knee will bow and every network anchor will confess that Donald Trump is President, all in a matter of mere weeks or months.

They will be forced- I’m talking about the news – will be forced to say these words: ‘Trump has legally won the election and he is the President of the United States for four more years.’

I was taken forward in time, I saw what happened…It may take a couple weeks. It could take a couple months. But the whole time, God is working out that plan until He can get everyone where He needs them

Even the news and the networks will…they [will] be forced to broadcast the crime and corruption that has been exposed will shock and stun people to see who they colluded with overseas to overthrow this government. Everyone’s gonna know who did it and what they did, and in the end, the only thing left that they can do is give the presidency to Donald Trump because he won on November 3, 2020.

Last week, Dr. Michael Brown wrote an op-ed for the Christian Post, explaining that in no way, shape, or form would someone like the firecracker that is Kat Kerr ever be considered a false prophet, despite what…a couple hundred false prophecies in the last decade? Including this one, which will certainly not come to pass?

We suspect that, as The Friendly Atheist pointed out (the source we used for this story – by the way, your transcript is wrong), Kerr will simply say that Satan disrupted the plan due to the other prophets apologizing and backing down, or Trump had a secret inauguration, or that Trump is spiritually ruling in heaven right now, somehow.