
Isaiah Saldivar Teaches that The Apostle Peter Was Demon Possessed

Deliverance minister Isaiah Saldivar, who is quickly becoming one of the prominent and visible representations of the charismatic right on account of a rapidly growing social media presence, continues to teach weird and wonky things to justify his raison d’être. We’ve written about him previously after he claimed that a gospel presentation without signs and wonders is inadequate, and due to his bizarre beliefs on demons impregnating humans and in a literal incubus and succubus.

This time, he teaches that the Apostle Peter was actually demon-possessed when Jesus told him in Matthew 16:23, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.

“Matthew 16, Jesus said to Peter, ‘Satan and get behind me’ because Satan had influence and had entered Peter, Peter being a believer. That’s in Matthew 16. John 13, the Bible says that ‘Satan entered Judas’, another Christian, another believer, another follower of Jesus. 

Now, some of you right now in the comments, you’re gonna say, Isaiah, okay, you gave us two definitions you gave us Peter, you gave us Judas. But what about after they received the Holy Spirit? What about in the book of Acts, there’s no believers in the book of Acts that had a demon.’ Wrong. Let’s go to Acts 4:6…Ananias and Sapphira.”

His interpretation of this is very novel, and this isn’t something that’s been taught in church history, particularly because a few verses back, Peter just confessed to Jesus after being asked who he and the people think he is; ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’ and Jesus, in turn, calls him blessed and gives him the keys to the kingdom of heaven and tells him about the rock that he will build h

h/t iThink Biblically


Apostlette Sets Newborn Baby Free from Demons

While perusing the Instagram page of fake exorcist Kathryn Krick, the result of revealing the extremely popular charismatic was paying a bunch of women to act possessed by demons that she could cast out, we came across the video titled ‘Newborn baby Set Free from Demons. ” The caption reads:

“Jesus delivered a newborn from demons last night! The baby was wailing for so much of the service and then the moment demons were declared to leave the crying immediately stopped! We were all left in awe and broke out in praise to God! Glory to God!”

Despite being theologically nonsensical to suppose that demons are either inhabiting a baby or afflicting it in some way, on account of unconfessed and unbroken ‘generational curses,’ the father tells Krick:

After the baby was delivered, doctors told us the right ear didn’t pass the hearing test, but I believe in my heart that she is healed.

Krick asks “Is there anything over you that you want to renounce? It could be from before you were a Christian. Just say what kind of open door?” to which he replies “I renounce anger. I renounce all the sacrifices in my family. I renounce all generational curses. I renounce every curse word out of my mouth. I renounce the hatred I spoke against the people. I renounce the lies of the devil in Jesus’ name.”

This is enough for Krick, who engages in a bit of wizardry and declares:

I break every generational curse off this family now, and I detach every generational curse off this family now…I break every curse trapped upon these children. On three, every spirit of infirmity, of death and upon this baby wants to leave now in Jesus’ name. On three. One…two..three.*

Truly one of the worst exorcisms we’ve ever seen.

  • This transcript is not perfect, as there was a bad audio, a crying baby, Krick speaking, as well as a translator, and should not be taken as completely accurate, though it is very close.