
Hulu Cuts Paid Maternity Leave 60% After Paying for Employee Abortion Travel

(Right to Life UK) Disney subsidiary, Hulu, has slashed maternity and paternity leave at the same time as it has offered to pay for employees to travel to other states to obtain abortions.

Since the overturning of the abortion law in the US, which gave states the power to make their own abortion law earlier this year, a number of major US corporations, including Disney, announced that they would cover the cost of an employee’s travel across state lines for an abortion.

Now, however, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reports that Hulu, a streaming service owned by Disney, is dramatically cutting back on maternity and paternity benefits. According to the WSJ report, Hulu cut its paid parental leave policy from 20 weeks down to just 8 weeks – a 60% reduction.

Furthermore, the WSJ reports a survey of 3,000 employers found that only 35% now offer paid maternity leave benefits beyond what is mandated by federal law, down from 53% in 2020.

“Companies are sending a not-so-subtle signal to women who want to start a family, and places on them a higher financial burden from the start”.

The impact of the cuts to parental leave….to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was published at Right to Life UK


Conservatives Urge Boycott of Disneyland During SBC Convention after Discounted Tickets Offered

in 1997, the SBB voted to Boycott Disney over the revelation that they were offering health care benefits to same-sex partners and “gay-days” at the park. Richard Land declared at the time “when Disney crosses to the other side of the street, there’s a sense of betrayal and outrage. You can’t walk the family side of the street and the gay side of the street in the Magic Kingdom at the same time.”

During the convention, they handed out pamphlets listing over 100 entities associated with Disney to boycott, including movie studios, trade journals, and theme parks. The vote to boycott Disney was so overwhelming that they didn’t even bother taking a vote.

25 years and “there’s no drift within the SBC” later, the SBC Executive Committee is openly promoting discounted tickets to messengers at Disney’s theme park.

In fact, in a promo piece where Vice President of Communications for the SBC Executive Committee Jonathan Howe talks to a travel agent specializing in Disney tours, he prominently features a Buzz Lightyear action figure. This is ironic given that Disney just announced they are restoring a kiss by two lesbian characters in the new Buzz Lightyear movie that had been previously cut.

This is all being done while Disney goes to battle against biblical sexual ethics and against Florida’s parental rights bill that prohibits teachers from indoctrinating young children with their sexual perversions. In fact, videos leaked featuring the megacorporation’s executives saying that they want to make half the characters in their films LGBTQ or underrepresented and that there is a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” and they are regularly “adding queerness” to children’s programming. Furthermore, Disney announced that they are removing the words ‘ladies’, ‘gentlemen’, ‘boys’ and ‘girls’ from their theme parks, in order not to alienate or offend those who are transgendered and in further efforts to groom them.

In light of these revelations, the Conservative Baptist Network has released a statement urging “Southern Baptists to defend children against radical sexualization and gender confusion” by boycotting Disney, writing:

In light of recent revelations displaying a desire on the part of Walt Disney Company leadership to expose children to homosexuality and transgenderism….We call on Disney to reverse course and stop its explicit assault on parents’ rights and its assault on children. Until then, we cannot, in good conscience and Christian witness, encourage fellow Southern Baptists to support a company bent on this ideological course.

…While Southern Baptist Convention leaders have announced an arrangement with Disney that offers messengers attending the SBC Annual Meeting in Anaheim discounted tickets to Disneyland this summer, the Conservative Baptist Network urges Southern Baptists to choose another family activity rather than support the anti-biblical agenda now clearly present within the Disney corporation.

Let’s see what the Executive Committee does Nest

Cursed Headlines Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA

Gonzo Goes Gay- ‘Muppet Babies Pushes Trans Agenda to 2-Year-Olds

The House of Mouse continues its promotion and promulgation of the LGBTQQIP2SAA agenda, this time targeting two-year-olds and in its push to “transify” the entire world, this time using its Disney channel and show ‘Muppet Babies’ as a means to that end.

The show, which features computer-generated graphics of Muppet characters as babies, began airing on the Disney Junior Channel in 2018- a channel geared towards preschoolers and those between the ages of 2 and 7.

In a retelling of the Cinderella story, Miss Piggy, Kermit the frog, Fozzie the bear, and others are going to a royal ball, where the boys are going in their knight outfits and the girls in their dresses. Gonzo doesn’t want to dress as a knight, however, telling the ‘Fairy Rat-father” “I really wish I could wear one of those princess dresses to the ball.” When he offers to fashion a dress for him, Gonzo laments:

“But the girls said I’m not supposed to wear a dress. I don’t want everyone to be upset with me.”

