
Dave Ramsey Under Fire For Allowing Some Sex Outside of Marriage+ ‘World Class B****’ Insult

We have a moral code of conduct at our office. I fire people if they have extramarital affairs. The hilarious thing is I put that on Twitter and people go, “Won’t you get sued for that?” Uh, no, you’re allowed to discriminate against infidelity. I’ve got a right to tell my employees whatever I want to tell them. They freaking work for me. This is an employment-at-will state, which means if I decide I don’t like people with green eyes, I don’t have to hire you. I don’t have to keep you anymore. Dave Ramsey

In the fall of 2018, it was discovered by financial guru Dave Ramey that one of his employees, bestselling author, and radio host Chris Hogan, had cheated on his (now-ex) wife Melissa with a former employee. According to the company’s values and long-held practice, infidelity always results in termination, and so this should have been a swift sacking. Yet Hogan was a star and a major draw, with a tour planned for his book ‘Everyday Millionaire’ just months away.

Rather than treat him like the rest of the employees, where Ramsey previously said in his book EntreLeadership, “I won’t let a team member stay if they decide to have an affair. If their spouse can’t trust them, neither can I” and having a long-term policy of terminating associates who break that moral code, Hogan received special treatment and was allowed to go on tour, with the company unwilling to sacrifice their cash cow, justifying their decision because the affair happened years ago.

After the tour, Hogan took a 30-day sabbatical, with Ramsey informing staff that there was nothing “earth-shattering or evil” about the decision to take time off, but that he simply needed some time off.

In May 2021, Ramsey Solutions was sued by former employee Caitlin O’Connor. She was fired by Dave for that very same thing; breaking the company moral code by having pre-marital sex, and decided to go to court on the grounds that she was unjustly terminated. Looking at the optics of having a well-known policy of firing their staff who fornicate, while making an exception for Hogan, they let him go shortly after.

As part of discovery for this lawsuit, several emails and a deposition were released, including this admission by Ramsey, who was nervous about the Hogan situation being discovered.

I am afraid we are being played after we were warned that he (Chris Hogan) is a world-class liar and manipulator…. We owe God to steward a huge situation with wisdom and thoroughness. If it breaks that he has done some huge things and it looks like we did not dig for truth, and checked boxes, we will not only have lost (Hogan), but will also have a legitimate PR problem of scale, because we covered up a horrible act to line our own pocketbooks.”

During the deposition, O’Connor’s lawyers spend most of the time hammering away at the fact that Ramsey Solutions had a policy to prohibit pre-marital sex but made exceptions for years for Hogan, who is revealed to have engaged in multiple instances of adultery and sexual behavior. This includes in 2018, where Hogan was discovered to have received oral sex from another woman. But because this was not ‘intercourse’ he likewise was not terminated.

Under oath, Ramsey reiterates numerous times that the policy of firing those who violate the moral clause was a matter of principle and something the company was proud of, defining the culture.

If we hold — when we hold ourselves out as Christians to the community, if an employee is doing something that is contrary to standard Christian beliefs, normative Christian beliefs, then the people that we deal with in the Christian community would feel that we are hypocrites, and it would damage our brand….


A large portion of our customer base — in the early days the largest portion of our customer base — are Bible-believing Christians.· And they expect –they — they hold us up to that standard.· And if someone inside of our organization is damaging that brand, it’s a business decision to not retain them…our condoning people having sex outside of marriage can damage our brand.

But condone they did. For years. They only terminated Hogan when the heat and scrutiny go too much. In the deposition, Ramsey acknowledges that Melissa did come to him claiming that her husband had cheated on her again, but he didn’t believe her in light of Chris’ denials and because of the way she acted when she did so. Ramsey described Melissa as:

“Erratic. Completely out of control. Inconsistent. Changing her story. (She) was not a credible source to make a decision on someone’s life with.” (She) lost her credibility because of her behaviors. And so we couldn’t tell any — if anything was saying was true. So she said a lot of things about a lot of people, including me, that weren’t true.”

Later he calls her this nasty little invective:

Melissa disputes the claims that she was acting angry or erratically. She admits she was upset, particularly after being doubted and gaslit after she gave them documentation of her husband’s wrongdoing, only to be accused by the board of making up false claims about Chris and trying to cause trouble. This experience, she would later note, would feel like she was being emotionally raped. Later, Ramsey would disparage her by announcing to the entire staff that she and her husband were going through a “nasty divorce” and that there “there are no angels in this story,” suggesting equally bad behavior.

Clearly, not all is well, honorable ,or upright at Ramsey Solutions.


Dave Ramsey Trending on Twitter and Getting Torched for this ‘Unchristian’ Advice

Evangelical Financial Guru Dave Ramsey is trending on Twitter over some recent advice he gave a Landlord who was struggling with the decision over whether or not to raise the rent on properties he owns, with the vast majority of commenters critiquing him for his “unchristian” perspective and blasting him as a greedy, uncaring capitalist that most assuredly was not giving sound advice.

The ‘caller’ noted that the market rate for the property he owns has gone up significantly, and therefore he could get a lot more out of them if he raised the rent, but was struggling over whether or not he as a Christian should do that, as it would result in several tenants being forced to leave their homes and may reflect poorly on his faith. Ramsey had this advice:

Okay, I own rental property, single family homes, among many other properties that we own. And if I raise my rent to be market rate, that does not make me a bad Christian.

I did not displace the person out of that house, if they can no longer afford it, the marketplace did. The economy did. The ratio of the income that they earned to their housing expense displaced them. I didn’t cause any of that.

And so you are not displacing them. You’re taking too much credit for what’s going on. If they need to move to a cheaper house, because they can’t afford they’re going to move to a lesser house, because if they move they’re going to pay market rent.

Ramsey later continues that on occasion he will ‘have a heart’ and in the spirit of treating other people as he would want to be treated will occasionally give people breaks if they fall under hardships and will ‘work with them’ the best he can, but when it comes to cases where people have jobs and their job income ensures that they can’t afford fair market value, then that is a different matter altogether.

Despite the wailing and gnashing of teeth from pagans and ‘christian’ progressives, we see no issue with what he is saying.

Sounds good to us.

Evangelical Stuff News

Dave Ramsay Fires Staffer for Having Premarital Sex – and She’s Not the First

Evangelical Financial Guru Dave Ramsay has come under fire for terminating the employment of one of his staff members who became pregnant, an action he says isn’t tied to her pregnancy at all, but how she got pregnant in the first place.

Caitlin O’Connor, a former administrative assistant in the company filed a lawsuit against Ramsay alleging she was terminated for being pregnant. She says that she was let go after seeking paperwork on filing for maternity leave. She explains in her lawsuit:

Ramsey Solutions’s termination of Ms. O’Connor interfered with her right to take FMLA leave, discriminated against her due to her sex, pregnancy, religion, and disability, and was in retaliation for becoming pregnant, requesting FMLA, and/or her disabilities.

As a result of her termination, she is seeking a jury trial; a judgment against Ramsay Solutions on all counts; back pay and damages for lost benefits; reinstatement or front pay; compensatory damages for embarrassment, humiliation, stress, anxiety, inconvenience, and loss of enjoyment of life; punitive damages; and attorneys’ fees and expenses.

Lawyers for Ramsay say that she wasn’t fired for being pregnant, but rather for violating their company conduct policy which includes their long-standing “righteous living” section. This policy is applied evenly to all 800 employees and prohibits them from engaging in premarital sex, a policy that is freely acknowledged in her own lawsuit.

As a result of the lawsuit, court filings revealed that Ramsey Solutions took disciplinary action against at least 12 other employees for having sex before marriage in recent years, resulting in most of them quitting or resigning before they could be fired.

In fact, company lawyers say that they terminate every employee who engaged in premarital sex.  And because Tennessee is an at-will state, they are more than protected. A Q&A on their company website makes this very clear, with Ramsay explaining:

We have a moral code of conduct at our office. I fire people if they have extramarital affairs. The hilarious thing is I put that on Twitter and people go, “Won’t you get sued for that?” Uh, no, you’re allowed to discriminate against infidelity. I’ve got a right to tell my employees whatever I want to tell them. They freaking work for me. This is an employment-at-will state, which means if I decide I don’t like people with green eyes, I don’t have to hire you. I don’t have to keep you anymore.