
Jackie Hill Perry Repents of Promoting the Enneagram, Now Calls it *Demonic*

The Gospel Coalition’s resident ‘gaytheist’, Jackie Hill Perry, has renounced her former promotion of the Enneagram, writing that she now sees it as dangerous and “demonic” after studying it deeper. This newfound revelation contrasts sharply with many of her professing peers, including other TGC writers, who have praised it and previously promoted it.

Christianity Today (Ft Russell Moore) Advances False Claim That The Enneagram Has ‘Christian Roots’
TGC Contributor Ironically Praises Enneagram On Podcast about ‘False Teaching’
Conservative PCA Seminary Puts on New-Age ‘Enneagram Seminar’
Russel Moore and Beth Moore Share Their Enneagram Personalities
NAMB & David Platt Church Plant Promotes Enneagram for Church Training
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry Promotes Mystical Enneagram

Perry explains:

I was really skeptical and have been for some years, when people were saying that the Enneagram was demonic. Because I do feel like sometimes people can be way too deep. But the Lord prompted me to study that thing for a good two days. Evil. And it ain’t even funny. Like, it’s legitimately doctrines of demons, divination, witchcraft.

And I just, I had no idea. No idea… Okay, so one of the dudes who was the originator of the contemporary understanding of Enneagram, as we know it, he said that he got his information about it through angelic visitation from a spirit or divine being named Metatron, which we know is a demon. And then the other guy who created the types. He said on YouTube, that he got his understanding of the wisdom of types through through automatic writing, which is a form of channeling spirits, where a demon basically guides your hand or guides your mind to help you write certain ideas. So when we say, Oh, I’m type one, type two, type three, whatever. We’re literally applying to our identity, the wisdom of demons. Like it, it’s literally that deep.

While this is a positive step away from one aberrant teaching, we hope that she continues the practice of reexamining and studying her beliefs so she realizes how much false teaching and demonic beliefs she still holds.

When you look at her inflammatory track record over the last year, from reveling in her love of an R-rated, filthy TV show, saying that all white people are racists, that white people only care about black folk in the womb, favorably quoting infamous racist Louis ‘jews are termites’ Farrakhan, suggesting that a lake of fire awaits white folk who preach against CRT, and renouncing ‘anti-prosperity gospel’ film while embracing woo-woo theology, it’s clear she has a long way to go.

h/t The Dissenter


‘Christian’ Ouija Board Lets Believers ‘Talk Directly to Jesus’

In a move that has the marketing team at Bethel Church stewing with envy, a company has come up with a novel way of blaspheming, creating a Christianized Ouija board called ‘Holy Spirit Board’ which lets you “communicate directly with Jesus Christ.”

Released by Holy Spirit Games, the promo material assures prospective buyers that it is “Perfect for churches, prayer groups or just getting together with friends.” and that “Unlike other spirit boards, this one will NEVER contact evil ghosts or demons, so you can ask your questions with an assured sense of safety.
They even have released some advertisements for it, claiming that even though he’s a Christian, he’s found that the bible’s message wasn’t always clear, but that he gained wisdom and insight through this board.

Given the rest of the marketing of this game, it’s evident that whoever makes this game actually hates Jesus, mocks Christians, and just wants to make a buck. But the desire for extrabiblical insight and revelation is all too common among believers today, and this sort of game is the logical end of that ungodly desire.

Never Forget: Bethel Church Promoted Prophetic Uno Cards

ht/ Revealing Truth

Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff Heresies Money Grubbing Heretics

Conservative PCA Seminary Puts on New-Age ‘Enneagram Seminar’

A conservative seminary within the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) denomination has announced they are putting on a seminar featuring the New Age Occultic Enneagram, claiming that for those who attend, it will “support your ministry,” “enrich marriages,” and “deepen your trust in God.”

The event, put on by Covenant Theological Seminary, is set to feature Enneagram coaches Jeff & Beth McCord, the latter of which recently had a list of 6 New Age Enneagram teachers on her website whom she learned from, but has since removed.

According to Joe Carter, the Enneagram is a “categorization tool that classifies human personality into a typology of nine interconnected personality types.” These are all hardwired before birth and includes things like “Type 2 – The Helper (The Caring, Interpersonal Type: Demonstrative, Generous, People-Pleasing, and Possessive).”

As far as its origins go, he explains:

The earliest mention of the Enneagram is found in the writings of the Russian occultist P. D. Ouspensky, who attributes it to his teacher, the Greek American occultist Georges I. Gurdjieff. Gurdjieff considered the Enneagram a symbol of the cosmos, but made no connection with it to personality types.

It was left to another occultist, Óscar Ichazo, to connect the Enneagram to personality. Ichazo claimed to have discovered the personality type meaning of the Enneagram when it was taught to him by the Archangel Metraton while he was high on mescaline.

One of Ichazo’s students, a Chilean-born psychiatrist named Claudio Naranjo (another occultist) was the first to connect the nine points of the Enneagram to nine basic personality types. (Naranjo also appears to be the one to connect the mention of the Enneagram by Gurdjieff and Ouspensky to ancient sources.)

In short, it’s some thoroughly occultic, demonic, new-age woo-woo trash that no Christian should have anything to do with. It has nothing to do with Christianity, nothing to offer or teach Christianity, and is fit to be burned for the pagan heap of bovine scatology that it is.