He gets assured that no one will even know it’s him, and dons the dress and glass slippers and has a wonderful time at the ball, dancing and eating, then having to leave before the stroke of midnight lest someone discover his secret.

Gonzo is upset that he had to leave, saying: “I didn’t want to leave the royal ball, but everyone would have been upset if they knew it was me wearing that princess dress.” The ‘Fairy Rat-father” comforts him and asks “Gonzo, are you sure about that?’ Cause it seems to me maybe they just would have been surprised that you wanted to wear a princess dress. It’s different from what they’re used to, you know.”

The story continues and eventually when it’s discovered that Gonzo all along, he explains to them that he didn’t tell them that he was actually Gonzorella:

“because you all expected me to look a certain way. I don’t want you to be upset with me. But I don’t want to do things just because that’s the way they’ve always been done either. I want to be me.”

Miss Piggy explains “Oh Gonzo, we’re sorry, it wasn’t very nice of us to tell you what to wear to our ball.”

Another character adds “You’re our friend and we love you any way you are.”


Disney Debuts Its First Ever LGBTQQIP2SAA Love Song

(Answers in Genesis) The LGBT activists are out to capture your kids! A recent study found that, between 2017 and 2019 alone, LGBTQ+ characters in children’s programming saw a 222% increase for a total of 259 such characters aimed at influencing children. And as more studios appoint openly LGBT showrunners and give them the green light to include such characters in their shows, this is only going to grow exponentially. Take, for example, a new development from Disney+.

In a recent episode of a popular show on their streaming platform, Disney debuted their first homosexual love song. Two young men in High School Musical: The Musical: The Series (HSMTMTS) affirm their love for one another in this new song titled “The Transformation.” Teen Vogue shares:

The normalization of Seb and Carlos’ romance sets it apart from other queer relationships on screen in which sexuality is a burden or hurdle to overcome, rather than just another trait of one’s personality. “We’re not trying to achieve something crazy,” Frankie adds. “We just want love and romance just like everybody else. The song is about acceptance between the two, but then also, how they’re being presented to the world.”

Disney wants to show teens and children that homosexual romances are totally normal to help ensure the..

To continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written by Ken Ham and published at Answers in Genesis


Disney-Pixar Auditioning for First Transgender Character

It was just a year ago that Disney-Pixar released their first out-and-out gay character in a big-screen film, introducing the world to Officer Specter and her girlfriend in the film Onward.

She was a Cyclops cop, voiced by a gay screenwriter and actress, Lena Waithe, and at the time the film’s producer claimed the intentional propaganda just sort of happened, saying, “It just kind of happened. The scene, when we wrote it, was kind of fitting and it opens up the world a little bit, and that’s what we wanted.”

Now, scarcely a year later, as our culture moves towards oblivion at breakneck speed, Pixar Animation Studios is looking to introduce their first transgender character, putting the request to a casting call to fill the role of a 14-year old ‘girl’.

Make no mistake, they are looking for a real-life transgender ‘girl’ to voice the role, as a biological female will simply not do and could not possibly be successful in this role. Besides, how else can they virtue signal if the male actor playing the role hasn’t been doing drag since he was 3 years old?

We can’t wait to see what monstrosity comes out of this.

Featured News Social Justice Wars

Disney Introduces 14-year-old as First Bisexual Lead Character in ‘Owl House’

The Disney Channel introduced their first “bisexual lead character” in the animated series “The Owl House,” which follows a young girl who discovers a portal to another world and befriends the rebellious witch Eda the Owl Lady, eventually becoming her apprentice despite having no magical powers.

The revelation that the character was bisexual came when Luz Noceda, the 14-year-old lead who has previously shown interest in boys, spent the last two episodes pursuing a recurring female character, Amity, eventually asking her to the prom and slow dancing with her, in a move that previous to this revelation had not been hinted at.

Creator Dana Terrace, who is bisexual herself, spoke of her intention and fight to have the queer experience at the front and center of the show.

While Disney has nibbled around the edges of having homosexuals, lesbians, and transexual representations in their films, it has usually always been on the fringes and in smaller roles, such as Officer Spector being a lesbian in the feature film “Onward,” The innkeeper Oaken in “Frozen” and some bit characters in Zootopia, among others.