Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Todd Bentley Surfaces to Say All Recent Allegations Against Him are ‘Fake News’

The disgraced-in-all-but-charismatic-circles Todd Bentley, the only person Dr. Michael Brown said was a false teacher disqualified from ministry (but only temporarily, as he also said he was supernaturally gifted and could return one day), took to Facebook to defend against charges that he is disqualified from ministry owing to his history of allegations regarding marital infidelity, drunkness, coarse language, hitting on homosexuals, sexting, pornography, proffering his wife to other men, and a host of other spiritually seditious activities. [Editor’s note: Yeah, he is one sinful dude.]

You will recall a panel/tribunal of charismatic leaders were called to examine evidence and decide whether or not the allegations were true. Before long, Bentley bailed on it and ended his involvement in the process, calling it a “witch hunt.” This did not stop the tribunal from releasing the summary of the report, where they declared him guilty, but that they had hopes for his future due to his miraculous gifts. Charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior from their leaders, and this case has sadly has proved to be no different.

Like water off a duck’s back, Bentley shrugged it off and shortly thereafter resumed the ministry, recently putting on healing conferences and rallies throughout his state, as well as continuing to host his own church service. Then, another accuser:

While Todd’s explanation written in a way that is barely coherent, what comes through is that he views it as all fake news (a coined term, popularized by President Trump, whom incidentally Bentley prophecied would win reelection):

All the other stuff you were listening to was the wrong source, because to this day nothing was verified or proven, and that’s why I’ve never been charged with any kind of crime – because it was fake news! Not everything appears as it seems. Time will prove that I’m not guilty of the things I’m accused of…it was just the opinion of a few people, my brother.

Bentley previously admitted that he has done some of these things, but claimed they all happened 6 or 7 years ago when he was put under secret church discipline and it was all dealt with. He has never said which allegations are true and which aren’t, however, and now appears to be denying them all outright.

Of course, the internet holds things forever.

Last year, Rod Radosti, founder of Church14 ministries and former frequent ministry partner of Todd Bentley, uploaded a video to his Facebook page of one of Todd’s victims speaking out and detailing the nature and the existence of their sordid relationship, explaining that they regularly engaged in sexting and the exchange of nude pictures.

What is damning is that when confronted about this woman and her story, explicitly stated to be in 2017, and which showed Todd being the victimizer and her being a victim, he did not dispute it but rather took exception to that characterization of it as abuse.

In the process of reiterating his insistence that they were consenting adults and that “we as adults sinned,” he acknowledges and corroborates the veracity of her story and put the lie to his claim that this all only happened back in 2014, or now, that it never happened at all.

Conspiracy Coronavirus Evangelical Stuff News

Greg Locke Appears on CNN, Struggles to Explain what a ‘Pandemic’ is

Pastor Greg Locke of Tennesse was featured in an interview with CNN for a segment regarding rural America’s disinclination towards wearings masks and taking the upcoming COVID-19 vaccine. With Locke claiming he has never worn a mask (he’s lying, he has) he does represent a certain segment of the population that CNN would love to cover and show to their mocking viewers.

Locke (See more on him here) has been a vocal critic of mask-wearing, even going so far as to threaten to beat up a Dunkin Donut’s worker who asked him to wear one, telling him “I’m going to kick your teeth down your throat.”

His Church never stopped meeting during the lockdowns and the vast majority of his congregations do not wear masks. During the segment with reporter Elle Reeve, after Locke denied that we were in the middle of a pandemic, Reeve asked him to explain himself, resulting in a terse interaction where Locke was unable to explain or define what a pandemic is, prompting Locke’s publicist to step in and move Reeve on to a different question. H/T to TFA for the transcript.

LOCKE: I’m saying the sickness is real. I’m saying the pandemic is not.

REEVE: I don’t understand what you mean when you say “pandemic’s not real.”

LOCKE: … The pandemic is not real.

REEVE: But what do you think a pandemic is?

LOCKE: Not… Not COVID-19.

REEVE: But what do you think a pandemic is?

LOCKE: It is no pandemic.

PUBLICIST (offscreen): I think we’ve stuck on the pandemic question too many times.

REEVE: Well, why can’t you answer it?

LOCKE: It’s ridiculous… I did. There’s no pandemic! COVID-19 is not a pandemic.

REEVE: But what would a pandemic… But what is a pandemic then?

LOCKE: Not what we’re experiencing. I’m 44 years old. We’ve not had one in my lifetime, so I don’t know. And this is not it.

The classical definition of a pandemic may be defined as “an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people. ”

Pandemics can be either mild or severe, and issues of virology, immunity, and disease severity are irrelevant to its nature and classification.

Locke would have been better of saying “There’s a pandemic, but I don’t believe it’s that bad.” But getting got by CNN? That one will likely sting for a bit.