We’ve reached out to Covenant Seminary for comment and will update this article accordingly.

abortion LGBTQQIP2SAA News Social Justice Wars

Abortion Praised as Sacrament in Shockingly Blasphemous Music Video

Angry pro-life protesters with “Men know better” and “Abortion no. Guns yes” signs protest in garbled, unintelligible words. The Holy Spirit descends down and urges the confused menagerie into a church, where they are met with women in choir robes that and some bizarre pro-choice pope that dance around the altar in front of the cross praising abortion for the glorious wonder that it is, until the protesters, convinced of the error of their ways, rip up their signs and join the blasphemous fray.

And that, in a nutshell, is the new music video by artist and director Viva Ruiz, the ignoble creator of Thank God for Abortion and the artist in residence at “Shout Your Abortion” where she creates content to celebrate the burning, dismemberment, and destruction of babies in an appropriately ghoulish career.

The video is shocking for its visceral imagery and in how blatantly it appropriates and bastardizes Christian themes, purposefully provoking a response perhaps in hopes to hide the fact that the song itself is objectively awful in its composition and lyrical arrangement.

Ruiz acting like the dog proudly running up to it’s owner with a dead kitten in it’s mouth and expecting praise, says of her creation:

TGFA is a spiritual mission to affirm the sanctity of abortion-having people. Queer people, gay people, trans people, and people of faith all have abortions. Where have our narratives been? I have had 2 abortions, am Latinx, queer, fluid, and Christian. [Editor’s Note: No, you are not!] We know that God loves us and we are blessed. We stand as believers intending to claim space for God in the abortion conversation. God has been used against abortion-having people, against LGBTQ people, against women and femme people. We know it’s a blasphemy to use spirit to oppress people.  How can we stand by politely and let God be outright owned by fanatical extremists hellbent on forced pregnancy, the same zealots hellbent on white supremacy? 

Blocking access to abortion is racist, is classist, is ableist, is gender-based violence. We demand that everyone regardless of faith stand with us for reproductive freedom under the banner of bodily autonomy: we belong to ourselves.

The lyrics, which can be seen here in full, feature a few choice lines:

God is cool with me
F*** the state they can’t take it
God is cool with me
F*** the church they only fake it…

God oh god God oh god God oh god God oh god
The power of Christ compels me
You don’t speak for me
I speak for me
Who can tell me what we need to be free
no misogyny
no transmisogny
We got a right to self identity…

Stop torture of women
Get with it!
Fascist politicians
Christian fundamentalists
All the white feminists
Spiritual people
non spiritual people
Creepy racist liberals
and the machistas
we need everybody in this

Straight up though: this thing is demonic from the pit of hell.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured News

Shocking ‘HOLY FIRE BAPTISM’ Video Shows Fruits of the Charismatic Movement

A video has emerged out of the Philippines showing members of the Charismatic and Pentecostal Church, Zion of God, being overtaken by the power of the devi Holy Spirit, in a run-of-the-mill manifestation of the ‘Holy Fire Baptism” that while may seem initially shocking for the uninitiated, is not out of step at what you’d find at many Pentecostal or NAR churches in the United States today.

In fact, this is in line at what you’d see at John Arnot’s Toronto Airport Blessing Revival, Michael Brown’s Brownsville Revival, or Todd Bentley’s Lakeland Revival.

IN JESUS MIGHTY NAME !!! and the listing the location, one of the church’s pastors, Zion Nieva, posted a video showing congregation members speaking in tongues, being slain in the spirt, having the spirit control their extremities, holy laughing, and as the Pents’ like to say when engaged in these sort of definitely biblical activities, “groanings too deep for words.”

We perused the Church’s Facebook page and found more speaking/ preaching in tongues.

We even found a video of their spiritual deliverance ministry- again, all mainstays in the charismatic experience.

Truly, what wonderful fruits of the spirit on display. The diversity in the body of Christ is truly a beautiful thing, especially where there is definitely, totally, for sure nothing completely evil and demonically inspired by any of those activities. Nope. Satan and his minions are most certainly not loving every minute of that. Not at all. Definitely all of Jesus.

abortion Featured News

The Satanic Temple Raffles Free Abortion, Admits Aborting Unborn Babies is a Satanic Ritual

(CBN) The Satanic Temple (TST) has announced it’s raffling a free abortion to promote the organization’s religious abortion ritual, while it argues that its members’ religious rights are exempt from any state laws or any regulations that might block access to abortion services during the first trimester. 

According to TST, the free abortion can be medical or surgical and is transferable upon request.

Headquartered in Salem, Massachusetts, TST describes its new Satanic abortion ritual  as a “spiritual experience designed to instill confidence and self-worth in accordance to TST’s religious beliefs.”  The organization contends those who practice the Satanic abortion ritual are exempt from being subjected to waiting periods, mandatory counseling, forced viewing of sonograms, and reading materials as required in many states.

“TST bases its assertions of abortion mandate exemptions on the protections provided by State Religious Freedom Restoration Acts or RFRA, which generally prohibits the government from substantially interfering with a person’s free exercise of religion,” TST said in a press release.  

The Satanic Temple claims their abortion ritual as practiced by its members is exempt from the existing abortion regulations on the basis of religious liberty. They point to the 2014 Supreme Court ruling that Hobby Lobby as a business had the right not to cover birth control, including abortifacient drugs, as a part of its health care program for its employees, because of its religious beliefs that viewed such a practice as immoral. 

TST says all abortions by its members are religious acts of Satanism and protected under the ruling. 

The organization has also made a sample letter available to all its members to request a religious exemption to abortion restrictions.  Founded in 2012, TST claims to have more than 300,000 members…

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Steve Warren and published at CBN News. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen